Imagine If It Was a Jew Doing It In the Name of Their Faith


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Do you think the usual suspects would jump out and warn against anti semitism after each terrorist attack if it was done in the name of the Jewish faith?

1993 WTC bombing.
9/11/01 attacks.
2002 Beltway sniper attacks
2013 Boston Marathon bombing.
2014 hatched attacks on NYPD
2015 Draw Mohammed cartoon attack
2015 Gun attacks on US military installations
2015 Company Christmas party slaughter
2016 Orlando homosexual bar mass murder
2016 NY and NJ bombings
2016 Ohio State attack
2017 NYC truck attack
2022 Attack on book author

Nope. While no one is going after Muslims after all these attacks done in the name of their religion, you could bet the Left would not be silent in going after Jews.

Look at today. Jews in Israel get slaughtered and so the Left attack Jews in America.

Do you think the usual suspects would jump out and warn against anti semitism after each terrorist attack if it was done in the name of the Jewish faith?

1993 WTC bombing.
9/11/01 attacks.
2002 Beltway sniper attacks
2013 Boston Marathon bombing.
2014 hatched attacks on NYPD
2015 Draw Mohammed cartoon attack
2015 Gun attacks on US military installations
2015 Company Christmas party slaughter
2016 Orlando homosexual bar mass murder
2016 NY and NJ bombings
2016 Ohio State attack
2017 NYC truck attack
2022 Attack on book author

Nope. While no one is going after Muslims after all these attacks done in the name of their religion, you could bet the Left would not be silent in going after Jews.

Look at today. Jews in Israel get slaughtered and so the Left attack Jews in America.

There is no antisemitism or racism in the USA. Not from any position of power …There has been attacks on people who are holding flags of Israel, but there’s also been pro-Israeli people who have attacked Palestinian protesters. So that’s gone both ways. But in no way shape or form is it appropriate to accuse Americans of antisemitism or racism. It’s the media and Hollywood attempting to drive a division.

You’re getting gaslighted big-time by the media. Look at what Israel is doing in Gaza right now. And Many Israelis have said the October 7 attack was a false flag. Not to mention the entire concept goes way back before October 7. Honesty is a part of Christianity and we all have to be honest about that situation.

Don’t forget the holocaust the greatest terrorist action ever in history committed by white Christians against 6 million Jews. How does that compare to Whatever attacks you listed in your original post?

We would think that according to what the extreme pro Israel folks are saying that Palestinians are launching constant attacks on Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. its the opposite Israel has done whatever it wants in Palestine with no repercussion from any countries including Muslim ones. And that’s without aid people like to complain about Republicans and Democrats holding up aid to Israel for six months… well It didn’t matter. Israel is in full control of the situation. That’s what happens when they face Palestinians who Have no military to defend them.
are you Jewish? Because I am, and I live in the US and have encountered actual anti-Semitism many times.
I’m catholic of Irish and Italian background, my friend. I know Muslims, including my relatives who are Muslim who have experienced as Islamophobia . But it’s very rare.

I will not say Americans in general have some kind of bigotry problem that’s inappropriate and divisive.

I would ask you to also respond to the core point of my post because you’re responsible above isn’t really a proper response to what was said. I mean 30,000 Palestinians have been killed and you’re complaining about somebody calling you a name is that what you’re trying to do? I’ve even had people make racist comments against me for being white from time to time, but it doesn’t really mean much in the grand scheme of things.
There is no antisemitism or racism in the USA. Not from any position of power …There has been attacks on people who are holding flags of Israel, but there’s also been pro-Israeli people who have attacked Palestinian protesters. So that’s gone both ways. But in no way shape or form is it appropriate to accuse Americans of antisemitism or racism. It’s the media and Hollywood attempting to drive a division.

You’re getting gaslighted big-time by the media. Look at what Israel is doing in Gaza right now. And Many Israelis have said the October 7 attack was a false flag. Not to mention the entire concept goes way back before October 7. Honesty is a part of Christianity and we all have to be honest about that situation.

Don’t forget the holocaust the greatest terrorist action ever in history committed by white Christians against 6 million Jews. How does that compare to Whatever attacks you listed in your original post?

We would think that according to what the extreme pro Israel folks are saying that Palestinians are launching constant attacks on Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. its the opposite Israel has done whatever it wants in Palestine with no repercussion from any countries including Muslim ones. And that’s without aid people like to complain about Republicans and Democrats holding up aid to Israel for six months… well It didn’t matter. Israel is in full control of the situation. That’s what happens when they face Palestinians who Have no military to defend them.



