Your view on Socialism/Communism/Liberalism

Did you know that the Vietnam war that the US entered was under J. F. Kennedy and L. B. Johnson escalated it for the liberal war machine. Why is it that liberals love to get US into war, then enact the draft to have poor people go fight and die in them, maybe it is to have sorry fucktard liberals killed so they wont use the welfare system.

Actually, the guy who got us into Vietnam was Ike. And generally, Ike is one of the few Republicans I'll say anything nice about.

Eisenhower and the French Defeat in Vietnam: 1954

Yeah I learned about the earned income credit when my fiancé was doing tax returns for the poor as part of her accounting class. When she found out that people didn't pay in as much as they received, she couldn't believe how fucked up the government was.

But you avoided the point. The states where the most people APPLY for the EIC are the Southern States in JesusLand. Now why do you think that is?

Back in 20 dollar gold piece weighed 1 troy ounce. F. D. Roosevelt, a liberal/progressive Democrat decided to take away US citizens gold or have them punished by the government. Since then inflatation went crazy, the dollar is 1/600th of what it was, and now "Poor" people have to get a EIC. You can guarantee, when liberal compassion gets involved, then the US citizen gets fucked.

The whole world moved away from the Gold Standard, not just the US. Mostly because there wasn't enough gold to go around for hundreds of millions of people.
maybe the liberal were constrained on spending as long as the dollar was anchored to the gold standard? Yep, such stupid people who are liberal.
By the way Joe, you seem to know a lot about Sieg , do you practice it often to Der Fuhrer Obama?

No, I just happen to be fluent in German. something a home-skuler like you wouldn't understand.

If someone is like Hitler, it's Trump.
Now why would you be fluent in German and be for Socialism? Could it be that there is a dirty little secret in your past?

joseph kennedy traitre chamberland.jpg
Did you know that the Vietnam war that the US entered was under J. F. Kennedy and L. B. Johnson escalated it for the liberal war machine. Why is it that liberals love to get US into war, then enact the draft to have poor people go fight and die in them, maybe it is to have sorry fucktard liberals killed so they wont use the welfare system.

Actually, the guy who got us into Vietnam was Ike. And generally, Ike is one of the few Republicans I'll say anything nice about.

Eisenhower and the French Defeat in Vietnam: 1954

Yeah I learned about the earned income credit when my fiancé was doing tax returns for the poor as part of her accounting class. When she found out that people didn't pay in as much as they received, she couldn't believe how fucked up the government was.

But you avoided the point. The states where the most people APPLY for the EIC are the Southern States in JesusLand. Now why do you think that is?

Back in 20 dollar gold piece weighed 1 troy ounce. F. D. Roosevelt, a liberal/progressive Democrat decided to take away US citizens gold or have them punished by the government. Since then inflatation went crazy, the dollar is 1/600th of what it was, and now "Poor" people have to get a EIC. You can guarantee, when liberal compassion gets involved, then the US citizen gets fucked.

The whole world moved away from the Gold Standard, not just the US. Mostly because there wasn't enough gold to go around for hundreds of millions of people.
maybe the liberal were constrained on spending as long as the dollar was anchored to the gold standard? Yep, such stupid people who are liberal.
Certainly when Republicans take power again they will return America and maybe the world to the gold standard.
Really Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme that makes Bernie Madoff look like a beginner. What F. D. Roosevelt didn't predict was people living well past 60. When it was first enacted, people life span was a couple years past 60. Also, the liberals wheneve there was a surplus of money in the government spent it like drunken liberals. That is why we are broke today.

Except we aren't broke, and if you make the rich pay their fair share, social security was fine. We didn't have a spending problem until your boy, Ronnie Ray-gun, decided that he wanted to buy lots of missiles and ships we didn't need while giving huge tax breaks to the rich they didn't deserve.
Joe, once again you are trying to change history, when we all know it was Kennedy who got US involved in Vietnam with boots on the ground, even though they were supposed to be in a support role.
And you must really be hating everyone who is happy, because you cant seem to find any happiness, unless you are insulting others. Well Joe maybe the reason why over 90 million people are on food stamps, is because of Obama's roaring economic recovery? Yes, thanks for making that point.

We have 46 million people on food stamps because big corporations cheat working people, which you are just fine with.
Joe, once again you are trying to change history, when we all know it was Kennedy who got US involved in Vietnam with boots on the ground, even though they were supposed to be in a support role.
And you must really be hating everyone who is happy, because you cant seem to find any happiness, unless you are insulting others. Well Joe maybe the reason why over 90 million people are on food stamps, is because of Obama's roaring economic recovery? Yes, thanks for making that point.

We have 46 million people on food stamps because big corporations cheat working people, which you are just fine with.
In the first 2 years of Obummers admin had both houses of Congress, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, why didn't they stop those EVIL Corporations? When a Liberal is asked this, see picture below.

In the first 2 years of Obummers admin had both houses of Congress, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, why didn't they stop those EVIL Corporations? When a Liberal is asked this, see picture below.

Guy, are you some kind of high-functioning retard? Seriously, do you think someone is trying to steal your helmet?

Besides the fact that government doesn't change on a dime... it's clear you don't understand how things work in Washington, and if I explained it to you, you still wouldn't understand.
Economic systems exist on a continuum. You are not "capitalist" one day and "not capitalist" the next.

The key is in deciding on the proper equilibrium between growth and safety nets.

And now, back to our binary conversation.
Somewhere I read that a common trait among conservatives is that they tend to see things in a binary way.
Oh... here's the link
Study finds left-wing brain, right-wing brain
It seems to go hand in hand with their way of thinking. They are not a flexible or adaptable lot.
I don't have a problem with socialism/liberalism/communism as long as they are voluntary. People should be able to form whatever kinds of collective communities they like, but they should never be allowed to force others to join them.
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I don't have a problem with socialism/liberalism/communism as long as they are voluntary. People should be able to form whatever kinds of collective communities they like, but they should never be allowed to force others to join them.

How would you address externalities and the tragedy of commons ?
I don't have a problem with socialism/liberalism/communism as long as they are voluntary. People should be able to form whatever kinds of collective communities they like, but they should never be allowed to force others to join them.

How would you address externalities and the tragedy of commons ?

Any number of ways. Just not via coercion.
I don't have a problem with socialism/liberalism/communism as long as they are voluntary.

Oxymoron: They can only be imposed by force.
Who forced the framers to write the liberal Constitution?
Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.
When you understand this, you see why liberals love to smoke dope, and sit in their parents basement, not having to use the grey matter that is above the shoulders. It is much easier for them to have others provide for them, which is why Socialism/Communism is so attractive. Problem is as with the USSR, and now Venezuela, when the money is gone, because NO ONE wants to work, then everyone finally is equal. Equally poor and equally miserable.
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In a hungry Venezuela, buying too much food can get you arrested
BARQUISIMETO, Venezuela – The hunt for food started at 4 a.m., when Alexis Camascaro woke up to get in line outside the supermarket. By the time he arrived, there were already 100 people ahead of him.
This happens every time when Socialism/Communism gets a hold on a country. Good ole Joe will be first in line, and buy up all the food, so he can sell it to the rest of US for obscene profits. Liberals love to screw over their fellow citizens, it is just their nature.

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