Zimbabwe: a new wave of land seizures?


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Zimbabwe: a new wave of land seizures?


A country still reeling under the economic meltdown of the controversial land reform, Zimbabwe is on the brink of yet another potentially damaging economic exercise: seizing white-controlled companies in urban centers and mines through out the country.

Under the banner of the 21st February Movement, an organization formed in line with President Robert Mugabe’s birthday, Zanu PF youths are indiscriminately invading white- and foreign-owned companies under the controversial Indigenization and Economic Empowerment Act, which requires that foreigners possess 41 percent of shares while the rest goes to indigenous people.

While compliance should be executed in boardrooms, young members of the Zimbabwe African National Union -- Patriotic Front, led by President Mugabe, have adopted the violent land reform style of grabbing the companies, at times forcing the closure of strategic economic units and at the same time causing mayhem, especially in the capital, Harare. It's a method that was used in the past decade against white-owned farms, and which has been blamed for a severe drop in food production. Once a food-exporter, Zimbabwe now is a recipient of food aid.

Press reports in Zimbabwe suggests that the “rogue” youths have “literally taken over Harare by invading almost all council properties, car parks, ranks, markets and open spaces meant for council projects,” saying they were taking over what “rightly belonged” to them.

Home Affairs co-minister Mrs. Theresa Makone has said she had given up on trying to control the youths.

“In my constituency, there is chaos, and ZANU PF youths have finished building a base and there is nothing I can do to stop their invasions," Ms. Makone told NewsDay newspaper. "I and the deputy mayor are in the same area and we have a problem. When I wanted to develop, they denied me. There is nothing we can do...."

ZANU PF spokesperson Rugare Gumbo has disowned the youths, saying they were members of the opposition, while his party secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa recently claimed responsibility for the violence that rocked Parliament Building, saying they would defend the youths if they were arrested.

In Zimbabwe’s second-largest city, Bulawayo, the same youths have occupied buildings owned by Zimbabweans of Asian origin for the past year, claiming it was part of their indigenization drive to pass businesses onto black people. Prejudice against Africans of Asian origin is common throughout the continent because of their prominent place in business affairs. African politicians of the past, such as Uganda's former dictator Idi Amin, once targeted Asian merchants and landowners.

While land invasions were aimed at "taking back" land owned by white commercial farmers and giving it to the poor, the violent land reform which started in 1995 has left thousands of farm workers without jobs and forced hundreds of white farmers to flee to countries such as Zambia and Nigeria.

Political commentator Hopewell Gumbo says that the current wave of invasions could finish off those few sections of the economy that still function.

“This is another exercise which spells doom for Zimbabwe, particularly on the economic front," says Mr. Gumbo. "The unfortunate reality is that while in the Government of National Unity, the MDC is trying to heal the battered economy, Zanu PF is pulling in another direction.

Zimbabwe: a new wave of land seizures? - CSMonitor.com
Zimbabwe: a new wave of land seizures?


A country still reeling under the economic meltdown of the controversial land reform, Zimbabwe is on the brink of yet another potentially damaging economic exercise: seizing white-controlled companies in urban centers and mines through out the country.

Under the banner of the 21st February Movement, an organization formed in line with President Robert Mugabe’s birthday, Zanu PF youths are indiscriminately invading white- and foreign-owned companies under the controversial Indigenization and Economic Empowerment Act, which requires that foreigners possess 41 percent of shares while the rest goes to indigenous people.

While compliance should be executed in boardrooms, young members of the Zimbabwe African National Union -- Patriotic Front, led by President Mugabe, have adopted the violent land reform style of grabbing the companies, at times forcing the closure of strategic economic units and at the same time causing mayhem, especially in the capital, Harare. It's a method that was used in the past decade against white-owned farms, and which has been blamed for a severe drop in food production. Once a food-exporter, Zimbabwe now is a recipient of food aid.

Press reports in Zimbabwe suggests that the “rogue” youths have “literally taken over Harare by invading almost all council properties, car parks, ranks, markets and open spaces meant for council projects,” saying they were taking over what “rightly belonged” to them.

