Mystery Babylon(babel on)

you are being naive,you are supposed to study history so you learn from it's repetitive nature thus it's emulations.
Why else would there be grade school and college history classes texts and lectures? I would include the History channel but that's now the Alien conspiracy channel.🤦
So when not recognizing history, you miss the fact that in a communist atheist society, the god mask is now Mother Earth which is used now as the second horn masking the Political authority wgich is benefactor behind the tithes to mother earth liken to the church collecting money for a god who has holes in his hands, Global green initiatives collecting taxes and invading many kingdoms under the guise of climate change which was global warming (my a/c only ran 3 short cycles all this season-go figure🤷 ).
So all they did was swap out the mask, but it's the same method of scam and control.

The Babylonian Empire was caput by 539 BC. Blather on.
The Babylonian Empire was caput by 539 BC. Blather on.
once again you are naive,
Saddam tried to resurrect the splendor and greed and even the power grab of Babylon, he even admitted trying to emulate Nebuchadnezzar.
Hence you asked about the 3 layers of prophecy, well here's an example:
Isaiah 14:12-17 the Sages write about the 1)historical
thus they say it's about Nebuchadnezzar, but it's also prophecy regarding the fallen star, the
2) repeat history emulation by Saddam, found disheveled in a pit as people asked was this frail man the same that shook the nations?
and 3) spiritual emulation whereby Jesus claimed the morning star (rev 22:16) fell to the pit and was pierced everything in Isaiah 14:12-17 is describing the fallen false prophet used as a spiritual image as that mask of political authority that speaks and commands authority theough that image.
So preachers saying a political authority will lift the fallen false prophet to deceive the world has already occured when Constantine had his luciferous dream and sign of the beast the cross (sign of death and destruction).

Now go ahead, twll me Saddam wasn't the emulation in Isaiah 14 that you missed until it was too late.
Did he not invade Many kingdoms when his bath party became Isis and they caused mass migration into Europe? You do realize that was his Baath party grand scheme right? So if Babylon invaded many territories then and the wanna be Babylon has done it now, the mystery is in how you missed the obvious repeat history.
once again you are naive,
Saddam tried to resurrect the splendor and greed and even the power grab of Babylon, he even admitted trying to emulate Nebuchadnezzar.
Hence you asked about the 3 layers of prophecy, well here's an example:
Isaiah 14:12-17 the Sages write about the 1)historical
thus they say it's about Nebuchadnezzar, but it's also prophecy regarding the fallen star, the
2) repeat history emulation by Saddam, found disheveled in a pit as people asked was this frail man the same that shook the nations?
and 3) spiritual emulation whereby Jesus claimed the morning star (rev 22:16) fell to the pit and was pierced everything in Isaiah 14:12-17 is describing the fallen false prophet used as a spiritual image as that mask of political authority that speaks and commands authority theough that image.
So preachers saying a political authority will lift the fallen false prophet to deceive the world has already occured when Constantine had his luciferous dream and sign of the beast the cross (sign of death and destruction).

Now go ahead, twll me Saddam wasn't the emulation in Isaiah 14 that you missed until it was too late.
Did he not invade Many kingdoms when his bath party became Isis and they caused mass migration into Europe? You do realize that was his Baath party grand scheme right? So if Babylon invaded many territories then and the wanna be Babylon has done it now, the mystery is in how you missed the obvious repeat history.

Lol. Have you ever been to Iraq before the war?

Saddam as Isaiah? You're a crackpot.
Lol. Have you ever been to Iraq before the war?

Saddam as Isaiah? You're a crackpot.
As Isaiah? What is wrong with your comprehension & correlation?
Who said "as"? Did you miss-type and mean "in"?
Gotcha! What was the day he was found in that pit disheveled?
14th day of the 12th month how they write dates in that part of the world 14:12.

Many MANY events are dated via the verses they are being described. No other texts can say that, not the Quran, Not the NT, but thanks for calling Christian Evangelists crackpots for placing Jesus "in" Isaiah 53.
Following is From: Keepers of the Unpopular Truth
(c) Copyright 2001 by Michael HaShev.
All Rights Reserved.

Revelation 17:6,9,18

"And I saw the woman (Vatican) drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her I wondered with great admiration ... And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth ... And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth."

