Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Further down in your link: Eddy’s discovery suggested that Cutter’s manufacturing process was flawed. Its vaccine should have contained only killed virus.

The polio vaccine had been proven to be safe and effective. One of the manufacturers screwed up the manufacturing process. That can happen to any vaccine.

If the American people decided because of this screwup not to get vaccinated, millions more Americans would have gotten polio.
So your point and issue should be with "meaner gene:, but being a leftist and democrat, you have challenges with details. No surprise. :icon_rolleyes:
ABC News reports, "The number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits fell sharply last week to 310,000, a pandemic low and a sign that the surge in COVID-19 cases caused by the delta variant has yet to lead to widespread layoffs. At their current pace, weekly applications for benefits are edging toward their pre-pandemic figure of roughly 225,000.

"The ongoing drop in applications for unemployment aid — six declines in the past seven weeks — indicates that most companies are holding onto their workers despite the slowdown. That trend should help sustain the economic rebound through the current wave of infections."

Our President is aggressively attacking the delta inspired pandemic surge which is growing at an alarming rate. One quarter of all those affected are school kids.

The Times reports, "President Biden on Thursday used the full force of his presidency to push two-thirds of American workers to get vaccinated against the coronavirus, reaching into the private sector to mandate that all companies with more than 100 workers require vaccination or weekly testing. Mr. Biden also moved to mandate shots for health care workers, federal contractors and the vast majority of federal workers, who could face disciplinary measures if they refuse.

"The sweeping actions, which the president announced in a White House speech, are the most expansive actions he has taken to control the pandemic since he assumed the presidency in January, and will affect almost every aspect of Am?erican society. They also reflect Mr. Biden’s deep frustration with the roughly 80 million Americans who are eligible for the shots but have not been vaccinated."

Most of that 80 million can be found in Republican-led, and they will bellow loudly about the freedoms that are being taken from them.

No one will listen.

Why? 675,000 Americans have died from covid, and these Republicans view this as a political game. Those who yell the loudest about freedoms are only concerned about theirs. They don't give a rat's ass about the freedoms of others -- the freedom to stay healthy, the freedom to go to ballgame without contracting covid, the freedom to take steps to prevent their children from contracting covid.

The problem is, these Republicans are not listening. They are not fans of reality, and they do their best to avoid responsible news sources.
ABC News reports, "The number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits fell sharply last week to 310,000, a pandemic low and a sign that the surge in COVID-19 cases caused by the delta variant has yet to lead to widespread layoffs. At their current pace, weekly applications for benefits are edging toward their pre-pandemic figure of roughly 225,000.

"The ongoing drop in applications for unemployment aid — six declines in the past seven weeks — indicates that most companies are holding onto their workers despite the slowdown. That trend should help sustain the economic rebound through the current wave of infections."

Our President is aggressively attacking the delta inspired pandemic surge which is growing at an alarming rate. One quarter of all those affected are school kids.

The Times reports, "President Biden on Thursday used the full force of his presidency to push two-thirds of American workers to get vaccinated against the coronavirus, reaching into the private sector to mandate that all companies with more than 100 workers require vaccination or weekly testing. Mr. Biden also moved to mandate shots for health care workers, federal contractors and the vast majority of federal workers, who could face disciplinary measures if they refuse.

"The sweeping actions, which the president announced in a White House speech, are the most expansive actions he has taken to control the pandemic since he assumed the presidency in January, and will affect almost every aspect of Am?erican society. They also reflect Mr. Biden’s deep frustration with the roughly 80 million Americans who are eligible for the shots but have not been vaccinated."

Most of that 80 million can be found in Republican-led, and they will bellow loudly about the freedoms that are being taken from them.

No one will listen.

Why? 675,000 Americans have died from covid, and these Republicans view this as a political game. Those who yell the loudest about freedoms are only concerned about theirs. They don't give a rat's ass about the freedoms of others -- the freedom to stay healthy, the freedom to go to ballgame without contracting covid, the freedom to take steps to prevent their children from contracting covid.

The problem is, these Republicans are not listening. They are not fans of reality, and they do their best to avoid responsible news sources.
Only 6% of those have died FROM Covid.
The others had co-morbities that were a factor along WITH Covid. They were on short term to begin with.
Sure because that's how you post. Tell me.....whom will YOU try and vaxx?
This reminds me of the time a Nazi on the Stormfront form said he could tell I was a Jew because of the way I used commas.

Priceless. :lol:
The post I responded to was the more probable scare tactic. For context, repeated here;
meaner gene said:

It's not just mutations, which of course are a major problem, but because of the very nature of COVID. We were told early on that it wasn't like most infectious diseases. That most diseases exhibit symptoms, becoming contagious after symptoms appear. COVID was the opposite, it became contagious BEFORE symtoms, and this is doubly bad with asymptomatic people who are contagious without ever knowing it.

That's also why the vaccinated can become contagious.
BTW, I'm not advocating for lockdowns. In fact I was opposed to lockdowns from the beginning since they did more damage than good. Lockdowns are further evidence of dumbocrats using contrived "crisis" to push their socialist/communist agenda to destroy the USA.

The whole idea that large numbers of people were carrying the virus was TOTALLY debunked by the massive increase in testing in the middle of last year. If a large number of people were carrying the disease without symptoms, the positive PCR numbers would have gone way up, closely following the number of tests.

The truth is, even though we tested countless millions of people, the PCR test yielded no significant increase in number of positive results:


The implication is that the MSM (and government officials) are lying you your face.
A person who loses his job because he is afraid to get vaccinated or he loses the job to make a ridiulous political statement deserves everything that happens to him.
It's worse than that even.

I am not afraid of getting the vaccines. Any one of them. I am healthy.