Home Affairs co-minister Mrs. Theresa Makone has said she had given up on trying to control the youths.

“In my constituency, there is chaos, and ZANU PF youths have finished building a base and there is nothing I can do to stop their invasions," Ms. Makone told NewsDay newspaper. "I and the deputy mayor are in the same area and we have a problem. When I wanted to develop, they denied me. There is nothing we can do...."

ZANU PF spokesperson Rugare Gumbo has disowned the youths, saying they were members of the opposition, while his party secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa recently claimed responsibility for the violence that rocked Parliament Building, saying they would defend the youths if they were arrested.

In Zimbabwe’s second-largest city, Bulawayo, the same youths have occupied buildings owned by Zimbabweans of Asian origin for the past year, claiming it was part of their indigenization drive to pass businesses onto black people. Prejudice against Africans of Asian origin is common throughout the continent because of their prominent place in business affairs. African politicians of the past, such as Uganda's former dictator Idi Amin, once targeted Asian merchants and landowners.

While land invasions were aimed at "taking back" land owned by white commercial farmers and giving it to the poor, the violent land reform which started in 1995 has left thousands of farm workers without jobs and forced hundreds of white farmers to flee to countries such as Zambia and Nigeria.

Political commentator Hopewell Gumbo says that the current wave of invasions could finish off those few sections of the economy that still function.

“This is another exercise which spells doom for Zimbabwe, particularly on the economic front," says Mr. Gumbo. "The unfortunate reality is that while in the Government of National Unity, the MDC is trying to heal the battered economy, Zanu PF is pulling in another direction.

Zimbabwe: a new wave of land seizures? - CSMonitor.com

I believe the Zimbabwe land seizures where aimed at giving back lands to rightful owners - the natives. And as per joblessness:

I am of the opinion that Africans are jobless and starve for lack of knowledge and false indoctrination by Western propagandists. I just find so hard to understand how Africans in Africa with all the natural resources can go jobless or starve.
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Zimbabwe: a new wave of land seizures?


A country still reeling under the economic meltdown of the controversial land reform, Zimbabwe is on the brink of yet another potentially damaging economic exercise: seizing white-controlled companies in urban centers and mines through out the country.

Under the banner of the 21st February Movement, an organization formed in line with President Robert Mugabe’s birthday, Zanu PF youths are indiscriminately invading white- and foreign-owned companies under the controversial Indigenization and Economic Empowerment Act, which requires that foreigners possess 41 percent of shares while the rest goes to indigenous people.

While compliance should be executed in boardrooms, young members of the Zimbabwe African National Union -- Patriotic Front, led by President Mugabe, have adopted the violent land reform style of grabbing the companies, at times forcing the closure of strategic economic units and at the same time causing mayhem, especially in the capital, Harare. It's a method that was used in the past decade against white-owned farms, and which has been blamed for a severe drop in food production. Once a food-exporter, Zimbabwe now is a recipient of food aid.

Press reports in Zimbabwe suggests that the “rogue” youths have “literally taken over Harare by invading almost all council properties, car parks, ranks, markets and open spaces meant for council projects,” saying they were taking over what “rightly belonged” to them.

Home Affairs co-minister Mrs. Theresa Makone has said she had given up on trying to control the youths.

“In my constituency, there is chaos, and ZANU PF youths have finished building a base and there is nothing I can do to stop their invasions," Ms. Makone told NewsDay newspaper. "I and the deputy mayor are in the same area and we have a problem. When I wanted to develop, they denied me. There is nothing we can do...."

ZANU PF spokesperson Rugare Gumbo has disowned the youths, saying they were members of the opposition, while his party secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa recently claimed responsibility for the violence that rocked Parliament Building, saying they would defend the youths if they were arrested.

In Zimbabwe’s second-largest city, Bulawayo, the same youths have occupied buildings owned by Zimbabweans of Asian origin for the past year, claiming it was part of their indigenization drive to pass businesses onto black people. Prejudice against Africans of Asian origin is common throughout the continent because of their prominent place in business affairs. African politicians of the past, such as Uganda's former dictator Idi Amin, once targeted Asian merchants and landowners.

