Your only PROG choices are now Biden & Sanders. Pick one

s: Nutty-professor Bernie or Crazy-Sleepy Joe?

  • Bernie

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Biden

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Trump by default

    Votes: 14 66.7%

  • Total voters
Looks like Trump's projected DNC winning Biden is still in the running. The rest are cooked. Pick your guy....
What has Biden done that makes you think his politics are progressive?

Because he raised his hand when asked if crossing the border illegally should be decriminalized????

Because he hasn't REALLY offered any plans or solutions? Just fighting words about Trump?

leftists are progressives.. They are not liberals because these critters are focused on achieving and maintaining power -- NOT PRINCIPLES.. And I haven't seen Biden do ANYTHING BUT, reverse himself on ANY principles he ever voted for or believed in...
Looks like Trump's projected DNC winning Biden is still in the running. The rest are cooked. Pick your guy....

There's been a really strange complete silence from the left discussing THEIR choices.. That can only mean one thing.. That they CANT get excited about any of them...

Thanks for putting them on the spot... :clap:

Yeah, gotta agree. Dems are at least partially screwed and it's partly their fault. Time to stop the wholly WHITE Iowa and New Hampshire from going first, along with ALL undemocratic clusterfuck caucuses.

These early races also OVER-emphasize the Dem party support for radical socialist rhetoric.. The numbers voting for Bernie, when you work the math are ONLY about 20% of the people of the people who WILL vote.. In fact, we're at that cross-over point where the MAJORITY of folks don't identify with either "brand name party"..

The other squirrely detail about early primaries is that there are NO (IIRC) "open primaries"... So what you're gonna see on Super Tuesday is a WAVE of "bored Repubs" choosing to vote in the DEM PRIMARY and REALLY warp the fuck out of the results... They KNOW Trump is uncontested, so they will monkey wrench the Dem primary results...

This should NEVER happen.. Primaries SHOULD BE "party functions" for those who IDENTIFY with those parties... But the states have turned this into a very UNpredictive free for all....
Looks like Trump's projected DNC winning Biden is still in the running. The rest are cooked. Pick your guy....

There's been a really strange complete silence from the left discussing THEIR choices.. That can only mean one thing.. That they CANT get excited about any of them...

Thanks for putting them on the spot... :clap:

Yeah, gotta agree. Dems are at least partially screwed and it's partly their fault. Time to stop the wholly WHITE Iowa and New Hampshire from going first, along with ALL undemocratic clusterfuck caucuses.

These early races also OVER-emphasize the Dem party support for radical socialist rhetoric.. The numbers voting for Bernie, when you work the math are ONLY about 20% of the people of the people who WILL vote.. In fact, we're at that cross-over point where the MAJORITY of folks don't identify with either "brand name party"..

The other squirrely detail about early primaries is that there are NO (IIRC) "open primaries"... So what you're gonna see on Super Tuesday is a WAVE of "bored Repubs" choosing to vote in the DEM PRIMARY and REALLY warp the fuck out of the results... They KNOW Trump is uncontested, so they will monkey wrench the Dem primary results...

This should NEVER happen.. Primaries SHOULD BE "party functions" for those who IDENTIFY with those parties... But the states have turned this into a very UNpredictive free for all....
Wow, I love how mature the right-wing is. I don't care if someone crosses party lines to vote for the candidate they think is best, but wingers seem to have a hard on about voting for the worst candidate just to "fuck out the results". I know this may happen, but it is a disgrace to our Republic that so many so called adults will act this way.
Warren remains in case Biden falls, leaving her the only ''Anyone But Bernie' candidate left at the Brokered Convention...
Looks like Trump's projected DNC winning Biden is still in the running. The rest are cooked. Pick your guy....
I picked Biden, he would be easier to defeat by Trump. Can you imagine Trump/Biden debates? They would be hilarious to observe.
Ya lying dog faced pony soldier!

LoL - Joe is still living in the 1950s - But then again, so is the Tangerine Tornado!

