Zimmerman Threatens Man's Life

You said there was sometimes a difference between murder and homicide. According to my count thats two words. Why are you posting definitions of one and not just...yanno, explaining yourself.
I never said any such thing, perhaps you would care to quote me?

Once again for the slow you claimed Martin was murdered. He was not. He was killed in self defense while he attempted to kill Zimmerman. And so a Court of law decided.
The subject is the supposed outrage that a black "child" was killed. Yet no national story about all the black " children" murdered and killed every day by other blacks.
As usual, you miss the mark. The subject is about Zimmerman threatening to kill someone. It reveals his violent nature.

Actually the subject is about liberals like you feigning outrage. It is about you pathetic race baiting morons on the left manipulated by hype of the left wing media. It is about me pointing out to you how much you really do not care how many black children are killed each day in this country.

Me proving that, by showing how much you do not care how many black children were killed by other blacks shows what I am saying is true.

Now, go fuck yourself you stupid left wing, brainwashed sock puppet.
You're unhinged again. This is about Zimmerman threatening to kill someone ... which explains why you're trying to divert the topic to something else.

Why don't you explain to us, you fucking ignorant hack, why it is news that Zimmerman threatened someone?

Explain to all of us, why this is news, and why a fucking pathetic liberal posted this story.

You know what? You do not need to explain it to us.

A 17 year old kid buying candy and a soda. No wonder Republicans are terrified.

That was a quote by Rdean. Apparently this was not about Zimmerman threatening someone, but I did not see any post by you pointing that out to rdean.

You fucking double talking hypocrite. Do not tell me what this thread is about. This is about a pathetic attempt by a fucking left wing hack to try and tell us how right they were in regards to the Trayvon Martin case.

If you are trying to convince me that it is anything else, go kick fucking rocks you hack.

We all know what this is about, and it is affirmed by the moron rdean.

Having said that, none you care how many black kids were killed last weekend in this country. Which, only further proves that I am right when I say you do not care. It only affirms that all of you are nothing but political opportunists who are nothing but stink little pawns of a race baiting, race dividing media.

You fucking blob.

Didn't Zimmerman prove now he is a stalker, and doesn't it practically prove he was stalking Trayvon?

It is obvious to a two-year-old that he was stalking Apperson, but no that couldn't have happened with Trayvon.
You are beyond stupid. Zimmerman had an appointment at that building. Or perhaps you can provide proof he did not?

Does the guy have a chip on his shoulder? Yeah, it will probably be his undoing. But I don't see the need the media has to have his blood on their hands.

He will be hated by many for eternity, he will likely get locked up for his behavior. But why focus on that one dunce as though he is the only Asshole in the country?

People threaten to kill one another in traffic all the time, there are plenty of abusers, more than I care to think of.

Who cares about this guy?

The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone.

That's why his threatening to kill someone in a road rage incident - AND following him to his place of work- should be taken a lot more seriously.

The system had the chance to lock him up after the Trayvon thing. It didn't.

So either he will kill someone else, or someone will kill him in self-defense. Or maybe some brothers on the street might recognize him and hilarity will ensue.
The system cannot lock him away, he committed no crime.

You find thuggery hilarious? That's rather sick.

Does the guy have a chip on his shoulder? Yeah, it will probably be his undoing. But I don't see the need the media has to have his blood on their hands.

He will be hated by many for eternity, he will likely get locked up for his behavior. But why focus on that one dunce as though he is the only Asshole in the country?

People threaten to kill one another in traffic all the time, there are plenty of abusers, more than I care to think of.

Who cares about this guy?

The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone.

That's why his threatening to kill someone in a road rage incident - AND following him to his place of work- should be taken a lot more seriously.

The system had the chance to lock him up after the Trayvon thing. It didn't.

So either he will kill someone else, or someone will kill him in self-defense. Or maybe some brothers on the street might recognize him and hilarity will ensue.
The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone and gotten away with it. In his dim witted little mind, he's been given a license to kill.
The court deemed out self defense. Anybody would get away with killing somebody in self defense.
The only reason this garbage is news is because the media it's blood thirsty for their pound of flesh.

The trial was at the behest of activists and not because the state saw that there was a crime. He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers.

So every time the dude farts on an elevator we have to have a circus.

It's road rage, it happens ten thousand times every day. It's only news worthy because it involves some asshole who the media made into a celebrity.