While land invasions were aimed at "taking back" land owned by white commercial farmers and giving it to the poor, the violent land reform which started in 1995 has left thousands of farm workers without jobs and forced hundreds of white farmers to flee to countries such as Zambia and Nigeria.

Political commentator Hopewell Gumbo says that the current wave of invasions could finish off those few sections of the economy that still function.

“This is another exercise which spells doom for Zimbabwe, particularly on the economic front," says Mr. Gumbo. "The unfortunate reality is that while in the Government of National Unity, the MDC is trying to heal the battered economy, Zanu PF is pulling in another direction.

Zimbabwe: a new wave of land seizures? - CSMonitor.com

I believe the Zimbabwe land seizures where aimed at giving back lands to rigthful owners - the natives. And as per joblessness:

I am of the opinion that Africans are jobless and starve for lack of knowledge and false indoctrination by Western propagandists. I just find so hard to understand how Africans in Africa with all the natural resources can go jobless or starve.

Because they are ruled by insane morons like Mugabe. With his enlightened leadership a country that was once a breadbasket for the continent is now starving. Hopefully some other enlightened types will retire him and put someone in that has an operational brain. Of course that is true of most of Africa. Corruption is job one for the leadership.
Zimbabwe: a new wave of land seizures?


A country still reeling under the economic meltdown of the controversial land reform, Zimbabwe is on the brink of yet another potentially damaging economic exercise: seizing white-controlled companies in urban centers and mines through out the country.

Under the banner of the 21st February Movement, an organization formed in line with President Robert Mugabe’s birthday, Zanu PF youths are indiscriminately invading white- and foreign-owned companies under the controversial Indigenization and Economic Empowerment Act, which requires that foreigners possess 41 percent of shares while the rest goes to indigenous people.

While compliance should be executed in boardrooms, young members of the Zimbabwe African National Union -- Patriotic Front, led by President Mugabe, have adopted the violent land reform style of grabbing the companies, at times forcing the closure of strategic economic units and at the same time causing mayhem, especially in the capital, Harare. It's a method that was used in the past decade against white-owned farms, and which has been blamed for a severe drop in food production. Once a food-exporter, Zimbabwe now is a recipient of food aid.

Press reports in Zimbabwe suggests that the “rogue” youths have “literally taken over Harare by invading almost all council properties, car parks, ranks, markets and open spaces meant for council projects,” saying they were taking over what “rightly belonged” to them.

Home Affairs co-minister Mrs. Theresa Makone has said she had given up on trying to control the youths.

“In my constituency, there is chaos, and ZANU PF youths have finished building a base and there is nothing I can do to stop their invasions," Ms. Makone told NewsDay newspaper. "I and the deputy mayor are in the same area and we have a problem. When I wanted to develop, they denied me. There is nothing we can do...."

ZANU PF spokesperson Rugare Gumbo has disowned the youths, saying they were members of the opposition, while his party secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa recently claimed responsibility for the violence that rocked Parliament Building, saying they would defend the youths if they were arrested.

In Zimbabwe’s second-largest city, Bulawayo, the same youths have occupied buildings owned by Zimbabweans of Asian origin for the past year, claiming it was part of their indigenization drive to pass businesses onto black people. Prejudice against Africans of Asian origin is common throughout the continent because of their prominent place in business affairs. African politicians of the past, such as Uganda's former dictator Idi Amin, once targeted Asian merchants and landowners.

While land invasions were aimed at "taking back" land owned by white commercial farmers and giving it to the poor, the violent land reform which started in 1995 has left thousands of farm workers without jobs and forced hundreds of white farmers to flee to countries such as Zambia and Nigeria.

Political commentator Hopewell Gumbo says that the current wave of invasions could finish off those few sections of the economy that still function.

“This is another exercise which spells doom for Zimbabwe, particularly on the economic front," says Mr. Gumbo. "The unfortunate reality is that while in the Government of National Unity, the MDC is trying to heal the battered economy, Zanu PF is pulling in another direction.

