Your Favorite Things About Israel

Like the dew of Chermon that falls upon the mountains of Tzion. There Hashe ordained blessing, everlasting life
Psalms 133:3 (The Israel Bible™)
k’-tal kher-MON she-yo-RAYD al ha-r’-RAY tzi-YON KEE SHAM tzi-VAH a-do-NAI et ha-b’-ra-KHAH kha-YEEM ad ha-o-LAM​

NOUN: Dew​

Tal טל, ’dew,’ is a common biblical symbol of God’s bountiful blessings. Rain is another sign of God’s love for mankind. What is the difference between rain and dew? According to Jewish mysticism, rain is a sign of God showering His abundant blessings freely from above. Dew, which forms below from condensation of atmospheric water vapor, is related to the divine blessings which are a result of man’s own efforts and achievements. This psalm teaches that God’s blessing from above allows for the flowering of man’s work below​
Fun Facts About Israel
  • Israel is the only country in the world that has more trees today than it had 50 years ago.
  • Israel has more museums per capita than any other country, including the world's only one underwater.
  • Voicemail technology was developed in Israel.
  • The IDF is a leader in saving people trapped by natural and man-made disasters.
^ Back in 2012, Yehezkeli created his most famous and daring reports in a series about ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood and the growth of Islam in Europe. He visited Holland, Sweden, France, Belgium, England and the United States. Dressed as a Muslim, Yehezkeli went undercover and with an open mind. He reported on the worldview of the people he interviewed, letting them speak for themselves. It revealed a threatening reality.

While a few foreign liberals charged him with racism (to which Yehezkeli retorted that he only asked the questions), Israelis were gripped. His programs hit home. They were personal because Israel had longed begged the world to call out Palestinian Islamic terrorism, yet Israel had always been exclusively blamed. And now, here was this Israeli Jew, strutting down the streets of Europe calling out Islamic terrorism.

Through his programs we were all hoping the world would wake up and see Palestinian terrorism is no different to the Islamic terrorism that plagued cities in Europe.

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