YouTube’s Sky News Australia suspension ‘disturbing’ assault on freedom of thought


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 16, 2012

I could see Google attacking just about everyone. When Twitter attacked the NY post, I thought that was a bridge too far. . . and now? Google attacking Sky News in Australia, simply for having a differing opinion?

For the love of all liberty and freedom. . . what the holy hell? :dunno:

YouTube’s Sky News Australia suspension ‘disturbing’ assault on freedom of thought​

". . . This human right to be free to share your opinions through “any media”, whether it be criticisms of government policy, or disputing conventional thinking, is nearly absolute.

But it is also fickle.

And – if we allow it – easily snuffed out like many leaders have done before.

Sky News Australia has been temporarily suspended from posting on the Google-owned platform YouTube for publishing opinion content the tech giant disagrees with.

Among the videos deemed unpalatable for societal consumption were debates around whether masks were effective and whether lockdowns were justified when considering their adverse health outcomes.. . "
Why are we allowing unelected people to dictate what's acceptable speech and what is not....are we crazy?...where is the republican resistance to this anti constitutional big tech monopoly censorship bullshit?....
This global lockdown on freedom of thought and speech that the left hates so much will eventually drive us into war.

If life is gonna suck, and I am going to be killed anyway, I am taking out as many commie shit twinkle-toed leftists as I can find, and bathing in their rotten guts.
The thing is. . . is it is ILLIBERAL.

Yes, it is leftist, as in Marxist, Fascist, Communist. . .

. . but the classical liberals, the liberals of the last century? They would not have tolerated this. . . and there are many former hippies and beats on this very site that have been so brainwashed. . .

That if their old school chums or their former selves could see their stand on this issue, simply for partisan gain? They would call their own selves "SELL OUTS," because that is what you were when you did what the government or big corporations wanted you to, instead of speaking your mind.

Sky News Australia has been temporarily suspended from posting on the Google-owned platform YouTube for publishing opinion content the tech giant disagrees with.

Among the videos deemed unpalatable for societal consumption were debates around whether masks were effective and whether lockdowns were justified when considering their adverse health outcomes.. . "
Alan Jones, the perpetrator, lost his job in teaching when a love letter to a boy pupil was discovered. Recently he's been in a cycle of losing media jobs as statements of his have outraged advertisers and therefore media owners.
He is not 'debating', he is asserting known falsehoods. Sky have acknowledged that to the extent they themselves have deleted/censored at least one recent topical broadcast of his.
He is a loon.
I can see why he is defended on this bored.
What's this, no criticism of Sky for censoring itself?
You bring up a very good issue.

He is not 'debating', he is asserting known falsehoods.
This on the other hand is a completely different topic, which? These are questions and not known "falsehoods," and you are completely blind and biased, using a ad hom. on the person presenting the topic. You're either a shill or an authoritarian, but everyone on the board has already dismissed you. . . I on the otherhand still think there may be hope for you and that your heart is not completely black.

Thanks for pointing that out. Most folks agree, most news sources are biased. Stick to the topic.

We shall wait and see on you.
Australia is not monkeying around.

1.) You go back to the WSSV outbreak in shrimp and wild prawns and small crabs in Australia in 2016, Logan River south of Brisbane, to pick up the Wuhan lab link.

2.) You note that C-19 ”Patient Zero” was a shrimp seller
29 Mar 2020

3.) You note that Fau Chi’s opposite number at Wuhan, Zheng-li Shi, studied WSSV in crayfish in 2006:
YouTube’s Sky News Australia suspension ‘disturbing’ assault on freedom of thought
Ignorant nonsense and demagoguery.

Freedom of thought and speech concern solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or entities – such as YouTube and Sky.

Indeed, YouTube is a private media entity at liberty to edit its content as it sees fit; where how it edits that content is in no manner an ‘assault’ on any type of ‘freedom.’
The thing is. . . is it is ILLIBERAL.