Buuuuuut he didnt fart on an elevator. He beat his women up and threatened them at gun point. On second thought you know what, You're right its no big deal.


Ray Rice
I thought this was the road rage incident

This time it is
But the only reason this matters is because he is famous.

If I threatened somebody in traffic it wouldn't make the national news even if I did shoot somebody.

If I hit my wife, same thing.

This is about a pound of flesh.

And that's not it.

Zimmerman has eluded justice on multiple occasions. This is both not trivial and not lost on Zimmerman, who now seems to think he is above the law.

He's done just about the worst thing someone could do in American society and murdered another human being. This is a dangerous person, who, can still carry concealed weapons.

It seems to be only a matter of time before he uses them again.
He didn't murder anybody. He had a pretty legitimate case for self defense. He didn't elude anything.

Do you have some evidence that wasn't present at the trial?
Buuuuuut he didnt fart on an elevator. He beat his women up and threatened them at gun point. On second thought you know what, You're right its no big deal.


Ray Rice
I thought this was the road rage incident

This time it is
But the only reason this matters is because he is famous.

If I threatened somebody in traffic it wouldn't make the national news even if I did shoot somebody.

If I hit my wife, same thing.

This is about a pound of flesh.

And that's not it.

Zimmerman has eluded justice on multiple occasions. This is both not trivial and not lost on Zimmerman, who now seems to think he is above the law.

He's done just about the worst thing someone could do in American society and murdered another human being. This is a dangerous person, who, can still carry concealed weapons.

It seems to be only a matter of time before he uses them again.
He didn't murder anybody. He had a pretty legitimate case for self defense. He didn't elude anything.

Do you have some evidence that wasn't present at the trial?

The loons just can't forgive Zimmerman for not being a Typical White Person...so they will hound him into his grave.
The only reason this garbage is news is because the media it's blood thirsty for their pound of flesh.

The trial was at the behest of activists and not because the state saw that there was a crime. He was found not guilty by a jury of his peers.

So every time the dude farts on an elevator we have to have a circus.

It's road rage, it happens ten thousand times every day. It's only news worthy because it involves some asshole who the media made into a celebrity.

Actually no.

It was road rage when they were in their cars and driving.

It stopped being road rage and becomes stalking and harassment when zimmerman went to the man's work with a gun in his pocket.

If zimmerman had threatened me, I would have pressed charges.
Did those things happen?
I thought this was the road rage incident

This time it is
But the only reason this matters is because he is famous.

If I threatened somebody in traffic it wouldn't make the national news even if I did shoot somebody.

If I hit my wife, same thing.

This is about a pound of flesh.

And that's not it.

Zimmerman has eluded justice on multiple occasions. This is both not trivial and not lost on Zimmerman, who now seems to think he is above the law.

He's done just about the worst thing someone could do in American society and murdered another human being. This is a dangerous person, who, can still carry concealed weapons.

It seems to be only a matter of time before he uses them again.
He didn't murder anybody. He had a pretty legitimate case for self defense. He didn't elude anything.

Do you have some evidence that wasn't present at the trial?

The loons just can't forgive Zimmerman for not being a Typical White Person...so they will hound him into his grave.
I could give a crap about the dude. He just really isn't that important.

But it's worse than that. The justice system had the nerve to meet out justice as was guaranteed by the constitution that went against the media. Now his crime is no longer murder but not succumbing to mob rule.

Our justice system shouldn't give a shit about what the circus known as Sharpton/Jackson/Farrakhan thinks.

I don't know why everybody thinks justice didn't take place, there was a trial they looked at the evidence, he was found not guilty of murder.

The constitution protects us from this crap.

You said there was sometimes a difference between murder and homicide. According to my count thats two words. Why are you posting definitions of one and not just...yanno, explaining yourself.

murder and homicide are NOT the same thing

The killing of one human being by another human being.

Murder is the ILLEGAL killing of a human being by another human being.

EVERY murder is homicide, but not every homicide is murder.
homicide legal definition of homicide
I like how you pick and choose when that definition applies. Seems with Zimmerman, you apply the definition to mean Zimmerman didn't murder Martin because he "legally" killed Martin in self-defense.

However, when it comes to abortion, you have a whole new definition for "murder" in which that word somehow applies to the "legal" killing of an unborn child.

