"ZULU" is such a great movie!

Spectacular film in every aspect. Spoiler alert - the 150 or so British troops loose to the 4000 enemy warriors every time you watch it. Never tire of it though.
It's a good movie!

You know, many blacks in FL are descended from the Zulu tribe.

They are semi-giants, seriously.

When women are 6'4".. :dunno:

Zulu people were big and tall.

I have a good friend that's descended from the Zulu tribe.

He's 6'5", about 310 with the middle-aged weight gain.

In the trunk of his car, he has this 2x4 with a handle cut in to it..it's a club.

On it is written: "Big Man stick, for big men only".

Now, :abgg2q.jpg: does he mean it's only to be used in case of big men, or only big motherfuckers like him can wield it?


LMAO! Omg I fell to the ground out back of his trunk when he showed me that.

Almost like the time we were at the arcade and this wigger rolled by and threw up his hand all funky and said "Yo, Playa!" and went inside.

Dude, he was wearing red parachute pants, no shirt, silver-ish necklace, and a red parachute vest and he had a fuckin' jheri curl dripping

with activator. I shit you not!

LMAO! Gravity was a motherfucker that night. We both had a hard time getting up off the ground..

We were stuck to the ground laughing for quite a while.

My friend has a good sense of humor and knew what he was doing when he wrote that on that 2x4. :D
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Spectacular film in every aspect. Spoiler alert - the 150 or so British troops loose to the 4000 enemy warriors every time you watch it. Never tire of it though.

You're thinking of a different movie. Zulu Dawn. This is the battle of Rorkes Drift.

A resounding British victory.

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