[Note that scholars place the era of this Revelation at approximately 95 A.D. The city which then ruled the world was Rome, literally built on seven hills. We also know this woman seduced many kingdoms as the harlot which had many offspring (sects) and they did actually reign over the kings of the earth.]

'Scarlet Beast' (Revelation 17:4 ) wearing red and purple (color rich men used)and covered in gold and riches holding a gold cup filled with its iniquities and social injustices sits in the Vatican as the continuation of the ruler of the SEA (Rome).
This all describes the Vatican.
All the Kingdoms of the earth, especially the ten mentioned in Dan, have slept with this Harlot who lifted high the harlot Mary and her half Roman son Yeshu (father was Roman soldier Pantheras).

Rev 18:3 For all the nations have drunk the maddening wine of her adulteries. The kings of the earth committed adultery with her, and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries.

Rev 18:12 the Beast of Babylonian Mysteries is described in what is found in the Vatican, the articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble, and the scarlet and purple cloth and silk.

Which religion always talks about the Mysteries?

Which faith can't explain anything so they resort to calling it a mystery?

The title mystery comes from the cult mystery religions that were all compiled to create one world religious order.
As for "Mystery," that name marked on the woman's forehead is the perfect indication of the Vatican City. These Mysteries are at the very heart of Roman Catholic practice and teachings.

A dead giveaway is in the words "Mysterium fide" pronounced at the alleged transformation of the bread and wine into the literal body and blood of Christ.

Every sacrament and ritual, from baptism to laying on of the hands, manifests the mysterious power which the deceived must faithfully believe the priests� exercise.

Perfect examples:
The fifteen mysteries of the rosary are divided into three orders:
the joyful mysteries, the sorrowful mysteries, and the glorious mysteries.
Many of these Mysterys are that they are of fron the story of Bel. (resource predated Bel Tablets)*

The 5 Joyful Mysteries

� The Mystery of the Annunciation

� The Mystery of the Visitation (luciferous light visitations to the apostles, Paul, Constantine)

� The Mystery of the Birth of the Lord (dEC25TH BEING bAAL'S bIRTHDAY, cave/barn story from Bel Tablet)

� The Mystery of the Presentation in the Temple (TAKEN FROM BEL'S STORY-PREDATED TABLETS)
� The Mystery of Finding Jesus in the Temple (taken from Bel Tablets)

The 5 Sorrowful Mysteries

� The Mystery of the Agony in the Garden (bel Tablet rip off)

� The Mystery of the Scourging at the Pillar (forbidden persian Pillars scripture warns of)

� The Mystery of the Crowning with Thorns (baal Tablet plagiarism exact storys)

� The Mystery of Jesus carrying his cross (mithraic image used by the Bascilica prexisted in Mithraic temples they reused)

� The Mystery of the Crucifixion (Yeshu son of Mary was hanged not crucified (read Acts) the cross=symbol of death which is what this topic is about)

The 5 Glorious Mysteries

� The Mystery of the Resurrection (bel Tablet rip off)

� The Mystery of the Ascension of Our Lord (Bel story)

� The Mystery of the Descent of the Holy Spirit (son of perdition Ezekiel 28)

� The Mystery of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin (the mother harlot)

� The Mystery of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin (Mother Ishtar-Isis Babylonian mythology)

Is anything known or is everything a mystery to explain the fact they know nothing, these priests who claim to be the mediator between G0D and mankind?

One of the mystery religions that Rome Absorbed involved the Philistine idol of the fish-man god called Dagon, also referred to as the devil was Baal's father.
Baal's son was the Morning Star-Rev 22:16 Jesus is being claimed Baal's son that is the mystery.

*source for Bel Tablet:
Everyone should read this book:

As Isaiah? What is wrong with your comprehension & correlation?
Who said "as"? Did you miss-type and mean "in"?
Gotcha! What was the day he was found in that pit disheveled?
14th day of the 12th month how they write dates in that part of the world 14:12.

Many MANY events are dated via the verses they are being described. No other texts can say that, not the Quran, Not the NT, but thanks for calling Christian Evangelists crackpots for placing Jesus "in" Isaiah 53.

Saddam just wanted to attract tourism.


All through the Old Testament various prophets scold Israel for her harlotry.. for whoring after false gods.

Rome was not part of that history... Babylon was.

Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. Rev 11:8
The problem is you are mixing two different subjects up.. When prophets “ scold” Israel for her harlotry they are saying it in a way that a Husband would say to a wayward wife who is commiting adultery or fornicating with another man who is not her husband. Itis being explained in human terms in a poetic for example you straying from your husband Surada and how your husband would feel about that….You are wrong about Rome because she followed in the footsteps of Babylon by emulating her ways … Basically it was the same pathway but a different mask to cover the age old scam that has always been used to fleece the population of not only their wealth but creating servitude as well …It does not matter how many years passed between the two empires as the Romans always took from other cultures and emulated and stole and used whatever they could to further their cause which was power and wealth and control…
No Saddam ego wanted to restore and emulate what Nebudhudnessar did that is why he was so interested in destroying Israel like his predesessor did if you can’t see that then you are blinder then I thought..
and his son Uday was as dangerous as Belshazzar, if we learned anything from history.
The problem is you are mixing two different subjects up.. When prophets “ scold” Israel for her harlotry they are saying it in a way that a Husband would say to a wayward wife who is commiting adultery or fornicating with another man who is not her husband. Itis being explained in human terms in a poetic for example you straying from your husband Surada and how your husband would feel about that….You are wrong about Rome because she followed in the footsteps of Babylon by emulating her ways … Basically it was the same pathway but a different mask to cover the age old scam that has always been used to fleece the population of not only their wealth but creating servitude as well …It does not matter how many years passed between the two empires as the Romans always took from other cultures and emulated and stole and used whatever they could to further their cause which was power and wealth and control…

Israel was influenced by Babylon not Rome. Rome had basically no connection to Babylon. Babylon was over by 539 BC. Rome didn't conquer Israel until after the Greeks and Persians ..63 BC..or was it 93 BC.

Israel also took from other cultures like Egypt, Samaria, Dilmun and the Ugarit .

The harlotry of Israel was about chasing false gods not personal marriage.
No Saddam ego wanted to restore and emulate what Nebudhudnessar did that is why he was so interested in destroying Israel like his predesessor did if you can’t see that then you are blinder then I thought..

Saddam Hussein wanted tourists. He was no threat to Israel or his neighbors. Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. Shame on Clean Break Strategy and the dual citizen signatories of the PNAC for a cruel and completely unnecessary war.

The book of Daniel is mostly fiction written in 164 BC after Antiochus IV Epiphanies defiled the temple and tried to Hellenize the Jews.
Israel was influenced by Babylon not Rome. Rome had basically no connection to Babylon. Babylon was over by 539 BC. Rome didn't conquer Israel until after the Greeks and Persians ..63 BC..or was it 93 BC.

Israel also took from other cultures like Egypt, Samaria, Dilmun and the Ugarit .

The harlotry of Israel was about chasing false gods not personal marriage.
You seem to have a problem with comprehension and are being obtuse .. Once again Rome emulated and copied past civilizations and took what was theirs for themselves… They took from the Greeks who took from the Babylonians before them this cannot be denied …Rome, scorned by its contemporaries as evil and unholy, but glorified and considered the master engineers of the past by future admirers, was not the first civilization to share these paradoxes. Babylon is commonly regarded as a civilization of splendour and monuments, with the first laws and earliest instances of mathematics and literature being under its belt. As a result, the Romans had often been regarded as the “Western Babylon” but the context of this term is not as straightforward as it seems. The facts are that Rome emulated Babylon not just in taking on her persona with a different mask or face but she also followed in her footsteps by sacking Jerusalem destroying the temple and dispersing the Jews and replacing it with their own perverse setup in Rome where they spread to every corner of the world using that new mask called Christianity which was a perversion of what was taught in Jerusalem to exert power influence and control over the multitudes of peoples who came under their sway thus perfecting the Babylonian ways as only the Romans could do If you can’t see that or continue to deny this as I said before you are truly blind…

Saddam Hussein wanted tourists. He was no threat to Israel or his neighbors. Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. Shame on Clean Break Strategy and the dual citizen signatories of the PNAC for a cruel and completely unnecessary war.