"The law says it is perfectly legal for a doctor to murder an unborn child." ~ retiredgysgt

I sure wish I could be so cavalier with words. :dunno:
I like how you pick and choose when that definition applies. Seems with Zimmerman, you apply the definition to mean Zimmerman didn't murder Martin because he "legally" killed Martin in self-defense.

However, when it comes to abortion, you have a whole new definition for "murder" in which that word somehow applies to the "legal" killing of an unborn child.

"The law says it is perfectly legal for a doctor to murder an unborn child." ~ retiredgysgt

I sure wish I could be so cavalier with words. :dunno:
And yet I do not hound nor threaten nor attempt to get others to hound or threaten abortion doctors. Go figure.
I like how you pick and choose when that definition applies. Seems with Zimmerman, you apply the definition to mean Zimmerman didn't murder Martin because he "legally" killed Martin in self-defense.

However, when it comes to abortion, you have a whole new definition for "murder" in which that word somehow applies to the "legal" killing of an unborn child.

"The law says it is perfectly legal for a doctor to murder an unborn child." ~ retiredgysgt

I sure wish I could be so cavalier with words. :dunno:
And yet I do not hound nor threaten nor attempt to get others to hound or threaten abortion doctors. Go figure.
So what? You still have two different definitions for the word, "murder," depending how it suits your feelings.

Does the guy have a chip on his shoulder? Yeah, it will probably be his undoing. But I don't see the need the media has to have his blood on their hands.

He will be hated by many for eternity, he will likely get locked up for his behavior. But why focus on that one dunce as though he is the only Asshole in the country?

People threaten to kill one another in traffic all the time, there are plenty of abusers, more than I care to think of.

Who cares about this guy?

The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone.

That's why his threatening to kill someone in a road rage incident - AND following him to his place of work- should be taken a lot more seriously.

The system had the chance to lock him up after the Trayvon thing. It didn't.

So either he will kill someone else, or someone will kill him in self-defense. Or maybe some brothers on the street might recognize him and hilarity will ensue.
The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone and gotten away with it. In his dim witted little mind, he's been given a license to kill.
The court deemed out self defense. Anybody would get away with killing somebody in self defense.
Except it wasn't self defense. We have only his word on that. He isn't believable. He set up the whole situation when he left his vehicle and followed Trayvon instead of waiting for the police, followed Trayvon and carried a loaded gun. As far as reality: Trayvon may have been acting in self defense: in fact, that's very likely as some stranger scary guy was following him. That Zimmerman was acting in self defense is not a fact, it is a theory, a self serving one for those who want the black kid to be the bad guy.

Does the guy have a chip on his shoulder? Yeah, it will probably be his undoing. But I don't see the need the media has to have his blood on their hands.

He will be hated by many for eternity, he will likely get locked up for his behavior. But why focus on that one dunce as though he is the only Asshole in the country?

People threaten to kill one another in traffic all the time, there are plenty of abusers, more than I care to think of.

Who cares about this guy?

The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone.

That's why his threatening to kill someone in a road rage incident - AND following him to his place of work- should be taken a lot more seriously.

The system had the chance to lock him up after the Trayvon thing. It didn't.

So either he will kill someone else, or someone will kill him in self-defense. Or maybe some brothers on the street might recognize him and hilarity will ensue.
The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone and gotten away with it. In his dim witted little mind, he's been given a license to kill.
The court deemed out self defense. Anybody would get away with killing somebody in self defense.
Except it wasn't self defense. We have only his word on that. He isn't believable. He set up the whole situation when he left his vehicle and followed Trayvon instead of waiting for the police, followed Trayvon and carried a loaded gun. As far as reality: Trayvon may have been acting in self defense: in fact, that's very likely as some stranger scary guy was following him. That Zimmerman was acting in self defense is not a fact, it is a theory, a self serving one for those who want the black kid to be the bad guy.
Can you prove his guilt?

Does the guy have a chip on his shoulder? Yeah, it will probably be his undoing. But I don't see the need the media has to have his blood on their hands.

He will be hated by many for eternity, he will likely get locked up for his behavior. But why focus on that one dunce as though he is the only Asshole in the country?

People threaten to kill one another in traffic all the time, there are plenty of abusers, more than I care to think of.

Who cares about this guy?

The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone.

That's why his threatening to kill someone in a road rage incident - AND following him to his place of work- should be taken a lot more seriously.

The system had the chance to lock him up after the Trayvon thing. It didn't.