Not sure he KNOWS where or when he's living. :2up:

. If he's the nominee, he won't MAKE IT thru the campaign.. As of YESTERDAY, he has NOT held a rally in ANY of the Super Tuesday states... Gonna be worse than the effort that Clinton put into hers... Meanwhile, Trump is averaging 2 SUPER rallies a week all over the fucking place...

Don't KNOW what happened to Duvall Patrick.. That was an OBAMA recruitment.. But it was too little too late.. Only a person like Patrick had a chance to win....
Looks like Trump's projected DNC winning Biden is still in the running. The rest are cooked. Pick your guy....

There's been a really strange complete silence from the left discussing THEIR choices.. That can only mean one thing.. That they CANT get excited about any of them...

Thanks for putting them on the spot... :clap:

Yeah, gotta agree. Dems are at least partially screwed and it's partly their fault. Time to stop the wholly WHITE Iowa and New Hampshire from going first, along with ALL undemocratic clusterfuck caucuses.

These early races also OVER-emphasize the Dem party support for radical socialist rhetoric.. The numbers voting for Bernie, when you work the math are ONLY about 20% of the people of the people who WILL vote.. In fact, we're at that cross-over point where the MAJORITY of folks don't identify with either "brand name party"..

The other squirrely detail about early primaries is that there are NO (IIRC) "open primaries"... So what you're gonna see on Super Tuesday is a WAVE of "bored Repubs" choosing to vote in the DEM PRIMARY and REALLY warp the fuck out of the results... They KNOW Trump is uncontested, so they will monkey wrench the Dem primary results...

This should NEVER happen.. Primaries SHOULD BE "party functions" for those who IDENTIFY with those parties... But the states have turned this into a very UNpredictive free for all....

This business of allowing Republicans to vote in Dem primaries is yet another way Dems have F'd up bigly. Republicans don't play that game in most states. And of course we have not only Rushbo, but the President of the United States encouraging such behavior. Sad
Democrat Choices:

Bernie 'Castro FanBoy' Sanders

Joe 'Videotaped Confession' Biden

Elizabeth 'Fake Woowoo' Warren

Mini-Mike 'Carbon Copy' Bloomberg

Looks like Trump's projected DNC winning Biden is still in the running. The rest are cooked. Pick your guy....

There's been a really strange complete silence from the left discussing THEIR choices.. That can only mean one thing.. That they CANT get excited about any of them...

Thanks for putting them on the spot... :clap:

Yeah, gotta agree. Dems are at least partially screwed and it's partly their fault. Time to stop the wholly WHITE Iowa and New Hampshire from going first, along with ALL undemocratic clusterfuck caucuses.

These early races also OVER-emphasize the Dem party support for radical socialist rhetoric.. The numbers voting for Bernie, when you work the math are ONLY about 20% of the people of the people who WILL vote.. In fact, we're at that cross-over point where the MAJORITY of folks don't identify with either "brand name party"..

The other squirrely detail about early primaries is that there are NO (IIRC) "open primaries"... So what you're gonna see on Super Tuesday is a WAVE of "bored Repubs" choosing to vote in the DEM PRIMARY and REALLY warp the fuck out of the results... They KNOW Trump is uncontested, so they will monkey wrench the Dem primary results...

This should NEVER happen.. Primaries SHOULD BE "party functions" for those who IDENTIFY with those parties... But the states have turned this into a very UNpredictive free for all....
Wow, I love how mature the right-wing is. I don't care if someone crosses party lines to vote for the candidate they think is best, but wingers seem to have a hard on about voting for the worst candidate just to "fuck out the results".. I know this may happen, but it is a disgrace to our Republic that so many act this way,.

When the parties KNOW y'all vote for "winners" even if they have 1/2 a brain left or are COMPLETELY unlikeable, what you just said APPLIES FULLY to both of the battling clans.. Not JUST Repubs...

The parties will offer bad and "worser" choices and y'all will STILL FIGHT over them... Time for America to have an intervention and start asking for INDEPENDENT candidates as VIABLE choices on the ballot...
When Bernie is screwed again the Democratic Party will splinter / split
Looks like Trump's projected DNC winning Biden is still in the running. The rest are cooked. Pick your guy....
I picked Biden, he would be easier to defeat by Trump. Can you imagine Trump/Biden debates? They would be hilarious to observe.
Ya lying dog faced pony soldier!