The book of Daniel is mostly fiction written in 164 BC after Antiochus IV Epiphanies defiled the temple and tried to Hellenize the Jews.
Tell that to the Kurds or the Kuwaitis or the Iranians before them…. Saddam hero was Nebudhudnessar and he emulated him every which way he could … You are being foolish by denying this…
and his son Uday was as dangerous as Belshazzar, if we learned anything from history.
History always repeats but never quite the same and if we learn from the past we can avoid repeating it but only if we are proactive and stand up for what is right and just and needs to be done…
You seem to have a problem with comprehension and are being obtuse .. Once again Rome emulated and copied past civilizations and took what was theirs for themselves… They took from the Greeks who took from the Babylonians before them this cannot be denied …Rome, scorned by its contemporaries as evil and unholy, but glorified and considered the master engineers of the past by future admirers, was not the first civilization to share these paradoxes. Babylon is commonly regarded as a civilization of splendour and monuments, with the first laws and earliest instances of mathematics and literature being under its belt.

As a result, the Romans had often been regarded as the “Western Babylon” but the context of this term is not as straightforward as it seems. The facts are that Rome emulated Babylon not just in taking on her persona with a different mask or face but she also followed in her footsteps by sacking Jerusalem destroying the temple and dispersing the Jews and replacing it with their own perverse setup in Rome where they spread to every corner of the world using that new mask called Christianity which was a perversion of what was taught in Jerusalem to exert power influence and control over the multitudes of peoples who came under their sway thus perfecting the Babylonian ways as only the Romans could do If you can’t see that or continue to deny this as I said before you are truly blind…

The Romans had no experience of Babylon. They had no contact with them .. there were two civilizations and 600 years between them.
You seem to have a problem with comprehension and are being obtuse .. Once again Rome emulated and copied past civilizations and took what was theirs for themselves… They took from the Greeks who took from the Babylonians before them this cannot be denied …Rome, scorned by its contemporaries as evil and unholy, but glorified and considered the master engineers of the past by future admirers, was not the first civilization to share these paradoxes. Babylon is commonly regarded as a civilization of splendour and monuments, with the first laws and earliest instances of mathematics and literature being under its belt. As a result, the Romans had often been regarded as the “Western Babylon” but the context of this term is not as straightforward as it seems. The facts are that Rome emulated Babylon not just in taking on her persona with a different mask or face but she also followed in her footsteps by sacking Jerusalem destroying the temple and dispersing the Jews and replacing it with their own perverse setup in Rome where they spread to every corner of the world using that new mask called Christianity which was a perversion of what was taught in Jerusalem to exert power influence and control over the multitudes of peoples who came under their sway thus perfecting the Babylonian ways as only the Romans could do If you can’t see that or continue to deny this as I said before you are truly blind…

The Romans were proud of their unique ability to rule, but they acknowledged Greek leadership in the fields of art, architecture, literature, and philosophy. By the second century B. C., Romans had conquered Greece and had come to greatly admire Greek culture.
Lol...Coming from you Ding the mad poster of inane ramblings... Are you looking for me to post back to you so you can make another post about nothing..Okay go ahead give it a shot...Or a Ding in your case....

The Babylonian empire destroyed Jerusalem, including the first Temple, blinded the Jewish king and took him prisoner, and exiled the population - or a big chunk of it - for about seventy years, until it was, in turn, destroyed by the Persian empire.
I remember that they tried to scare everyone that their computers would fail and society would collapse in 2000 and yet here we are seventeen years later suffering no ill effects... Do you think they will come up with another con to keep their con game going or are they getting ready to throw in the proverbial towel and cry uncle...One thing is for sure they will have a tough time converting the coming robots to buy their malarky .. Maybe they will be the ones to finally TERMINATE it after all if ARNOLD could RETURN time and time again isnt he more fulfilled then their Jesus who could not RETURN even once unless we are counting the falliscious accounts of the gospels which contradict each other and poor Paul who alone saw that LUCIFEROUS light...But then again the Terminator was a fantasy story just like the gospels so they have much in common to say the least.....I ll be
I had not retired before the potential 2000 world collapse.

I remember the effort the company I was working for (a well known U.S. corporation) put into updating its software to prevent problems. It was a major effort and involved a good number of people and testing of the revised software.

I imagine other companies took the change over seriously which is why we had no major problems.
I had not retired before the potential 2000 world collapse.

I remember the effort the company I was working for (a well known U.S. corporation) put into updating its software to prevent problems. It was a major effort and involved a good number of people and testing of the revised software.

I imagine other companies took the change over seriously which is why we had no major problems.

I don't know a single person that was afraid of 2000.

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