Zimbabwe: a new wave of land seizures? - CSMonitor.com

I believe the Zimbabwe land seizures where aimed at giving back lands to rigthful owners - the natives. And as per joblessness:

I am of the opinion that Africans are jobless and starve for lack of knowledge and false indoctrination by Western propagandists. I just find so hard to understand how Africans in Africa with all the natural resources can go jobless or starve.

Because just throwing out the white farmers was a retarded bone headed racist move, just taking away the farms from the whites and just handing the land over to poor Blacks was stupid because the poor blacks don't know how to work the land, so the farms are rotting away and the people are starving. The smart move would have been to keep the white farmers and have them teach the Blacks how to work the land, and than buy out the white farms with a big check, now just toss them out into the streets.
Whites have no business in Africa !! Get the hell out and let the blacks work it out amongst themselves !! and in 50 yrs when they have become extinct whites can move in and utilize the unlimited resources !!

I believe the Zimbabwe land seizures where aimed at giving back lands to rightful owners - the natives. And as per joblessness:

I am of the opinion that Africans are jobless and starve for lack of knowledge and false indoctrination by Western propagandists. I just find so hard to understand how Africans in Africa with all the natural resources can go jobless or starve.

Because just throwing out the white farmers was a retarded bone headed racist move, just taking away the farms from the whites and just handing the land over to poor Blacks was stupid because the poor blacks don't know how to work the land, so the farms are rotting away and the people are starving. The smart move would have been to keep the white farmers and have them teach the Blacks how to work the land, and than buy out the white farms with a big check, now just toss them out into the streets.

It was racist and inhumane of immigrants to occupy land, mistreat and impose upon the natives. I do not see how taking back land to give to rightful owners is "racist"?
I believe the Zimbabwe land seizures where aimed at giving back lands to rightful owners - the natives. And as per joblessness:

I am of the opinion that Africans are jobless and starve for lack of knowledge and false indoctrination by Western propagandists. I just find so hard to understand how Africans in Africa with all the natural resources can go jobless or starve.

Because just throwing out the white farmers was a retarded bone headed racist move, just taking away the farms from the whites and just handing the land over to poor Blacks was stupid because the poor blacks don't know how to work the land, so the farms are rotting away and the people are starving. The smart move would have been to keep the white farmers and have them teach the Blacks how to work the land, and than buy out the white farms with a big check, now just toss them out into the streets.

It was racist and inhumane of immigrants to occupy land, mistreat and impose upon the natives. I do not see how taking back land to give to rightful owners is "racist"?

Because now that the land is in the hands of the "rightful" owners, its being misused. So in return for some petty revenge the locals have destroyed thier economy and replaced on group of bosses (the brits) for another (thier own elite).
I believe the Zimbabwe land seizures where aimed at giving back lands to rightful owners - the natives. And as per joblessness:

I am of the opinion that Africans are jobless and starve for lack of knowledge and false indoctrination by Western propagandists. I just find so hard to understand how Africans in Africa with all the natural resources can go jobless or starve.

Because just throwing out the white farmers was a retarded bone headed racist move, just taking away the farms from the whites and just handing the land over to poor Blacks was stupid because the poor blacks don't know how to work the land, so the farms are rotting away and the people are starving. The smart move would have been to keep the white farmers and have them teach the Blacks how to work the land, and than buy out the white farms with a big check, now just toss them out into the streets.

It was racist and inhumane of immigrants to occupy land, mistreat and impose upon the natives. I do not see how taking back land to give to rightful owners is "racist"?

Because the land is rotting and the people are starving, and it was racist because they specifically targeted the white farmers.
How long will this continue?

