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Former CNN Political commentator Chris Cuomo admits he is vax damaged

We will be discussing COVID vax damage for decades.

Such a shame.
Cuomo was one of the leaders in anti COVID VAX shaming. Lemon also.

The irony of Cuomo being vax damaged is comical to me.

This contains clips of Cuomo and Lemon bashing people who would not take an experimental gene therapy shot.

Cuomo said the biggest threat to America is people who will not get the vax.

Lemon claimed one should be government forced not to leave uour home if you refused.


We all know if you get the polio vaccine, and your neighbor did not get the polio vaccine…your neighbor will give you polio. DERP

The definition of “vaccine“ was changed by the CDC. WEIRD, HUH?

The guy Cuomo interviews at the 3:11 mark of this video is crazy. You must watch it. It is a nurse who is vax damaged and his story is wild.
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Never forget the lies your Government, Pharma, and Media told you.

Those of you who still trust the media and government, you are in a cult. Stop it. They lied to you. You know this.

Never forget the lies your Government, Pharma, and Media told you.

Those of you who still trust the media and government, you are in a cult. Stop it. They lied to you. You know this.
It was effective for me, and for mom and for dad, and for hubby, and for my older sister, a senior, who has asthma and caught covid after full vaccination and only had a very mild case....and I spent the whole previous day of her diagnosis in the kitchen cooking a big Sunday dinner, and sharing a tasting spoon, and did not get it.

So, for some people, it helped....it seems?

Didnt he fake he was quarantined in his basement? Didnt someone see him walking around outside when he was supposedly hiding in the basement?

That was not just CNN amplifying government propaganda, was it?

I certainly hope Cuomo did not do his own research.
Pretty sure he accused Trump of raping him, too
I wonder what we will see as far as percentage of people who got the shot and got vax damaged.

Also by the # of boosters. This must be significant. Is it the more shots, the more likely you get damaged?

The US government will lie and obstruct. We might some truth out of EUROPE. ASTRAZENACA is getting sued for many many millions by those vax damaged and now they pulled their COVID shot off the market.

Those of you who took the shot once or multiple times and are now in poor health know who you are. Why are you silent?

No balls to stand up to your tyrannical government and no balls to admit you have vax damage because you trusted the government, pharma, and media.

Live interview with doctor about AstraZenaca, COVID, Ivermectin, etc.

Jump to the 10 minute mark for the start of the interview.

This guy is one of the original vax truthers. He was CORRECT.
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Looks like YOUTUBE cut Frei’s stream….it is on Rumble.

People tried to say the flu went away for three years because of the lockdowns and social distancing and masks and hand washing….but those things did not stop COVID….EVEN WITH A “VAX”.

What is really sad, the worst of it all….most people who were duped will gladly be duped again.

Millions and millions of people got the shot, were vax damaged, but will do it again.

It is bizarre.
Did not stop Covid

Because they are very different diseases

But spread of flu is definitely affected by hand washing , masking, and social distancing.

Always has been
Lawsuits against Moderna and Pfizer in Canada. AstraZeneca in the UK.

No statutory immunity in Canada and UK.

Therefore, those citizens who are vaccine injured can sue for their injuries.

Pharma owns media and Congress…so of course….STATUTORY IMMUNITY.

What was the exact moment we all decided to ignore NATURAL IMMUNITY?
People in Canada and UK can sue Pharmaceutical companies for vax damage. Americans cannot.

Who was the US government looking out for? YOU…THE CITIZEN…OR THEIR BIG PHARMA DONORS?
Mr. Ivermectin is a Horse Dewormer is now on a regular course of Ivermectin.

Shit changes when it's your ass on the line.


Chris Cuomo tried to guilt Byron Donalds as a bad person for not getting the vax…..……

………..now Cuomo admits he is vax damaged.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

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