So either he will kill someone else, or someone will kill him in self-defense. Or maybe some brothers on the street might recognize him and hilarity will ensue.
The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone and gotten away with it. In his dim witted little mind, he's been given a license to kill.
The court deemed out self defense. Anybody would get away with killing somebody in self defense.
Except it wasn't self defense. We have only his word on that. He isn't believable. He set up the whole situation when he left his vehicle and followed Trayvon instead of waiting for the police, followed Trayvon and carried a loaded gun. As far as reality: Trayvon may have been acting in self defense: in fact, that's very likely as some stranger scary guy was following him. That Zimmerman was acting in self defense is not a fact, it is a theory, a self serving one for those who want the black kid to be the bad guy.
We don't have just his word we have a TRIAL and the VERDICT of a Jury that believed him and so ruled.

Does the guy have a chip on his shoulder? Yeah, it will probably be his undoing. But I don't see the need the media has to have his blood on their hands.

He will be hated by many for eternity, he will likely get locked up for his behavior. But why focus on that one dunce as though he is the only Asshole in the country?

People threaten to kill one another in traffic all the time, there are plenty of abusers, more than I care to think of.

Who cares about this guy?

The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone.

That's why his threatening to kill someone in a road rage incident - AND following him to his place of work- should be taken a lot more seriously.

The system had the chance to lock him up after the Trayvon thing. It didn't.

So either he will kill someone else, or someone will kill him in self-defense. Or maybe some brothers on the street might recognize him and hilarity will ensue.
The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone and gotten away with it. In his dim witted little mind, he's been given a license to kill.
The court deemed out self defense. Anybody would get away with killing somebody in self defense.
Except it wasn't self defense. We have only his word on that. He isn't believable. He set up the whole situation when he left his vehicle and followed Trayvon instead of waiting for the police, followed Trayvon and carried a loaded gun. As far as reality: Trayvon may have been acting in self defense: in fact, that's very likely as some stranger scary guy was following him. That Zimmerman was acting in self defense is not a fact, it is a theory, a self serving one for those who want the black kid to be the bad guy.
Can you prove his guilt?
He killed someone, that is a fact. Whether he did it in self defense or not is the question. The evidence does not support self defense on his part any more than it supports self defense on Travyon's part. The jury chose to believe one thing. The verdict is controversial, as it should be. Zimmerman has proven, since the trial, to be a man who is trigger happy. That in itself is evidence that the killing of Martin was not justified. All indications are that Zimmerman will kill again, and part of that concept is based on the fact he already killed someone and did not suffer any legal penalty for it. I believe that in his mind, he has a license to kill. Why does he believe that? Because he is a trigger happy dimwit.

Does the guy have a chip on his shoulder? Yeah, it will probably be his undoing. But I don't see the need the media has to have his blood on their hands.

He will be hated by many for eternity, he will likely get locked up for his behavior. But why focus on that one dunce as though he is the only Asshole in the country?

People threaten to kill one another in traffic all the time, there are plenty of abusers, more than I care to think of.

Who cares about this guy?

The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone.

That's why his threatening to kill someone in a road rage incident - AND following him to his place of work- should be taken a lot more seriously.

The system had the chance to lock him up after the Trayvon thing. It didn't.

So either he will kill someone else, or someone will kill him in self-defense. Or maybe some brothers on the street might recognize him and hilarity will ensue.
The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone and gotten away with it. In his dim witted little mind, he's been given a license to kill.
The court deemed out self defense. Anybody would get away with killing somebody in self defense.
Except it wasn't self defense. We have only his word on that. He isn't believable. He set up the whole situation when he left his vehicle and followed Trayvon instead of waiting for the police, followed Trayvon and carried a loaded gun. As far as reality: Trayvon may have been acting in self defense: in fact, that's very likely as some stranger scary guy was following him. That Zimmerman was acting in self defense is not a fact, it is a theory, a self serving one for those who want the black kid to be the bad guy.
We don't have just his word we have a TRIAL and the VERDICT of a Jury that believed him and so ruled.
The trial and jury verdict only prove that the jury found him not guilty based on their opinions of the evidence. He was never proven innocent. If the tables were turned and a black man hunted down and killed a white boy, your opinion would be just the opposite.

Does the guy have a chip on his shoulder? Yeah, it will probably be his undoing. But I don't see the need the media has to have his blood on their hands.

