Macron floats Ukraine troop deployment if frontline breached

There's nothing wrong with Russian leadership. You better hope that Western leadership is not moronic enough.
Don't be ridiculous.putin has been threatening the West with nuclear weapons all along. He's no different than crazy Krushev. Did you forget the scene he caused at the United Nations , taking off his shoe and banging it on the poteum saying ," We will bury you ! " Such drama queens , absolutely ridiculous. If it weren't such a serious matter everyone in the world would laugh in Putin's face. That's all you need to say about your corrupt , sick leadership. Spreading their cancer to US by way of the bad joke trump.Just as stupid , irresponsible and reckless.
Do you have an underground anti-nuclear shelter with several years worth of food supplies* If not, what are you babbling about, asshole?

All of NATO couldn't round up a full three combat divisions at this point.....WTF does Macaroni think the pittance he'd send is going to be, anything more than cannon fodder?

Don't be ridiculous.putin has been threatening the West with nuclear weapons all along. He's no different than crazy Krushev. Did you forget the scene he caused at the United Nations , taking off his shoe and banging it on the poteum saying ," We will bury you ! " Such drama queens , absolutely ridiculous. If it weren't such a serious matter everyone in the world would laugh in Putin's face. That's all you need to say about your corrupt , sick leadership. Spreading their cancer to US by way of the bad joke trump.Just as stupid , irresponsible and reckless.
France has just sent foreign troops to Ukraine from the Foreign Legion. Since they are not technically French troops, Macron can get away with sending them to Ukraine without triggering NATO's Article 5. These foreigners are promised to gain French citizenship after serving for three years. The Kremlin has also issued a new decree saying that foreigners who sign contracts to serve in the Russian army will have the right to apply for Russian citizenship.

France has sent its first troops officially to Ukraine. They have been deployed in support of the Ukrainian 54th Independent Mechanized Brigade in Slavyansk. The French soldiers are drawn from one of the main elements of France’s Foreign Legion (Légion étrangère).

The Legion today is run by French officers but the rank and file are all foreigners. Under the curren anonymat (being anonymous) a volunteer who joins the Legion can decide whether to keep his given name or adopt a new one. Legionnaires serve for three year terms, after which they can ask for French citizenship. If a legionnaire is wounded, he is entitled to gain French citizenship without any waiting period. There are no women in the Foreign Legion.

What a horrible culture.
"Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."—gonzague de reynold, 19501 In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.— thomas gomart, 20062 "

"Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."—gonzague de reynold, 19501 In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.— thomas gomart, 20062 "

The world is more global then ever.The outsiders have to reconcile their differences before they can truly be partners in it.
Umm, you do know of the exploits of the French army during WWI right? They were considered a better military than the British at this point save for the navy of course.

In the second world war it was an absolute absurd decision by Germany to not go through Belgium, but through what was deemed and impossible forested area which cut the French soldiers from each other that lead to their demise. Coupled with Frances refusal to even scout that impassable area because, well, it was deemed unpassable, they were flanked and completely caught by surprise. Even if they had faced the Germans head on, at the very least, it would have been a lengthy battle.

Thus the French were split, many of them saved by the Brits to fight another day. They did fight another day and managed the French Resistance.
Verdun was the end of French military prowess.

They have never recovered.
Ukrainian women shrieking in an attempt to prevent the Russian ambassador to Poland from laying flowers for soldiers who defeated Nazism
No one will call an ambulance and paramedics - such behavior on the street is becoming the norm there.

Don't be ridiculous.putin has been threatening the West with nuclear weapons all along. He's no different than crazy Krushev. Did you forget the scene he caused at the United Nations , taking off his shoe and banging it on the poteum saying ," We will bury you ! " Such drama queens , absolutely ridiculous. If it weren't such a serious matter everyone in the world would laugh in Putin's face. That's all you need to say about your corrupt , sick leadership. Spreading their cancer to US by way of the bad joke trump.Just as stupid , irresponsible and reckless.

Wake up Stan .
You have been having one of your dreams again .

Try reading exactly what dear Uncle P has actually said , as distinct from deliberate mistranslation or usual MSM Fakery .,
Ukrainian women shrieking in an attempt to prevent the Russian ambassador to Poland from laying flowers for soldiers who defeated Nazism
No one will call an ambulance and paramedics - such behavior on the street is becoming the norm there.

They are just Nazi vermin, what gets me is why are so many Americans these days supporters of Nazis in Ukraine when they lost thousands of men fighting Nazis in Europe? i will be in Normandy in just over two weeks with luck i will meet some of these men who are still alive.
They are just Nazi vermin, what gets me is why are so many Americans these days supporters of Nazis in Ukraine when they lost thousands of men fighting Nazis in Europe? i will be in Normandy in just over two weeks with luck i will meet some of these men who are still alive.
Probably because the Russians are worse. They're terrorists.
Ukrainian women shrieking in an attempt to prevent the Russian ambassador to Poland from laying flowers for soldiers who defeated Nazism
No one will call an ambulance and paramedics - such behavior on the street is becoming the norm there.
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As they say: Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête.



If they want to take Odessa - they will lost New Caledonia. If they want to send their forces in Slavyansk - we'll send our forces in Corsica. If they want strategically defeat Russia - they will be strategically defeated themselves.

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