Do you expect folks to take you seriously when you start your post off with that?
You can think whatever you want. I have a huge number of positive rep points. So that speak volumes.

Quote some of the many points I made and respond to it with substance.

It’s inappropriate to suggest the American people have some kind of racism or anti-Semitism problem. It’s actually evil. It is inherently going to divide the country. There has been pro Israel protesters and pro Palestinian protesters who have attacked each other. But in a country of over 300 million people, it is extraordinarily rare for somebody to be attacked because of their religion or skin color.
You’re a racist antisemitic loon.

You’ve made no attempt to engage in honest conversation. Nowhere did I personally attack you and here you are provoking personal insults from behind a computer screen. You’re using BLM tactics simply calling people racist without providing any argument.

Quote Some of the points I made and respond to them specifically.

You’ve made no attempt to engage in honest conversation. Nowhere did I personally attack you and here you are provoking personal insults from behind a computer screen. You’re using BLM tactics simply calling people racist without providing any argument.

Quote Some of the points I made and respond to them specifically.
There is no antisemitism or racism in the USA.
You can think whatever you want. I have a huge number of positive rep points. So let’s speak volumes.

Quote some the many points I made and respond to it with substance.

What substance do you expect in response to your abjectly ignorant statement that "There is no antisemitism or racism in the USA."

How many examples antisemitism or racism in the US would convince you otherwise? 10, 10,000, 100,000?

This is now the fourth or fifth post. Quote Some of the points I made and respond to them specifically.

Now that I recall, you’re not really polite when it comes to conversations, I asked you what you were doing in an Israeli settlement when you were living there and you didn’t respond. I would write paragraphs to you and you would respond with one or two lines, that is very rude. You need to do a better job in your responses. put some time and effort into your posts.

This is now the fourth or fifth post. Quote Some of the points I made and respond to them specifically.

Now that I recall, you’re not really polite when it comes to conversations, I asked you what you were doing in an Israeli settlement when you were living there and you didn’t respond. I would write paragraph to you and you would respond with one or two lines that is very rude. You need to do a better job in your responses. put some time and effort into your posts.
There is no antisemitism or racism in the USA.
What substance do you expect in response to your abjectly ignorant statement that "There is no antisemitism or racism in the USA."

How many examples antisemitism or racism in the US would convince you otherwise? 10, 10,000, 100,000?
That’s your opinion. But I have many positive rep points, so I’m obviously posting the right things on this message board. I have an overwhelming number of positive reactions.

Many points were made by me you should quote them and respond to them with substance. You’ve continue to only talk about one sentence I made while ignoring or not responding to the multitude of points. I have made my friend.

It’s a country over 300 million people and the vast majority of the country is not racist or anti-Semitic. You’re probably thinking of examples of pro-Israel protesters getting attacked for holding an Israeli flag. That’s not antisemitism. That’s a political issue. Likewise with pro Palestine protesters being attacked by pro-Israel people. Now compare that to 30,000 Palestinians being killed by the IDF and you could realize you are being gaslighted.

Now when somebody in the media on SportsCenter or CNN says white people are privileged that doesn’t mean that there is a racism problem against white by blacks in general. It’s safe to say most American people are good hard-working people that do not agree with the narrative from Hollywood in the media.

This idea that anti Semitism is a problem in America is a BLM tactic from pro Israel supporters. It is an evil suggestion. It’s no different and saying that racism against blacks is a problem in America. It’s done to divide people.

Well travel across the USA we can see that most Americans are good honest people who reject racism.
I’m catholic of Irish and Italian background, my friend. I know Muslims, including my relatives who are Muslim who have experienced as Islamophobia . But it’s very rare.

I will not say Americans in general have some kind of bigotry problem that’s inappropriate and divisive.

I would ask you to also respond to the core point of my post because you’re responsible above isn’t really a proper response to what was said. I mean 30,000 Palestinians have been killed and you’re complaining about somebody calling you a name is that what you’re trying to do? I’ve even had people make racist comments against me for being white from time to time, but it doesn’t really mean much in the grand scheme of things.
You made a statement and I made a counter claim based in actual experience. Now you would rather I address some other aspect. I'm not complaining about anything, just proving you are wrong. As for the casualty count in Gaza, the numbers are highly contested and unreliable and even granting them any credence, all those numbers do is prove that the ratio of civilians to terrorists killed is lower than in other conflicts.

So if you want to complain about some phantom numbers and say that people's being killed isn't nice, you just go an do that. You are wrong about your initial claim and are relying on mistakes for your later one.

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