Calling Out Grumblenuts On His Vaccine Posts


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
Grumblenuts is trying desperately to backpedal on his support of the vaccines, claiming he never said they are "universally" safe and effective. Of course, he has been one of the most vicious and vociferous advocates here. Read below and see what you think:



Yep, your days are numbered. Eventually all will either die or get vaccinated. Then all of the hospitalized will be vaccinated. Duh!

Anti-vaxer dies of covid

This one here: "Getting vaccinated definitely prevents serious illness and death...."

Agreed, however the delta variant is vastly the current problem so I don't see that as an argument with any real teeth at this point. It simply doesn't matter. Getting vaccinated definitely prevents serious illness and death far more than the alternative. That's reason enough.

poll: will you comply

And here, Nuts, it's the name-calling for someone who claims they were previously skeptical of big pharma and etc. "STFU and die quickly". Nope.

10% came back infected. Only mild symptoms. None hospitalized. Spreading disease happens. Take recommended precautions. Otherwise, STFU and die quickly.

The grim reaper

And again: "fearmongering idiots". We weren't. We were right.

You say "relish" I say "mustard" -- ketchup yet?

Yes, they've done much better than we have in the U.S. -- by following what the best of medical science has to offer instead of just panicking over every potential contraindication like a bunch of fearmongering idiots.

Swiss study mRNA

Baloney. The results have been widely reported and have shown them to be safe and effective. Way more safe and effective than just sitting around and bitching about them. FDA approval won't make a bit of difference.

medicare and private insurance
Grumblenuts is trying desperately to backpedal on his support of the vaccines, claiming he never said they are "universally" safe and effective. Of course, he has been one of the most vicious and vociferous advocates here. Read below and see what you think:


Anti-vaxer dies of covid

This one here: "Getting vaccinated definitely prevents serious illness and death...."

poll: will you comply

And here, Nuts, it's the name-calling for someone who claims they were previously skeptical of big pharma and etc. "STFU and die quickly". Nope.

The grim reaper

And again: "fearmongering idiots". We weren't. We were right.

Swiss study mRNA

medicare and private insurance
Again, given the unquoted context, I stand by every word. But by all means, you be you. Continue embarrassing yourself..
The next time you hear a progbot admit they were wrong about anything might be the first time. Ever

They have a pathological need to be right & lying to achieve this is an easy option for those who routinely reject truth, morals & traditional values

He actually went on another thread telling how he had stood up to doctors on how he was dx with cancer, rejected treatment, and basically saw to his own health needs.

Meanwhile, look at all the names he called those of us standing up to the toxic, awful vaccines?

Because he was all-in on the politics, of course. Because they were "his" political side.
Just now read the title of this thread, LOL
I suggest:

Typhoid Sue To The Anti-Vaxxer Community's Emotional Rescue! :auiqs.jpg:

Your name-calling just confirms the point. So thanks for that.

Your political side went all in for the vaccines, and then, so did you. Even though you had previously stood up to the medical establishment.

Weak of mind, weak of courage.
What "political side" is that? Not "anti-vaxxers"?
What do you mean by "all in"? Comparative phrases like "much better than we have"?
Enjoy your digging..

Is someone who thinks most vaccines are beneficial but the Covid vaccines suck an "anti-vaxxer"?

yes or no
Always remember....A man is responsible for the words that come out of his mouth.....Especially when a woman takes the notion to remind you of them. :laughing0301:

I sort of find the whole thing a bit on the crass side myself but it's a good show.....Carry on. ;)
Again, given the unquoted context, I stand by every word. But by all means, you be you. Continue embarrassing yourself..
Fumblenuts is the Black Night

Grumblenuts is trying desperately to backpedal on his support of the vaccines, claiming he never said they are "universally" safe and effective. Of course, he has been one of the most vicious and vociferous advocates here. Read below and see what you think:


Anti-vaxer dies of covid

This one here: "Getting vaccinated definitely prevents serious illness and death...."

poll: will you comply

And here, Nuts, it's the name-calling for someone who claims they were previously skeptical of big pharma and etc. "STFU and die quickly". Nope.

The grim reaper

And again: "fearmongering idiots". We weren't. We were right.

Swiss study mRNA

medicare and private insurance
Yeah ---- I've been thinking about this lately and resolving not to panic next time it happens, as of course we all did. Stopped schools entirely! Stopped ALL WORKPLACES! Developed a ha-ha so-called vaccine instantly when every other vaccine in history has taken DECADES of trial and error and testing. Developed a vaccine that DOES NOT WORK and then requiring everyone get it and scaremongering that they'll all die if they don't!

We were all fools, especially me. Allowing people to command us to wear (useless) masks and have all these chalk-marked "social distancing" space, to eat outside restaurants so the locals could terrorize and rob us ---- I never did any of that, but the price was two years not leaving the farm (really) and buying everything online, as so many did, which has changed the whole economy.

Nie wieder. Never again. My point is that although Covid was a bad disease, government and panic made it far, far worse than it was naturally. And we have no idea what the actual count is for incidence or deaths --- I am hoping they can come to some sort of sensible count within five or ten years, but now, who knows, the definitions were so poor.

The next time the crazy starts, I mean to pull into my shell and avoid contact with "news" and the world for three years, then see what happened after the crazy has faded.
Still digging, I see..
Is someone who thinks most vaccines are beneficial but the Covid vaccines suck an "anti-vaxxer"?

yes or no
Suddenly you're a vaccine fan? Who coulda thunk it?

Without mentioning COVID prior, you sarcastically asked if I were someone who "STILL believes the vaccines are safe and effective?"

Your question framed sarcastically revealed that you didn't really question that ridiculous belief of yours at all. It was purely rhetorical. Your mind has clearly long been made up. But suppose, by some miracle, you were genuinely curious..

After reading your rants about vaccines in recent years, no reasonable person could possibly conclude that you weren't simply dismissing all vaccines by stupidly saying "the vaccines" there without qualification.

Yes, I did not invent the "Typhoid" nick, Sue. Obviously I'm not the first to find your vaccine critiques innumerate and loony. Stop trying to blame the messenger.. or, at the very least, quit humping my leg.. the smell! :45:

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