Youngkin Already Picking Fight With Virginia Parents, Get's Smacked Down On Mask Mandate

Then we go to vaccine hestitancy, well, that has been around a long time. But instead of discussing you you go off on another rant about Kennedy Jr being the mastermind behind most of it, and I just think what the hell is your supposed Point?

I've MADE the point -- even listed the MANY WAYS that these points are ALL RELATED and after 3 replies now -- you still dont get it.

Whooping ass on "parents" in this thread and others who know more about facts of masking than you do because THEY'VE gone to primary sources on mask efficacy and YOURE relying on fakey public health messaging that started out with "you DONT NEED A MASK" to you MUST HAVE A MASK to "WEAR TWO MASKS" to NOW 2 years later finally FOLLOWING THE SCIENCE -- "We'll ship you a few token N95 masks which we didn't WANT YOU TO KNOW all along are the ONLY efficient answer to covid.

The reason you THINK I'm all over the map and ranting (well of course I AM ranting) is because you dont get that ALL of the MASSIVE REPETITIVE, in your face all the time MESSAGING on nearly EVERYTHING covid ---


This is where we're at when politics and govt/corporate collusion and EXPEDIENCY dictate the messaging and NOT science.

So in the cases of

1) Masking
2) Refusing to recognize natural immunity as a possible exemption from vax mandates
3) OVERRIDING THE EXPERTS at FDA on vaccinating children policy.
4) Putting the kabash on "herd immunity" (a PRINCIPLE CONCEPT in immunology)

YOUR govt, especially under the new Woking Dead leadership has failed to treat you as a competent capable person and decieved you CLAIMING that THEY ARE SCIENCE -- like the lying bastard Fauci that you rank right up there with Politifact.
How about some data showing their statements were the biggest cause of vaccine hesitancy as you claim?

I’ll wait.

You'll wait a long time. Because you produced ONE group of maybe a couple dozen disturbed whackos as "dangerously pushing vaccine myths".. While I REMIND you that President Harris and Brandon RAN ON "making the vaccines SAFE FROM TRUMP. What do you think the RELATIVE impact of those 2 examples of "vax disinformation"?

I think it's about 28 million "hits or views" to one. Want to argue the relative impact of suggesting that NO ONE SHOULD trust anything that Trump touched -- including the vaccines compared to "your link"?

There's some other JUICY "Covid disinformation" stories out there lately. Like when SupCt Justice SotoMayor reeled off 3 or 4 TOTALLY FAKE "covid facts" in a row in the same breath about 10 days ago -- when trying to impress people with her interest and knowledge in covid POLICY --- and NOT THE LAW...

Who's REPAIRING this damage?

"Those numbers show that omicron is as deadly and causes as much serious disease in the unvaccinated as delta did. . . . We have over 100,000 children, which we've never had before, in serious condition and many on ventilators." - Justice Sonia Sotomayor, during oral argument at the Supreme Court, Jan. 7

[there's TWO Fake covid facts in SUPCT HEARING. Yahoo dropped another 2 or 3 that occurred on the cutting room floor)

Where's the censors? Why does she still have a voice?

People go BEYOND their skis often on bad information. It's NOT really a crime. NOR is it neccessarily a danger to the public.. UNTIL that bad info starts to come from the TOP TRUSTED LEADERSHIP in govt.
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And here highlights the exact problem many of us are having with the masking in school silly mandates. The article, and the 'researchers' in this linked example directly lie about the implication of the study. DIRECTLY, there is not even a remote attempt to square the study itself with the headline they match it up to. The long and short of it is stated in the letter by the researches of the study the article links to:
"We don’t have data from within North Carolina as to whether or not, in school in K-12, what happens when children are not masked."

The study has literally nothing whatsoever to do with masking. ALL the people studied were under mask mandates. That means the efficacy of masking and not masking were simply not studied as far as I can tell. What was studied was social distancing. The study found that social distancing in schools has zero effect whatsoever on covid transmission rates in schools.

So, naturally, that means masking works. Because things.

Bingo.. People who read science journals see this all the time. Because the journals have gotten "woke" and/or political and publish more "current events' related garbage.

And the tactic of "boostng the headline" on any science paper is as old as Archimedes. Can almost imagine that Archimedes ran one saying "give me a big enough lever and I'll raise the world". :wink:

Sometimes you wonder how much time they spend finding an "eyeball fetching" headline that disappoints when you ACTUALLY get sucked into reading the contents. LOL.. REALLY REALLY popular and endemic in the GWarming literature.
Bingo.. People who read science journals see this all the time. Because the journals have gotten "woke" and/or political and publish more "current events' related garbage.

And the tactic of "boostng the headline" on any science paper is as old as Archimedes. Can almost imagine that Archimedes ran one saying "give me a big enough lever and I'll raise the world". :wink:

Sometimes you wonder how much time they spend finding an "eyeball fetching" headline that disappoints when you ACTUALLY get sucked into reading the contents. LOL.. REALLY REALLY popular and endemic in the GWarming literature.
I get the headlines but researches, at least the serious ones, tend to avoid making outright false claims about their research. The research community as a whole is deeply against such. And this is not something that was studied in an asinine liberal arts 'woke' paper. It was medical research and medical research is typically very, very, very carful even though headlines surrounding them are not.