LoL - Joe is still living in the 1950s - But then again, so is the Tangerine Tornado!

Not sure he KNOWS where or when he's living. :2up:

. If he's the nominee, he won't MAKE IT thru the campaign.. As of YESTERDAY, he has NOT held a rally in ANY of the Super Tuesday states... Gonna be worse than the effort that Clinton put into hers... Meanwhile, Trump is averaging 2 SUPER rallies a week all over the fucking place...

Don't KNOW what happened to Duvall Patrick.. That was an OBAMA recruitment.. But it was too little too late.. Only a person like Patrick had a chance to win....

I think Booker or Harris could have won. Massively important for one of these old, white guys to pick the correct running mate. Those two would be good. Also Stacey Abrams would be great. If we end up with a Bernie/ Warren ticket - It'll be a blowout of Mondale/ McGovern proportion.
Looks like Trump's projected DNC winning Biden is still in the running. The rest are cooked. Pick your guy....

There's been a really strange complete silence from the left discussing THEIR choices.. That can only mean one thing.. That they CANT get excited about any of them...

Thanks for putting them on the spot... :clap:

Yeah, gotta agree. Dems are at least partially screwed and it's partly their fault. Time to stop the wholly WHITE Iowa and New Hampshire from going first, along with ALL undemocratic clusterfuck caucuses.

These early races also OVER-emphasize the Dem party support for radical socialist rhetoric.. The numbers voting for Bernie, when you work the math are ONLY about 20% of the people of the people who WILL vote.. In fact, we're at that cross-over point where the MAJORITY of folks don't identify with either "brand name party"..

The other squirrely detail about early primaries is that there are NO (IIRC) "open primaries"... So what you're gonna see on Super Tuesday is a WAVE of "bored Repubs" choosing to vote in the DEM PRIMARY and REALLY warp the fuck out of the results... They KNOW Trump is uncontested, so they will monkey wrench the Dem primary results...

This should NEVER happen.. Primaries SHOULD BE "party functions" for those who IDENTIFY with those parties... But the states have turned this into a very UNpredictive free for all....

This business of allowing Republicans to vote in Dem primaries is yet another way Dems have F'd up bigly. Republicans don't play that game in most states. And of course we have not only Rushbo, but the President of the United States encouraging such behavior. Sad

Nobody HAS TO encourage it.. Folks who vote are gonna vote.. If they ASK YOU TO CHOOSE A BALLOT you want to vote on, even if they HAVEN'T gotten the "game cheat" from the media -- they would figure it out...

Got to get the STATES out of Federal primaries... The WORST OFFENDED is the socialist union of California.. Where they OUTLAWED anyone but the "Top 2" primary winners from EVEN BEING on the ballot in November there.. That's fucking criminal...

And another primary piece of evidence that YOUR PARTY WINS the "party of disenfranchisement" trophy with blow out scoring...
Looks like Trump's projected DNC winning Biden is still in the running. The rest are cooked. Pick your guy....

There's been a really strange complete silence from the left discussing THEIR choices.. That can only mean one thing.. That they CANT get excited about any of them...

Thanks for putting them on the spot... :clap:

Yeah, gotta agree. Dems are at least partially screwed and it's partly their fault. Time to stop the wholly WHITE Iowa and New Hampshire from going first, along with ALL undemocratic clusterfuck caucuses.

These early races also OVER-emphasize the Dem party support for radical socialist rhetoric.. The numbers voting for Bernie, when you work the math are ONLY about 20% of the people of the people who WILL vote.. In fact, we're at that cross-over point where the MAJORITY of folks don't identify with either "brand name party"..

The other squirrely detail about early primaries is that there are NO (IIRC) "open primaries"... So what you're gonna see on Super Tuesday is a WAVE of "bored Repubs" choosing to vote in the DEM PRIMARY and REALLY warp the fuck out of the results... They KNOW Trump is uncontested, so they will monkey wrench the Dem primary results...

