Youth Camps For Palestinian Boys


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
Hamas has established training camps to teach Palestinian youths how to kill Israelis.

A newly released video clip from the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) shows footage from a youth camp organized by the Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s so-called “military wing”.

The video shows young cadets demonstrating military skills, such as use of weapons, and simlulating the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier. MEMRI’s clip was put together using footage from Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV and from various Internet channels.

In the clip, Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Zahar is seen encouraging the youths to use the weapons in their hands in the “war for the liberation of Palestine”.

“They have embraced the verse: ‘Kill them wherever you may find them,’ and they have abandoned the slogans about the 1967 borders, the 1948 borders, the Oslo borders, and the Camp David borders… They have fought, they are fighting, and they are preparing themselves for all of Palestine,” he says.

Gaza Youths Encouraged to Attack Israelis - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
When Israeli youths undergo military training, who do they learn to kill? Eskimos?
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When Israeli youths undergo military training, who do they learn to kill? Eskimos?
Maybe Mr. S. is disappointed that these Hamas camps weren't around when he was younger. What a fun time he would have had.
But, but, isn't this the religion of peace?
According to Mister Obama, it is.

This describes the training for Israeli youths:

When Israelis Teach Their Kids To Hate Forward Thinking
Whom are you trying to kid, Mr. S.? This is equivalent to what happens on Open Houses at military bases throughout this country. The young American kids certainly have a good time playing soldier. The Israeli kids are certainly not being shown on TV the type of cartoons that are shown to the Muslim kids. Would you let children watch cartoons telling them they should be a shaheed and kill some Jews?
They are going to be attacked by the immigrant population, they should at least be trained in basic drills including weapon handling
Whom are you trying to kid, Mr. S.? This is equivalent to what happens on Open Houses at military bases throughout this country. The young American kids certainly have a good time playing soldier. The Israeli kids are certainly not being shown on TV the type of cartoons that are shown to the Muslim kids. Would you let children watch cartoons telling them they should be a shaheed and kill some Jews?
Did you grow up watching films and cartoons of "Hero's" killing Native Americans?
Whom are you trying to kid, Mr. S.? This is equivalent to what happens on Open Houses at military bases throughout this country. The young American kids certainly have a good time playing soldier. The Israeli kids are certainly not being shown on TV the type of cartoons that are shown to the Muslim kids. Would you let children watch cartoons telling them they should be a shaheed and kill some Jews?
Did you grow up watching films and cartoons of "Hero's" killing Native Americans?
I grew up watching films of actual combat footage in Europe and Asia. Also actual films of death camp liberations. That pointed me to a military career to do my part. What's your feeble excuse?
Such caring parents!


Heck, who of us here doesn't look back in fondness to that proud day when we were fitted for our first suicide vest?
I grew up watching films of the Horror of the American invasion of Vietnam, and their eventual defeat.
We didn't watch films telling us to blow ourselves up to kill the enemy. Don't forget, Jos, that we value life unlike the Muslims. We don't believe in some Paradise that promises us a better life afterward if we become martyrs. By the way, what kind of films were shown in Iran when you were growing up?

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