Your Opposite Favorite


Aug 16, 2008
If you're a Republican and had to pick one Democrat to be POTUS who would you pick?

If you're a Democrat and had to pick one Republican to be POTUS who would you pick?

If you're Independent or 3rd Party, pick one from both the Republican and Democrat.

As for the libs, I would pick Bill Richardson. I don't know why but I liked that guy. I was hoping he would have won the Dem ticket. I opposed most of his views but somehow I get the feeling he's a pretty real and down-to-earth guy. I feel he would be pretty level-headed and do the right thing when in a time of crisis.

There, I complimented a liberal. Don't ever quote this. Ever. You are forbidden of ever mentioning this for as long as you draw air. If you do I will hunt you down to the far reaches of this planet and exact vengeance.

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No Way!And why are you worried about Michelle's looks?Get Real!Your not her husband.Stop using your member "as a mouthpiece"!
Well I'm a Libertarian so I'll have to pick a Republican and a Democrat.

Republican - Ron Paul

Democrat - Dennis Kucinich
i have some respect for Grassley for his work on whistleblowers...
If you're a Republican and had to pick one Democrat to be POTUS who would you pick?

If you're a Democrat and had to pick one Republican to be POTUS who would you pick?

If you're Independent or 3rd Party, pick one from both the Republican and Democrat.

[If you're dazed and confused, pick one fictional character.]

Jean-Luc Picard!

Bloomberg but he is independent now!
I would have to say McCain, I voted for him eight years ago when he should have been President!
So you mean the McCain of eight years ago and not the McCain of today right?

yeah I know hes dead but even so he would be better than most republicans

yeah I know hes dead but even so he would be better than most republicans
I took care of this guy who hated Eisenhower, he went to Normandie after D Day and blamed the fact so many died on Eisenhower. I guess they knew there were German Troops on that beach and didn't plan for it. And then there was something that happened in Africa also, I can't remember.
If we are doing dead I would say Goldwater or Lincoln!
I would have voted for McCain2K. He was pro choice and knew the rabid religious right were the "agents of intolerance". Too bad that McCain is dust in the wind and McCain 2K Plus 8 is nothing more than Bush Lite... but without Bush's hail fellow well met charm.

My problem with every one of the repubs is they have to genuflect to the loonies and none of them will defend the Constitution.

If I thought he would govern the country, though, the way he did as the PRO-CHOICE governor of Massachusetts, I'd say Romney.
I took care of this guy who hated Eisenhower, he went to Normandie after D Day and blamed the fact so many died on Eisenhower. I guess they knew there were German Troops on that beach and didn't plan for it. And then there was something that happened in Africa also, I can't remember.
If we are doing dead I would say Goldwater or Lincoln!

Ew! You just said you took care of an old dude and then said if you are "doing dead". I hope you didn't do any of your clients after they passed on.

Sponge bath anyone?
I took care of this guy who hated Eisenhower, he went to Normandie after D Day and blamed the fact so many died on Eisenhower. I guess they knew there were German Troops on that beach and didn't plan for it. And then there was something that happened in Africa also, I can't remember.
If we are doing dead I would say Goldwater or Lincoln!

Lincoln doesn't deserve to be spoken of in the same breath as Barry Goldwater.
Umm, I like McCain well enough, and I also liked Chafee. (NONE of the creationist/more guantanamo/bomb the world/rewrite the constitution repubs, please!)

On the dem side I like Obama, second choice was biden, third chocie (sometimes first) was Gravel because he was so right about being a pacifist. He's actually right about that.
As for the libs, I would pick Bill Richardson. I don't know why but I liked that guy. I was hoping he would have won the Dem ticket. I opposed most of his views but somehow I get the feeling he's a pretty real and down-to-earth guy. I feel he would be pretty level-headed and do the right thing when in a time of crisis.

This is retarded. You don't agree with the guy at all, but you would pick him as your favorite opposite? Out of the hundreds of politicians you could choose from who may fit your views closer, you'd pick Richardson even though he DOESN'T. There are some pretty conservative democrats out there, you know.

What's with everyone in this thread picking only politicians who were running in this election? It reeks of mainstream media conditioning.
Ew! You just said you took care of an old dude and then said if you are "doing dead". I hope you didn't do any of your clients after they passed on.

Sponge bath anyone?
I meant if we could use dead republicans! Sorry if I wasn't more clear!
This is retarded. You don't agree with the guy at all, but you would pick him as your favorite opposite? Out of the hundreds of politicians you could choose from who may fit your views closer, you'd pick Richardson even though he DOESN'T. There are some pretty conservative democrats out there, you know.

What's with everyone in this thread picking only politicians who were running in this election? It reeks of mainstream media conditioning.

lol.. I thought it was what was being asked. ;o)
Lincoln doesn't deserve to be spoken of in the same breath as Barry Goldwater.
Goldwater was a liberal republican plus he could have ran an ad connecting the democrats to the KKK, they already had it made and he decided against it thinking it was going to far.

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