You're Still Not Selectively Editing Replies.. Change the Habit.


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
I'd say most members ARE helping with our helpless situation of having a bug in Xenforo S/Ware that Xenforo has no interest in fixing apparently.. You're POUNDING THE REPLY button like a set of trained lab monkeys. STOP IT !!!

If you have no idea what I'm screeching about -- you're probably in the 15 to 20% who have not read this...

Tempted to put some targeted alerts in here -- can't do it because I've got a principle or two -- but like in any COMMUNAL REQUEST -- about 5% of the people are causing 75% of the problems..

So here's what we're gonna do --- I'm asking members who are contacting ME about their inboxes filling up with alerts -- sometimes 100s of them overnight (mine also) when they LEFT the thread DAYS ago -- I'm telling those members to answer a few of those alerts and just politely request that they read the link above.. And then just leave please.. Don't derail the thread.. MAKE THE POINT THAT YOU ARE NOT PICKING ON THE PERSON you're responding to in the post. Because they are JUST ONE of maybe 4 or 5 that are so invested in poking each other they don't REALIZE they are editing a reply with 20 or 30 previous quotes in the message..

If you SEE even 10 or 15 quotes in the REPLY editing box -- YOU'RE DOING IT ALL WRONG.. Please help..
They don't know how. I tried telling someone once, he went off the handle, called me everything in the book. "don't tell me what to do on and on" OK Flac, you tell them, they still wouldn't understand.

Simple. Reply. Highlight and delete all the superfluous crap except the person you are responding to, or one can't. Post. I have done that since day one, very simple.
It's not so easy to do if you are on your phone. Especially with the way the topic jumps around when someone else posts.

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