“You’re Out of Your F***ing Minds!”: Protesters Disrupt Biden-Obama-Clinton $25 Million ‘Grassroots’ Fundraiser in New York City

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
All this money will go to the ballot traffickers, buying precinct workers, and illegals filling out ballots for the dead.

Gosh, it really burns the Democrats are raising a lot more money than the Republicans, doesn't it. :lol:

Even without Sam Bankman-Fried chipping in!
All this money will go to the ballot traffickers, buying precinct workers, and illegals filling out ballots for the dead.

Hundreds of protestors. And Biden didn't call them "terrorists" or fire rubber bullets at them, like Trump did in Washington.

$25 million raised in one day. Republicans don't even have enough money to pay Trump's lawyers for another month, much less run a national campaign. Ever since Trump took over the Republican Party, all of the money goes to Trump.

Trump's campaign has been one big griift of the American people.
Must be worried if they have to recruit Slick Willie and Obumbles...
At least they didn't look at hiring Russian asset and Ukrainian oligarchic money launderer Paul Manafort to run their 2024 campaign.

Trump must be pretty desperate if he's scraping the bottom of that barrel.

It's like I've been saying. Only the most craven, despicable cretins would be stupid enough to work for Trump at this point.

"Don't worry. No matter what crimes you commit in my second term, I'll pardon you again."
All this money will go to the ballot traffickers, buying precinct workers, and illegals filling out ballots for the dead.

Here in Chicago, they’re still counting ballots from Tuesday, claim this morning they had 50k mail in ballots to count. Demofk vs demofk and the party backed candidate is behind. Hmmmm cheat much? 50k on Thursday?
Here in Chicago, they’re still counting ballots from Tuesday, claim this morning they had 50k mail in ballots to count. Demofk vs demofk and the party backed candidate is behind. Hmmmm cheat much? 50k on Thursday?
That's wild.
Grassroots is now $100k a plate?

They must be donating from the bottom of their hearts, no interest on their "donation" expected?

I recall reading something to the effect that a House Seat election in U.S involves more money spent than all of the entire German federal election. That is startling if true.
Grassroots is now $100k a plate?

Inside a $100,000-per-person Trump fundraiser: Chicken, asparagus and 20 minutes of talk​


Trump hosts a $100,000-per-person fundraiser to help Giuliani pay legal bills​

They must be donating from the bottom of their hearts, no interest on their "donation" expected?

Saudi-funded lobbyist paid for 500 rooms at Trump’s hotel after 2016 election​

Report: Jared Kushner’s $2 Billion Saudi Check Appears Even More Comically Corrupt Than Previously Thought

I recall reading something to the effect that a House Seat election in U.S involves more money spent than all of the entire German federal election. That is startling if true.
Well, you see, the more you concentrate power at the federal level, the easier you make it to capture that power.

The more concentrated power you can capture, the more you will spend to do so.

This is something the liberals have never figured out. But then again, no one concentrates power like the Republicans.

Need a tax carveout for your industry? How much you got?
You're precisely correct. They're thieves!

Did they hold the donors families hostage or something? Did they threaten to kill their families if they didn't come to dinner?

I'm sensing some insane jealousy here. It really burns your asses the Dems are beating the GOP at their own game, doesn't it.

And no one steals like Donald Trump does. Just ask the cancer kids whose charity money he stole. Just ask the elderly victims of his fake university.
All this money will go to the ballot traffickers, buying precinct workers, and illegals filling out ballots for the dead.

Thank God for capitalism.

Did they hold the donors families hostage or something? Did they threaten to kill their families if they didn't come to dinner?

I'm sensing some insane jealousy here. It really burns your asses the Dems are beating the GOP at their own game, doesn't it.

And no one steals like Donald Trump does. Just ask the cancer kids whose charity money he stole. Just ask the elderly victims of his fake university.
The Dems have a coalition, Trump has isolated himself and relies on mob rule.
All this money will go to the ballot traffickers, buying precinct workers, and illegals filling out ballots for the dead.

The cost of fake ballots has gone up 25% under Biden.

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