Until the country starves to death or begins attacking its neighbors in an effort to re-direct it's starving peoples attention. Then, finally a revolution, and the cycle begins again.
Guess the reason he's lived so long is the Devil don't want him either...
Mugabe Turns 88, Vows to Stay in Power
February 21, 2012 - Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has marked his 88th birthday with a series of interviews in which he insists he will call for elections this year.
However, analysts say it is unlikely he will defy regional leaders who insist that a new constitution, endorsed in a referendum, be in place before elections are held. Mugabe told Zimbabwe state television that he will do whatever it takes to ensure that they are held. "But definitely I will then exercise my presidential powers in accordance with the main constitution, the principal constitution of the country, and announce when the election will take place," he said. "And I will do this."

But in order to do this, Mugabe will have to withdraw from the 2008 Global Political Agreement, or GPA, which brought about the power-sharing government in his country. The agreement was backed by the Southern African Development Community, the SADC. "We will tell SADC what the problem is, and SADC cannot compel us to continue on an exercise which is futile," he said. "And I am sure that there is greater wisdom on the part of SADC, and anyway the GPA states that a party can resign from it, reject it completely, and once a rejection takes [place], we revert then to our existing constitution. A constitution on which all these years we have based ourselves, and that becomes also the basis of an election."

Ibbo Mandaza, an author and a founder of SAPES Trust, a regional think tank, said rather than winning the support of the SADC and the African Union, Mugabe is likely to incur their wrath if he unilaterally calls for an election. Their patience with the aging leader, he said, is wearing thin. "The SADC and the AU are getting increasingly impatient with Mugabe, and he should know that many feel he has overstayed," said Mandaza. "Many feel that this is mainly his problem that has led to the GPA, and that he of all people should not be seen to be in the way of a process towards the recovery of Zimbabwe."


See also:

Dozens of People Face Eviction From Zimbabwe Farms
February 21, 2012 - Harare government prosecutes dozens of farm workers and their families
It has been more than 10 years since President Robert Mugabe’s government began seizing white-owned commercial farms for redistribution to poor blacks. The beneficiaries were his supporters, however, with many of the elite, including the presidential couple, acquiring multiple farms. The seizures in Zimbabwe left thousands of farm hands, who used to work for the white farmers, jobless, destitute and facing eviction.

Workers at the Mgutu Farm in Mazowe, about 40 kilometers north of Harare, are deliberating their looming eviction. It follows a complaint by new owner Kingstone Dutiro to the authorities that they are illegally occupying his land. Dutiro acquired the land after Archie Black, the original owner, was evicted in 2000. The state is now prosecuting the 85 workers who, with their families, face eviction. The farm workers, mostly of Malawian origin, have worked on the farm for many years, some for more than four decades. They say they have nowhere to go.

Painful repercussions

Seventy-two-year-old Binias Yolamu, who came to Zimbabwe in 1964 from Mozambique when he was 24, no longer has any links with his birth place. “I worked here for 48 years. I grew up here. I will die here. When the white farmer [Archie Black] left, he said the compound, the engine to pump water and electricity was all ours," Yolamu said. "I will go nowhere. All my relatives in Mozambique perished during the civil war of the 1970-80s. I have forgotten everything about Mozambique. I will die in Zimbabwe and here at this farm.”

Tarisayi Papaya, a 42-year-old widow with five children, is one of the farm workers facing eviction. She thinks Mugabe’s land reform has taken a wrong turn. “It is painful that we are now being evicted from this farm. When the land reform started we were all excited. We were told that all black people would live together peacefully," said Papaya. "Now the government has turned against us. We hope there will be divine intervention to ensure that we are not evicted.”

Someone must still be growing food. That has to stop.

Zimbabwe used to Rhodesia. It was known as the breadbasket of Africa. The farms, ranches and orchards of Rhodesia could feed the entire continent.

When the farms were seized and redistributed to the natives it wasn't simply misused. It was destroyed. Most of the white farmers were killed along with any natives that worked on the farms. The crops were burned in the fields, orchards were burned with fruit still on the trees, entire herds were slaughtered and their bodies left to rot.

With total irony, after the farmers were driven off or killed and the nation started to tip into starvation, the blame was laid totally at the racist whites who were taking revenge by forcing the people into hunger.
Someone must still be growing food. That has to stop.

