Zack Snyder cut of "Justice League ...


Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2016
OK ... at 4 hours and 2 minutes ... including credits (no after credit scenes), clearly the longest superhero movie of all time.

It is a totally different movie, darker (much of the humor removed). Lots of character development, with characters we've already know better than anyone else and a few thousand call backs to other Snyder DC movies. They even included an extended version to the Leonard Cohen song, "Hallelujah" to cover the ending credits which is like listening to the Alicia Keys national anthem.

[ Arrr ... there be spoilers ahead if you sail into these waters, Matey.]

Things I liked ...

1. Better battle sequences ... particularly the backstory regarding The Mother Boxes. While the battles in the Whedon Cut are really good, they are quick and don't ever give you feeling that the heroes might lose.

2. The inclusion of Darkseid into the story line and call back to the original Synder hints that Superman will eventually side with Darkseid. I didn't like the Steppenwolf villian in the Wheadon Cut. In the comics, Steppenwolf is a punk. They wouldn't need all of Earth's defenders to defeat him ... a team up between The Phoenix Fire Department and a troop of surly Girl Scouts could sent him packing. The idea that Darkseid is just using Steppenwolf as a scout works much better.

Things I didn't like ...

1. I can't stress this enough ... FOUR HOURS ... any normal person would need a catheter bag and a popcorn IV to make it through this in a theater.

2. CGI ... particularly Steppenwolf costume. Seriously, I see what they were going for but it just screams cheesy CGI, particular when he first appears. I totally get why the studio shut it down.

3. It doesn't have to be so dark. Ever since Snyder took the DC reins with "Man of Steel" (don't get me started on how many ways that movie sucked), he has been obsessed with a dark DC Universe, possibly to distinguish his DCEU from the MEU. But, there is a good reason why Marvel movies outsell DC about a thousand to one ... no one wants to see a super dark super hero movie. A little dark is OK.. without some dark, Batman goes back to being Adam West in the '60s.

4. While I liked all the "scenes of coming attractions" that hinted what we would see in upcoming sequels -- including a Batman and Joker team up -- we all know that we aren't going to get another sequel. This is cruel. Warner Bros isn't going to let Snyder watch another DC movie ... much less direct one ... so we will never get to see the world with which he teased us.

I totally see why they gave the DC reins to Joss Whedon (Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron). Studios make movies that people want to see (if not in the theaters then streamed at home). They have to sell tickets. Synder tries to appeal to the most die-hard comic book fan ... but then he insults them by pissing all over the comic canon. But, the average superhero movie-goer isn't a comic book fan. They just want to see the action.
Are the Wonder Twins in it questioning their gender identity?


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