Imagine If It Was a Jew Doing It In the Name of Their Faith

I will never forget the Beltway Snipers of 2002. One of their shootings took place in the parking lot of where my favorite male cousin worked at the time. Thankfully he had already gone home for the day when the two monsters showed up. The older one, John Muhammad, was executed seven years later. The other one, John Lee Malvo, who was only 16 then, is currently serving a life without parole sentence.

God bless you and my cousin and the families of the seventeen victims always!!!

Look at what Israel is doing in Gaza right now. And Many Israelis have said the October 7 attack was a false flag. Not to mention the entire concept goes way back before October 7.
This nonsense is why I put this guy on ignore. Yeah, I clicked to view to follow this conversation. He hasn't changed.
This is why I love Tiktok. Where does are you going to see hysterical liberals out themselves like this 😂

I’m catholic of Irish and Italian background, my friend. I know Muslims, including my relatives who are Muslim who have experienced as Islamophobia . But it’s very rare.

I will not say Americans in general have some kind of bigotry problem that’s inappropriate and divisive.

I would ask you to also respond to the core point of my post because you’re responsible above isn’t really a proper response to what was said. I mean 30,000 Palestinians have been killed and you’re complaining about somebody calling you a name is that what you’re trying to do? I’ve even had people make racist comments against me for being white from time to time, but it doesn’t really mean much in the grand scheme of things.
The thread spoke of Islamist committing acts of terrorism in the U.S, and this as opposed to the Jews doing anything of the sort or doing anything even comparable to such terrorist attacks or hatred being committed by different individual's within the U.S. and also being done by such radical individuals who are doing so mainly in there religion's name........

Hatred committed by those whom sought to sew chaos and anarchy in a place that they just can't deal with (America), and it all being because of theiŕ unwavering no give in being found in their religion, but you attempted to deflect by trying to suggest that the thread was somehow saying something that sparked your defense that hey racism or terrorism exist in all facets of American society, so otherwise you are saying "don't just bring up these Jihadist attacks", otherwise in a bid to paint the Jewish religion as a religion of peace in comparison right ????

The score card for Islamist jihad don't look to good, especially in comparison to American Jews in the USA or overseas being peaceful and steadfast by any means possible.

Now Israel taking care of business after what happen to them in that country on October the 7th, is truly an honorable thing in memory of the poor hostages who have been unfortunately killed by the evil people or for the one's who are still alive.
Do you think the usual suspects would jump out and warn against anti semitism after each terrorist attack if it was done in the name of the Jewish faith?

1993 WTC bombing.
9/11/01 attacks.
2002 Beltway sniper attacks
2013 Boston Marathon bombing.
2014 hatched attacks on NYPD
2015 Draw Mohammed cartoon attack
2015 Gun attacks on US military installations
2015 Company Christmas party slaughter
2016 Orlando homosexual bar mass murder
2016 NY and NJ bombings
2016 Ohio State attack
2017 NYC truck attack
2022 Attack on book author

Nope. While no one is going after Muslims after all these attacks done in the name of their religion, you could bet the Left would not be silent in going after Jews.

Look at today. Jews in Israel get slaughtered and so the Left attack Jews in America.

The Jews of Israel created their racist, apartheid state through acts of terror, and they've never abandoned their need to use violence and intimidation, especially against civilians in pursuit of political/economic aims:

Zionist political violence - Wikipedia.

"In the pre-state period (1920s-1940s), Zionist paramilitaries like the Irgun, Lehi, Haganah and Palmach engaged in violent campaigns against British authorities, Palestinian Arabs, and internal Jewish dissenters to advance their political goals.

"Targets included security personnel, government figures, civilians, and infrastructure.

"After Israel's establishment in 1948, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and other state security forces continued to employ violence against Palestinian and neighboring Arab populations during the 1948 war, subsequent Arab-Israeli wars, and the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip."
The Jews of Israel created their racist, apartheid state through acts of terror, and they've never abandoned their need to use violence and intimidation, especially against civilians in pursuit of political/economic aims:

Zionist political violence - Wikipedia.

"In the pre-state period (1920s-1940s), Zionist paramilitaries like the Irgun, Lehi, Haganah and Palmach engaged in violent campaigns against British authorities, Palestinian Arabs, and internal Jewish dissenters to advance their political goals.

"Targets included security personnel, government figures, civilians, and infrastructure.

"After Israel's establishment in 1948, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and other state security forces continued to employ violence against Palestinian and neighboring Arab populations during the 1948 war, subsequent Arab-Israeli wars, and the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip."
1/3 of Israel is Arab.
Arabs serve as elected officials in the Israeli government.
Arabs serve in the IDF.

One Jew in Gaza - murder.
How many Jews serve in the Gaza government or military?

How many homosexuals in Gaza?
They get murdered.
You should go there.
1/3 of Israel is Arab.
Arabs serve as elected officials in the Israeli government.
Arabs serve in the IDF.

One Jew in Gaza - murder.
How many Jews serve in the Gaza government or military?