Zimbabwe used to Rhodesia. It was known as the breadbasket of Africa. The farms, ranches and orchards of Rhodesia could feed the entire continent.

When the farms were seized and redistributed to the natives it wasn't simply misused. It was destroyed. Most of the white farmers were killed along with any natives that worked on the farms. The crops were burned in the fields, orchards were burned with fruit still on the trees, entire herds were slaughtered and their bodies left to rot.

With total irony, after the farmers were driven off or killed and the nation started to tip into starvation, the blame was laid totally at the racist whites who were taking revenge by forcing the people into hunger.

The way that whole situation was handled was wrong, they should have let the white farmers keep their land, what nobody talks about is the white farmers employed tens of thousands of Blacks, now those jobs are gone too.
Someone must still be growing food. That has to stop.

Zimbabwe used to Rhodesia. It was known as the breadbasket of Africa. The farms, ranches and orchards of Rhodesia could feed the entire continent.

When the farms were seized and redistributed to the natives it wasn't simply misused. It was destroyed. Most of the white farmers were killed along with any natives that worked on the farms. The crops were burned in the fields, orchards were burned with fruit still on the trees, entire herds were slaughtered and their bodies left to rot.

With total irony, after the farmers were driven off or killed and the nation started to tip into starvation, the blame was laid totally at the racist whites who were taking revenge by forcing the people into hunger.

The way that whole situation was handled was wrong, they should have let the white farmers keep their land, what nobody talks about is the white farmers employed tens of thousands of Blacks, now those jobs are gone too.

South Africa found out this error as well.
Someone must still be growing food. That has to stop.

Zimbabwe used to Rhodesia. It was known as the breadbasket of Africa. The farms, ranches and orchards of Rhodesia could feed the entire continent.

When the farms were seized and redistributed to the natives it wasn't simply misused. It was destroyed. Most of the white farmers were killed along with any natives that worked on the farms. The crops were burned in the fields, orchards were burned with fruit still on the trees, entire herds were slaughtered and their bodies left to rot.

With total irony, after the farmers were driven off or killed and the nation started to tip into starvation, the blame was laid totally at the racist whites who were taking revenge by forcing the people into hunger.

The way that whole situation was handled was wrong, they should have let the white farmers keep their land, what nobody talks about is the white farmers employed tens of thousands of Blacks, now those jobs are gone too.

South Africa found out this error as well.

I have friends in SA. They were told by the locals to get out... it was there land and house. If they did not go the next day they would be killed.

Before they left they Bobbie trapped the house to blow up and torch...so there would be nothing left. If they wanted it they could have the empty husk.
Someone must still be growing food. That has to stop.

Zimbabwe used to Rhodesia. It was known as the breadbasket of Africa. The farms, ranches and orchards of Rhodesia could feed the entire continent.

When the farms were seized and redistributed to the natives it wasn't simply misused. It was destroyed. Most of the white farmers were killed along with any natives that worked on the farms. The crops were burned in the fields, orchards were burned with fruit still on the trees, entire herds were slaughtered and their bodies left to rot.

With total irony, after the farmers were driven off or killed and the nation started to tip into starvation, the blame was laid totally at the racist whites who were taking revenge by forcing the people into hunger.

The way that whole situation was handled was wrong, they should have let the white farmers keep their land, what nobody talks about is the white farmers employed tens of thousands of Blacks, now those jobs are gone too.

Those thousands of blacks got killed too.
The way that whole situation was handled was wrong, they should have let the white farmers keep their land, what nobody talks about is the white farmers employed tens of thousands of Blacks, now those jobs are gone too.

South Africa found out this error as well.

I have friends in SA. They were told by the locals to get out... it was there land and house. If they did not go the next day they would be killed.

Before they left they Bobbie trapped the house to blow up and torch...so there would be nothing left. If they wanted it they could have the empty husk.

South Africa went into hell in a hand basket, although not as bad as Zimbabwe. Alot of white South Africans have fled the country, I met a few of them who went to high school with me in Kansas City, a few blacks who can afford it have also left.

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