This should NEVER happen.. Primaries SHOULD BE "party functions" for those who IDENTIFY with those parties... But the states have turned this into a very UNpredictive free for all....
Wow, I love how mature the right-wing is. I don't care if someone crosses party lines to vote for the candidate they think is best, but wingers seem to have a hard on about voting for the worst candidate just to "fuck out the results".. I know this may happen, but it is a disgrace to our Republic that so many act this way,.

When the parties KNOW y'all vote for "winners" even if they have 1/2 a brain left or are COMPLETELY unlikeable, what you just said APPLIES FULLY to both of the battling clans.. Not JUST Repubs...

The parties will offer bad and "worser" choices and y'all will STILL FIGHT over them... Time for America to have an intervention and start asking for INDEPENDENT candidates as VIABLE choices on the ballot...
I don't disagree. You are right it does apply to both parties and both parties are guilty of the same stupidity. I just hate it when I hear that certain people want to vote for the sake of mucking up the other side. IOf course it can backfire. I am sure there were a few Democrats that crossed over to vote Trump and now rue that day. The same may very well apply to Sanders. Be careful for what you wish for.
Uncle Joe please with a really GREAT Veep pick. ABB - Anybody But Bernie .. the Putin propped socialist.

Bernie is the only chance you all have of taking the Senate back. Biden is not bringing out any new voters, there is nobody on the planet excited by the prospect of Biden.
Looks like Trump's projected DNC winning Biden is still in the running. The rest are cooked. Pick your guy....
I picked Biden, he would be easier to defeat by Trump. Can you imagine Trump/Biden debates? They would be hilarious to observe.
Ya lying dog faced pony soldier!

LoL - Joe is still living in the 1950s - But then again, so is the Tangerine Tornado!

Not sure he KNOWS where or when he's living. :2up:

. If he's the nominee, he won't MAKE IT thru the campaign.. As of YESTERDAY, he has NOT held a rally in ANY of the Super Tuesday states... Gonna be worse than the effort that Clinton put into hers... Meanwhile, Trump is averaging 2 SUPER rallies a week all over the fucking place...

Don't KNOW what happened to Duvall Patrick.. That was an OBAMA recruitment.. But it was too little too late.. Only a person like Patrick had a chance to win....

The USA is not going to repeat that mistake so quickly
Looks like Trump's projected DNC winning Biden is still in the running. The rest are cooked. Pick your guy....
I picked Biden, he would be easier to defeat by Trump. Can you imagine Trump/Biden debates? They would be hilarious to observe.
Ya lying dog faced pony soldier!

LoL - Joe is still living in the 1950s - But then again, so is the Tangerine Tornado!

Not sure he KNOWS where or when he's living. :2up:

. If he's the nominee, he won't MAKE IT thru the campaign.. As of YESTERDAY, he has NOT held a rally in ANY of the Super Tuesday states... Gonna be worse than the effort that Clinton put into hers... Meanwhile, Trump is averaging 2 SUPER rallies a week all over the fucking place...

Don't KNOW what happened to Duvall Patrick.. That was an OBAMA recruitment.. But it was too little too late.. Only a person like Patrick had a chance to win....

I think Booker or Harris could have won. Massively important for one of these old, white guys to pick the correct running mate. Those two would be good. Also Stacey Abrams would be great. If we end up with a Bernie/ Warren ticket - It'll be a blowout of Mondale/ McGovern proportion.

I was a fan of Booker before his "Spartucus" remake.. Don't even recognize him anymore.. Went with the flow, got canned because he was a "me too" socialist in the debates. He's gotten the Washeimers' disease I reckon..

HARRIS is a two-faced prosecutor... She's done so many questionable things for POLITICAL advantage in her "justice career", she would have had huge problems dealing with them against Trump... Trust me, I lived in Cali while she "was a thing".... She was ONLY THERE for being a "loyal democrat"... Actually sucked the air out of MORE qualified candidates like Gabbard who WAS a loyal DNC associate until she turned on the DNC viciously...

You're ONLY in the primaries if the "party OWES YOU" when you're a Dem....

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