How many homosexuals in Gaza?
They get murdered.
You should go there.
Arabs are second class citizens inside the Jewish state which should be obvious to anyone capable of understanding what the phrase "Jewish state" means; it means Jews are privileged over non-jews as you would expect from any ethno-supremacist state like Israel: (P. 9/40)

"The principles of an ethnocratic system include:

"1. The control of an ethnic group on the State system.

"2. Focusing on ethnicity (and religion) and not citizenship, as a basic principle of the distribution of resources and abilities and undermining the 'people'(citizens in general).

"3. A gradual ethnic process of politics based on ethnic classes.4. A permanent state of instability.

"5. The ethnocratic logic provides tools for understanding societies that prefers one certain group over others; it also dominates the dynamics between different ethnic groups."
Arabs are second class citizens inside the Jewish state which should be obvious to anyone capable of understanding what the phrase "Jewish state" means; it means Jews are privileged over non-jews as you would expect from any ethno-supremacist state like Israel: (P. 9/40)

"The principles of an ethnocratic system include:

"1. The control of an ethnic group on the State system.

"2. Focusing on ethnicity (and religion) and not citizenship, as a basic principle of the distribution of resources and abilities and undermining the 'people'(citizens in general).

"3. A gradual ethnic process of politics based on ethnic classes.4. A permanent state of instability.

"5. The ethnocratic logic provides tools for understanding societies that prefers one certain group over others; it also dominates the dynamics between different ethnic groups."
How do Jews fare in Gaza?
How many Jews in the Gaza government?
How many Jews in the Gaza military?
Arabs are second class citizens inside the Jewish state which should be obvious to anyone capable of understanding what the phrase "Jewish state" means; it means Jews are privileged over non-jews as you would expect from any ethno-supremacist state like Israel: (P. 9/40)

"The principles of an ethnocratic system include:

"1. The control of an ethnic group on the State system.

"2. Focusing on ethnicity (and religion) and not citizenship, as a basic principle of the distribution of resources and abilities and undermining the 'people'(citizens in general).

"3. A gradual ethnic process of politics based on ethnic classes.4. A permanent state of instability.

"5. The ethnocratic logic provides tools for understanding societies that prefers one certain group over others; it also dominates the dynamics between different ethnic groups."
Superbadbrother high fives George, because he's thinking that George's word's should have been written about America, and the white Christians instead about the JEWS.

The problem with George and Superbro's premise or narrative though, is that they can't seem to separate the bad element's that are intimidating and dominating within their own race's, and they won't or can't stop them from dragging them down into the gutter also, otherwise so if they don't agree like the uncle Tom's and Aunt Melinda's do, you know in which gives them independence and liberty instead of slavery in their minds, then they are sell outs etc according to George and Superbro.
Arabs are second class citizens inside the Jewish state which should be obvious to anyone capable of understanding what the phrase "Jewish state" means; it means Jews are privileged over non-jews as you would expect from any ethno-supremacist state like Israel: (P. 9/40)

"The principles of an ethnocratic system include:

"1. The control of an ethnic group on the State system.

"2. Focusing on ethnicity (and religion) and not citizenship, as a basic principle of the distribution of resources and abilities and undermining the 'people'(citizens in general).

"3. A gradual ethnic process of politics based on ethnic classes.4. A permanent state of instability.

"5. The ethnocratic logic provides tools for understanding societies that prefers one certain group over others; it also dominates the dynamics between different ethnic groups."
clearly, not everyone agrees

Do you think the usual suspects would jump out and warn against anti semitism after each terrorist attack if it was done in the name of the Jewish faith?

1993 WTC bombing.
9/11/01 attacks.
2002 Beltway sniper attacks
2013 Boston Marathon bombing.
2014 hatched attacks on NYPD
2015 Draw Mohammed cartoon attack
2015 Gun attacks on US military installations
2015 Company Christmas party slaughter
2016 Orlando homosexual bar mass murder
2016 NY and NJ bombings
2016 Ohio State attack
2017 NYC truck attack
2022 Attack on book author

Nope. While no one is going after Muslims after all these attacks done in the name of their religion, you could bet the Left would not be silent in going after Jews.

Look at today. Jews in Israel get slaughtered and so the Left attack Jews in America.

Now do communist revolutions.
Superbadbrother high fives George, because he's thinking that George's word's should have been written about America, and the white Christians instead about the JEWS.

The problem with George and Superbro's premise or narrative though, is that they can't seem to separate the bad element's that are intimidating and dominating within their own race's, and they won't or can't stop them from dragging them down into the gutter also, otherwise so if they don't agree like the uncle Tom's and Aunt Melinda's do, you know in which gives them independence and liberty instead of slavery in their minds, then they are sell outs etc according to George and Superbro.
Israel and the US are both products of settler-colonial societies based on white supremacy, so it's hardly surprising many Americans have a knee-jerk support for racist states like Israel.

"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Population shift from 1947–1951 in Israel–Palestine, plotted with the % of land controlled by what Neve Gordon calls the 'Jewish establishment'

"Zionism has been described as a form of settler colonialism in relation to the region of Palestine and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict.

"Many of the fathers of Zionism themselves described it as colonialism, such as Vladimir Jabotinsky, who said 'Zionism is a colonization adventure.'[1][2]"

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