In this case, they directly lied. That is far more concerning than any finding they may have had.
When your JOB is to spin and mangle facts to support your political beliefs and allies -- you DIG REAL DEEP for excuses and half truths. You IMPEACH what "generally unconditionally TRUE - like a conniving lawyer asking pointy questions to SUGGEST that the witness has vision issues.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion but at the end of the day, despite all the fancy phrases, that is all it is, an opinion.

So, the ENTIRE quotes and context were provided (unlike the snippets provided by your rightwing echo chambers)…and that is somehow mangling the “facts”? What alter-reality are living in?

And so it IS with Politifact and all the other chop shops that JUST APPOINTED THEMSELVES "keepers and measurers of truth". In THIS case, the "context" of those quotes doesn't help their case at all. But for people who GO TO THEM for explanations -- it just works to SAY "the context matters here" and they'll buy it.
The statements MADE by Biden and Harris on "not trusting the vaccine" ARE CLEARLY aimed NOT at Trumpers, but DESIGNED to tweak TDS'ers. ESPECIALLY, their minority constituents that have REASONS for vax hesitancy in the 1st place. AND IT WORKS..

Wow. Talk about dishonest spin. Not only do you accept partial quotes and insist context doesn’t matter (or is that only applied to Dems?)…you insert your own interpretations as “fact”.

Your own words might be applicable here: You IMPEACH what "generally unconditionally TRUE - like a conniving lawyer asking pointy questions to SUGGEST that the witness has vision issues.”

The MOST IMPORTANT part of the quote, the one that gives it meaning, is to trust your doctors and scientists, not politicians. And that is what you consistently strip away. Even later, when Biden is trying to encourage vaccination, he reiterates “talk to your doctor”.

Isn’t a partial quote, cut in such a way as to alter it’s meaning, tbe very definition of a chop shop?

The vaccines should NOT BE TRUSTED -- NOT JUST BECAUSE OF TRUMP -- but because TRUMP'S FDA and TRUMP'S Warp SPeed program PRODUCED THEM. That's an IRREDEEMABLE damnation. Because they were developed TOO FAST, by IDIOTS and the TESTING was rigged for speed not safe

Ok, you do have a point there, BUT despite the push for speed, there was enough testing so that serious side effects were still an extremely tiny percentage compared to serious effects from Covid itself, less than the chance of being hit by lightening.

ABSOLUTELY I stick with the FACT that ALL of the public health messaging in the US IGNORED the science of WHAT MASKS or HOW to WEAR them OR WHEN to clean or dispose of tbem..

Well, you stick to it then. I provided two absolutely clear examples that did just that. I don’t see what more I can provide because you just ignore it.

Making all these MANDATES nothing but feel good symbolism. When you ALLOW 380MILLION to FEEL PROTECTED in masks that let in 66% or MORE of Covid particles -- and TORTURE KIDS without actually PROTECTING them -- Science and honesty and TRUST -- just dies. And so does TRUTH. Because as I said "government laziness, dishonesty, and ineptness" is WHERE CONSPIRACY THEORIES are born.
To simplify it, it isn’t masks alone (and this has been reiterated). It is masks, social distancing, sanitation.

Masks that stop 44% or more, are better than 0%.

The FACT that you found a TRANSCRIPT of some OBSCURE NPR "Hobby Hour" on HOW to make a nifty covid mask -- which had no comparable NUMERICAL info value on how all these wonderful masks WORK -- makes me livid. Not impressed at all. By being intellectual sloths - they contributed to the "a mask is a mask fallacy.

What people need to know first and foremost is best practices for tbe current situation. What is recommended, why, what is not recommended. If some one wants more info and the science behind it is EASY to find. But that if you put all that out there, peop,e are going to ignore it, miss the main points and move on. Guidelines are supposed to pretty basic so EVERYONE can understand, not just science geeks.

And yet again, ad nauseum, all my links pointed out a mas is not just a mask.

Because after PAGES of you mud-wrestling with folks about masking up the children AND AFTER 2 fucking years of constant raging and battling over political dumbshit mandates -- ONLY 2 DAYS ago did i hear a news item about a couple school systems NOW REQUIRING "metal nose bridge" masks for all the kids. Because any NPR handicrafted masks made of fabric WITHOUT A NOSE seal is con and a fake.

This country is getting TOO STUPID to survive. Just like that now, not too fictious "future USA" in one of my favorite movies "Idiocracy". It's getting there because people cannot discuss, cannot think for themselves without fact checkers and cable news. And because EVERYTHING has gotten political. Especially the science and tech that I dedicated my working to.

That's why most threads on a message board end up in middle school food fights instead of getting anywhere.
Ran out of time. But idiocracy? Oh yes. We are.
I get the headlines but researches, at least the serious ones, tend to avoid making outright false claims about their research. The research community as a whole is deeply against such. And this is not something that was studied in an asinine liberal arts 'woke' paper. It was medical research and medical research is typically very, very, very carful even though headlines surrounding them are not.