Yes, it is leftist, as in Marxist, Fascist, Communist. . .

. . but the classical liberals, the liberals of the last century? They would not have tolerated this. . . and there are many former hippies and beats on this very site that have been so brainwashed. . .

That if their old school chums or their former selves could see their stand on this issue, simply for partisan gain? They would call their own selves "SELL OUTS," because that is what you were when you did what the government or big corporations wanted you to, instead of speaking your mind.

This was ALWAYS the liberal's goal. They just weren't in power in the last century. If you believe they were different, you're naive
This was ALWAYS the liberal's goal. They just weren't in power in the last century. If you believe they were different, you're naive
No it wasn't.

You are talking to someone who studied Political Science at University. You are not naive, YOU are ignorant. Folks like Ross Perot, Ron Paul, Andrew Napolitano, Robert F Kennedy Jr., Gerald Celente. . . these sorts of folks are known as Jeffersonian Liberals.

By today's standards, we know them as "libertarians," but truly, they are;

You are a political neophyte, educated by public schools and corporate propaganda, that is what you say such dumb things sometimes.

sex pistols.jpeg

I could see Google attacking just about everyone. When Twitter attacked the NY post, I thought that was a bridge too far. . . and now? Google attacking Sky News in Australia, simply for having a differing opinion?

For the love of all liberty and freedom. . . what the holy hell? :dunno:

YouTube’s Sky News Australia suspension ‘disturbing’ assault on freedom of thought​

". . . This human right to be free to share your opinions through “any media”, whether it be criticisms of government policy, or disputing conventional thinking, is nearly absolute.

But it is also fickle.

And – if we allow it – easily snuffed out like many leaders have done before.

Sky News Australia has been temporarily suspended from posting on the Google-owned platform YouTube for publishing opinion content the tech giant disagrees with.

Among the videos deemed unpalatable for societal consumption were debates around whether masks were effective and whether lockdowns were justified when considering their adverse health outcomes.. . "
Right-wingers on this very site ban me from threads more than the left.

I could see Google attacking just about everyone. When Twitter attacked the NY post, I thought that was a bridge too far. . . and now? Google attacking Sky News in Australia, simply for having a differing opinion?

For the love of all liberty and freedom. . . what the holy hell? :dunno:

YouTube’s Sky News Australia suspension ‘disturbing’ assault on freedom of thought​

". . . This human right to be free to share your opinions through “any media”, whether it be criticisms of government policy, or disputing conventional thinking, is nearly absolute.

But it is also fickle.

And – if we allow it – easily snuffed out like many leaders have done before.

Sky News Australia has been temporarily suspended from posting on the Google-owned platform YouTube for publishing opinion content the tech giant disagrees with.

Among the videos deemed unpalatable for societal consumption were debates around whether masks were effective and whether lockdowns were justified when considering their adverse health outcomes.. . "
I had posted this video before. In it Snowden says that under the Patriot Act, that our government has deputized all social media organizations.
And so it is not these companies that are censoring. It is our government that is doing the banning.

For the love of all liberty and freedom. . . what the holy hell? :dunno:

Sky News Australia has been temporarily suspended from posting on the Google-owned platform YouTube for publishing opinion content the tech giant disagrees with.

Among the videos deemed unpalatable for societal consumption were debates around whether masks were effective and whether lockdowns were justified when considering their adverse health outcomes.. . "

Don't worry, MB, the people have noticed, the people are very pissed, and the people have spoken up, starting with tonight . . .
I would have though it was more because Sky News Australia is a pack of dingos.
Sky News Australia is more than one program host.
Peta Credlin is brilliant...As are Paul Murray and other hosts and contributors.
Not a dingo in sight.
Those poor people in Australia. Geez.
They'll get tired of it one day and do what needs to be done.
And it won't be pretty. It will be bloody though.

How about we make a trade with the Aussie Government???

We trade all of our Dems, Libs, illegals, and Snowflakes and their sheeples....... for all of the Australian people.

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