Zionists attack Jews mercilessly. ..

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
Orthodox Jews hold pro-Palestinian rally in Jerusalem

I love it when so many of you point at this group or radicals so to prove anything.

They mostly are against Zionism since they believe the state of Israel should rise and exist ONLY once the Messiah comes.

Say tomorrow some yahoo is believed by them to be the Messiah and he calls to take over the holy land and points at the Palestinians as the new Amalek, you know who will be the first in line to join the war?

Hundreds of American Jews were holding a sit-in at Congress —

"we won’t leave until Congress calls for a ceasefire in Gaza. As thousands of U.S. Jews protest outside, over 350 are inside, including two dozen rabbis, holding prayerful resistance.

We’re here to say: not in our names, and never again. And we’ll continue our civil disobedience until Congress calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, or until they force us to leave.

Ceasefire is the first step to stop the ongoing genocide by the Israeli military of the over 2 million Palestinians in beseiged Gaza, unable to leave.

In the past week, over 3,000 Palestinians, including 1,000 children, were murdered by Israeli and U.S. bombs. Over one million people are displaced. We have the power to stop this violence.

What we know from past Israeli state atrocities against Palestinians is that the bombs only stop once there is a sufficient mass outcry from the international community. It’s on us to build that outcry — as fast as we possibly can.

We stand for justice and dignity for all people. The only way to ensure that for Palestinians is to demand a ceasefire now! END THE GENOCIDE ON GAZA."

"For 75 years, the Israeli government has illegally occupied Palestinian land and ethnically cleansed their communities.

Now, Gaza is facing genocide with full support from the U.S. and we're here as Jews to refuse complicity and say never again, for anyone.

End the genocide immediately. Jews stand with the Palestinian people."

Hundreds of thousands of Jews who do not accept the Zionist State of Israel.

Supposing you are sick and tired of Jews and the idea they are a special group in any worthwhile way :-
So the problem becomes O.21466 % of world population ( assumes 7.5 billion ) ---- see Post Number 7.
Or , 0.202% of 8 billion .

Presumably there are more Trannies and Drag Queens than that .Seemingly millions just in the US .

Why then give them more time and attention than a group who are Species Mutants in broad terms ?

And you may assume that I exclude them from being full members of Homo Sapiens because saying that they have equal Human Rights is deemed unacceptable in definition terms. Mutants versus Normies .

Just thinking aloud .Which obviously I should not do .
Hundreds of thousands of Jews in America are against Israel and Zionists' war crimes:


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