He will be hated by many for eternity, he will likely get locked up for his behavior. But why focus on that one dunce as though he is the only Asshole in the country?

People threaten to kill one another in traffic all the time, there are plenty of abusers, more than I care to think of.

Who cares about this guy?

The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone.

That's why his threatening to kill someone in a road rage incident - AND following him to his place of work- should be taken a lot more seriously.

The system had the chance to lock him up after the Trayvon thing. It didn't.

So either he will kill someone else, or someone will kill him in self-defense. Or maybe some brothers on the street might recognize him and hilarity will ensue.
The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone and gotten away with it. In his dim witted little mind, he's been given a license to kill.
The court deemed out self defense. Anybody would get away with killing somebody in self defense.
Except it wasn't self defense. We have only his word on that. He isn't believable. He set up the whole situation when he left his vehicle and followed Trayvon instead of waiting for the police, followed Trayvon and carried a loaded gun. As far as reality: Trayvon may have been acting in self defense: in fact, that's very likely as some stranger scary guy was following him. That Zimmerman was acting in self defense is not a fact, it is a theory, a self serving one for those who want the black kid to be the bad guy.
We don't have just his word we have a TRIAL and the VERDICT of a Jury that believed him and so ruled.
We have verdicts that are proven wrong. People spend years in prison only to find they were not guilty. It happens more often than it should.
The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone.

That's why his threatening to kill someone in a road rage incident - AND following him to his place of work- should be taken a lot more seriously.

The system had the chance to lock him up after the Trayvon thing. It didn't.

So either he will kill someone else, or someone will kill him in self-defense. Or maybe some brothers on the street might recognize him and hilarity will ensue.
The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone and gotten away with it. In his dim witted little mind, he's been given a license to kill.
The court deemed out self defense. Anybody would get away with killing somebody in self defense.
Except it wasn't self defense. We have only his word on that. He isn't believable. He set up the whole situation when he left his vehicle and followed Trayvon instead of waiting for the police, followed Trayvon and carried a loaded gun. As far as reality: Trayvon may have been acting in self defense: in fact, that's very likely as some stranger scary guy was following him. That Zimmerman was acting in self defense is not a fact, it is a theory, a self serving one for those who want the black kid to be the bad guy.
Can you prove his guilt?
He killed someone, that is a fact. Whether he did it in self defense or not is the question. The evidence does not support self defense on his part any more than it supports self defense on Travyon's part. The jury chose to believe one thing. The verdict is controversial, as it should be. Zimmerman has proven, since the trial, to be a man who is trigger happy. That in itself is evidence that the killing of Martin was not justified. All indications are that Zimmerman will kill again, and part of that concept is based on the fact he already killed someone and did not suffer any legal penalty for it. I believe that in his mind, he has a license to kill. Why does he believe that? Because he is a trigger happy dimwit.
There is no question, a Jury determined he acted in self defense. End of story.
The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone.

That's why his threatening to kill someone in a road rage incident - AND following him to his place of work- should be taken a lot more seriously.

The system had the chance to lock him up after the Trayvon thing. It didn't.

So either he will kill someone else, or someone will kill him in self-defense. Or maybe some brothers on the street might recognize him and hilarity will ensue.
The difference is, this guy has actually killed someone and gotten away with it. In his dim witted little mind, he's been given a license to kill.
The court deemed out self defense. Anybody would get away with killing somebody in self defense.
Except it wasn't self defense. We have only his word on that. He isn't believable. He set up the whole situation when he left his vehicle and followed Trayvon instead of waiting for the police, followed Trayvon and carried a loaded gun. As far as reality: Trayvon may have been acting in self defense: in fact, that's very likely as some stranger scary guy was following him. That Zimmerman was acting in self defense is not a fact, it is a theory, a self serving one for those who want the black kid to be the bad guy.
Can you prove his guilt?
He killed someone, that is a fact. Whether he did it in self defense or not is the question. The evidence does not support self defense on his part any more than it supports self defense on Travyon's part. The jury chose to believe one thing. The verdict is controversial, as it should be. Zimmerman has proven, since the trial, to be a man who is trigger happy. That in itself is evidence that the killing of Martin was not justified. All indications are that Zimmerman will kill again, and part of that concept is based on the fact he already killed someone and did not suffer any legal penalty for it. I believe that in his mind, he has a license to kill. Why does he believe that? Because he is a trigger happy dimwit.
Nice opinion, can you prove his guilt?

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