Despite that, I value my freedom so much, my ability to make my own reasoned decisions regarding my personal medical care, that I will refuse.

I am also a scientist (engineer). I already had COVID, and since I am not vulnerable anyway, it does not make any sense for me to get vaxed. I tend to not do things that I do not think make sense, even if they are mandated.

But in this case, there is money involved. That changes things for the majority of people.

Fortunately I have lots of money. Other people are not so fortunate. I work with some people who are not as financially self-sufficient as I am, and they might have a very difficult decision to make against their own free will.

Biden is a freaking tyrant, using government coercion to make people get an injection they do not need or want. Why is he targeting the working people? The elderly are the susceptible ones??? Makes no sense, but it's feeble Biden's best idea.

Speaking of free will, did you know that everyone has to sign a waiver saying they voluntarily give up all rights to sue if they get injured ore die from the vaccine? Here is an example....

"I, ____________________________, have voluntarily chosen to request and obtain the Moderna COVID-19 vaccination...

, _________________________ assume all risks of requesting the vaccination including... the potential risk of having side effects due to the vaccine,...

I understand that it is not possible to predict all possible side effects or complications associated with receiving vaccine(s). I understand the risks and benefits associated with the above vaccine and have received, read and/or had explained to me the Emergency Use Authorization Fact Sheet on the COVID-19 vaccine I have elected to receive. I also acknowledge that I have had a chance to ask questions and that such questions were answered to my satisfaction.

WAIVER OF LAWSUIT/LIABILITY: I __________________________ do hereby waive, release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Saint Leo University, its officers, agents, employees, the organizers, sponsors, activity supervisors, co-sponsoring organizations and participants on behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns, representatives, or any other individual acting on my or my estate’s behalf, for any claim, demand, liability, costs, suits, charges or compensation for loss or injury of any kind arising out of a loss or an injury, including losses or injuries arising in whole or in part from the negligence...

I understand that this waiver means I give up my right to bring any claims including for personal injuries, death, disease or property losses, or any other loss, including but not limited to claims of negligence and give up any claim I may have to seek damages, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen."

And one of the big talking points is that they used this technique on a group of 10,000+ people in norther Africa. The frontline doctors feared the population would be dead due to the outbreak of ebola, so they said "why not try it".

No follow up study. Why? [spoiler alert: they could not find enough of the subjects still alive after a few years to make it worth the effort]. Oh well. THAT's how shit gets done in big pharma.

You'll need to point out which vaccine, since every one mentioned here weren't the one you talked about.
Further down in your link: Eddy’s discovery suggested that Cutter’s manufacturing process was flawed. Its vaccine should have contained only killed virus.

The polio vaccine had been proven to be safe and effective. One of the manufacturers screwed up the manufacturing process. That can happen to any vaccine.

If the American people decided because of this screwup not to get vaccinated, millions more Americans would have gotten polio.
This is not the 1950's. Today we live in a contentious acidic filled environment. Progs question Christians, but do not look at themselves. There are endless known people with mansions and money cuddling up with overseas despots who live the same while their citizens are impoverished.
No, that study did not find that EVERYONE who has been vaccinated is just as likely to transmit Covid as the unvaccinated.

Only those who have been infected with the delta variant.

Understand the difference?
Agreed, however the delta variant is vastly the current problem so I don't see that as an argument with any real teeth at this point. It simply doesn't matter. Getting vaccinated definitely prevents serious illness and death far more than the alternative. That's reason enough.
I am also a scientist (engineer). I already had COVID, and since I am not vulnerable anyway, it does not make any sense for me to get vaxed. I tend to not do things that I do not think make sense, even if they are mandated.
You must not be a very good engineer, if you think that having recovered from COVID yields a single immunity level. As an engineer you know that number would actually be part of a Gaussian bell curve with people distributed all along it.

You could be at the top end , the bottom end or anywhere in between. But what is known is that someone anywhere on the curve, moves to the top end by getting a booster.
This reminds me of the time a Nazi on the Stormfront form said he could tell I was a Jew because of the way I used commas.

Priceless. :lol:
Punctuation is a true indicator. :laugh:

Good to see you back, G.
Everything always comes down to blaming the Mexicans for whatever problems we have in America.

And yet these credulous tards insist they are not bigots!
Actually the major portion of those coming across the Mexican border are from nations further South, or elsewhere. It being easier to enter and transit Mexico rather than Canada.

But then the credulous tards of the Left being the bigots they are call then all "Mexicans".

Those same "credulous tards" always oppose any USA intervention in those "Central American nations" that might result in "regime changes" making them more livable and friendly to their own native populations, so here we are ... once again dealing with fallout of failed Leftist/Regressive foreign policies.
Any "correlation" is based on telephone polls. I trust them as far as I can throw Chris Cristy.

Correct, because we all know how fair polls are to Republicans.

When you get your shot they note your race on the application. Neither my first or second shot did they ask my political affiliation. So why is this out there?

Biden and the commies spent so much time trying to blame a worldwide virus on a sitting US Republican President. Of course anybody with an IQ over 40 laughed at their accusations. So the next step was to blame Trump for not supporting masks and terrible planning with the virus. Now that Dementia has had the vaccines his entire term and things are just as bad if not worse, create these phony polls to blame Republican constituents.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say you were wrong."
Ray from Cleveland

Frankly, If Biden truly cared about people's health, he would bring in Trump and make him an intregal part of selling vaccinations. He's been vaccinated and he's always advocated that people be vaccinated.

Are you kidding me? He just got 13 Marines killed, left American hostages behind, and gave our enemies 83 billion dollars of US military equipment just so he didn't have to share any credit with Trump by doing things in Trump's plan. He did just the opposite. Do you really think he gives a shit about people's life or health if it meant having to share any success with President Trump?

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