Biden Shows Up at Noon -- an Hour Late for Event -- Sleep Apnea Machine Marks Tracking His Face


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Biden's totally ready to take on Trump, and then the World!

Let's just ignore the fact that he showed up an hour late to an event, after a previous day with nothing on his calendar whatsoever, and the tell-tale signs of him having recently worn his sleep apnea machine scarred his face like the Appalachian trail after spring's first thaw.

(Which is distressing in and of itself, considering he's like totally Dark Brandon and stuff.)

The painful truth for Dems is they installed a feckless, feral, mummified buffoon who just doesn't possess the virility to catapult their "Build Back Better" agenda over the Finish Line.

And they know it:

MSDNC is literally advising Biden not to debate Trump, and spinning it as Trump's (not their!) desperation.

It's all so vaudeville Orwellian.

But the truth is out there for everyone to see.

The Democrats coalition is about to crumble like a Baltimore bridge.

Except this time, it will be well before 1am.
Biden's totally ready to take on Trump, and then the World!

Let's just ignore the fact that he showed up an hour late to an event, after a previous day with nothing on his calendar whatsoever, and the tell-tale signs of him having recently worn his sleep apnea machine scarred his face like the Appalachian trail after spring's first thaw.

(Which is distressing in and of itself, considering he's like totally Dark Brandon and stuff.)

The painful truth for Dems is they installed a feckless, feral, mummified buffoon who just doesn't possess the virility to catapult their "Build Back Better" agenda over the Finish Line.

And they know it:

MSDNC is literally advising Biden not to debate Trump, and spinning it as Trump's (not their!) desperation.

It's all so vaudeville Orwellian.

But the truth is out there for everyone to see.

The Democrats coalition is about to crumble like a Baltimore bridge.

Except this time, it will be well before 1am.

That ass on Fox spews bullshit constantly.

He should comment on why Trump never sleeps and goes on rants in the middle of the night and why.
Biden's totally ready to take on Trump, and then the World!

Let's just ignore the fact that he showed up an hour late to an event, after a previous day with nothing on his calendar whatsoever, and the tell-tale signs of him having recently worn his sleep apnea machine scarred his face like the Appalachian trail after spring's first thaw.

(Which is distressing in and of itself, considering he's like totally Dark Brandon and stuff.)

The painful truth for Dems is they installed a feckless, feral, mummified buffoon who just doesn't possess the virility to catapult their "Build Back Better" agenda over the Finish Line.

And they know it:

MSDNC is literally advising Biden not to debate Trump, and spinning it as Trump's (not their!) desperation.

It's all so vaudeville Orwellian.

But the truth is out there for everyone to see.

The Democrats coalition is about to crumble like a Baltimore bridge.

Except this time, it will be well before 1am.

And he's still going to beat Trump like a rented mule in November. :)
Most days they call a lid by 11:30 am, so I am assuming it's because he's still asleep.

If you can't get this dumb bastard out of bed before noon for something stupid, what the hell are you going to do if something major happens?

Oh that's right, they won't even bother to get him out of bed if it's something major because he's just the slowly dry rotting puppet.
Yet another uncanny witticism that simply cannot be paralleled by even the most erudite of humorists.

Anyway, you care to comment on your boy showing up an hour late to an event, after inactivity all day Tuesday with the remnants of sleep apnea machine all over his ugly visage?

Didn't think so.

I think that one got dropped on it's head a few extra times this week.

I know it's cliche', but can you imagine if a President Trump showed up with frickin' sleep apnea machine marks all over his face?

The media would be clucking about it non-stop, and the dunces on here would take their echo chamber marching orders and run with it.

And of course, they would actually be correct.

But since that's not the universe we inhabit, and they are all hopelessly compromised partisan hacks, this is A-OK.

Team jersey politics of the most repugnant iteration.
I know it's cliche', but can you imagine if a President Trump showed up with frickin' sleep apnea machine marks all over his face?

The media would be clucking about it non-stop, and the dunces on here would take their echo chamber marching orders and run with it.

And of course, they would actually be correct.

But since that's not the universe we inhabit, and they are all hopelessly compromised partisan hacks, this is A-OK.

Team jersey politics of the most repugnant iteration.
I find it to be more insane that Biden has sleep apnea machine marks on his face after 11 am. I mean before 9 am fine, but 11?!

Also why is strapped that hard to his freaking face?! Are you suppose to wear it that tight?

Hopefully he is also wearing a mask over the sleep apnea machine mask for extra sleep safety.
I find it to be more insane that Biden has sleep apnea machine marks on his face after 11 am. I mean before 9 am fine, but 11?!

Also why is strapped that hard to his freaking face?! Are you suppose to wear it that tight?

Hopefully he is also wearing a mask over the sleep apnea machine mask for extra sleep safety.

Um, fair enough.

But isn't it sorta far worse that a President has to even wear a sleep apnea machine to begin with?

I mean, considering the entire point of it is to ensure you don't DIE IN YOUR FUCKING SLEEP ;)

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