In this case, they directly lied. That is far more concerning than any finding they may have had.

Two points -- for past 20 years at least -- Students in ALL disciplines get "woke oriented". Journalism students are taught that their main allegiance is to social justice and community morals and values and scientists are taught that math and science have EXTREMELY problematic anti-social equity and racial origins.

SO -- doesn't matter how "professional" the discipline is anymore --- they ALL get their vaccinations of woke juice.

Secondly, I just argued a "hair on fire" Himalayan glaciers are melting from Global Warming - the world is ending victim off the ledge. The scientists went out and measured 15000 different ice fields. Measured carefully the ice loss and ATTRIBUTED GW as a leading cause. (so far not too bad a job).. But it triggered a memory of other papers I read about Himmie ice loss --- SO -- I ACTUALLY skimmed the ORIGINAL paper.

Turns out -- that the damning "bury the lead" takeaway from that study was that somehow "DEBRIS" contributed to about 46% of their ice loss. Scratched my head a bit about how enough DEBRIS appears on the ice above the vegetation lines and then REMEMBERED THE REAL STORY..

What these devious jerks did -- was to use the word "debris" to COVER THE FACT that they REALLY MEANT -- carbon soot. Because carbon soot is a massive killer of snow required to KEEP the ice mass rebuilding from loss.

They USED DEBRIS to NOT cast aspersions on the SOURCES of that massive amounts of carbon soot which came FROM ---- China and India -- carried by the winds and KNEW the media would never question that their major finding for ice loss had NOTHING TO DO with GW or the GHouse or CO2.

Besides -- without that "trick" angle to their paper, they would be just the 18th or 23rd paper on how CARBON SOOT from REAL pollution is killing Himmie glaciers.

Happening ALL THE FUCKING time now.. Which is why I'm losing my patience and cool. Because NOW -- SCIENCE is infected with correctnes, social/political policies and a fatal case of woke. I'm blowing my top reading this "junk science" and how they BURY the OBJECTIVE conclusions.
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The MOST IMPORTANT part of the quote, the one that gives it meaning, is to trust your doctors and scientists, not politicians

That's a point without a value to it. Because MANDATES AND POLICY come from Federal health officials, governors, mayors and other POLITICAL identities who in LARGE MEASURE (as I laid out) IGNORE THE FUCKING SCIENCE. By the time you GET to your doctor --- Walinsky or Fauci or any other apparatchik could have your doctors medicine cabinet REARRANGED (as in this weeks sudden decision to take monoclonal treatments AWAY FROM THEM without open debate or review) OR if the doctor is giving advice NOT SANCTIONED by the minions of morons GUIDING the covid response -- THEY COULD FACE THREATS OF LOSING THEIR LICENSES.

Which "LG Brandon" actually arranged to be done. Let's Go Brandon.

The deck is FULLY stacked against real debate, science and objectivity for your "doctors and scientists"...

Let's get back to kids and masks in schools and which policy makers are on the RIGHT/WRONG tracks.

When you GOVERN the mighty bloated stinking mess we call a goverment like a bunch of petty tyrants and you start to LOSE the NYTimes Editorial board, panels on CNN AND --- The Atlantic Magazine -- you really should just raise the white flag and STOP the battle... Here's another JUNK SCIENCE mask paper like the one you and FA-AQ were RATIONALLY discussing it's flaws. The Atlantic pummels the ONE ARTICLE that Walinsky cited to SUPPORT masking in schools into dust...

Also see my comments about this happening EVERYWHERE in Science and how the science is not EVEN CLOSE to being settled on masks or GWarming or whether there is genealogical differences between human races. ALL HOT BUTTON MUST wins for the "Woking Dead"...


The Atlantic’s David Zweig took aim Thursday at the recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that all children over two year wear masks in schools in order to protect against Covid-19, claiming that the study behind the policy is “very shaky science.”

Zweig explained that the recommendation stems from a September 2021 Arizona study, which found that schools without mask mandates had 3.5 times more outbreaks than schools that did.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky first cited the study while a guest on CBS’s Face the Nation on September 26th and continued to cite the “3.5 times more likely” stat repeatedly while promoting the recommendation.

Zweig breaks down why the CDC recommendation is controversial and falls outside of the international mainstream:

Scientists generally agree that, according to the research literature, wearing masks can help protect people from the coronavirus, but the precise extent of that protection, particularly in schools, remains unknown—and it might be very small.

What data do exist have been interpreted into guidance in many different ways? The World Health Organization, for example, does not recommend masks for children under age 6. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control recommends against the use of masks for any children in primary school.

Zweig noted, however, that the “study’s methodology and data set appear to have significant flaws.”

He spoke with nine experts in the field, all of whom provided various arguments against the study as well.

The fact that the study cited outbreaks among schools rather than individual cases among students is “problematic,” according to one expert, as “it doesn’t tell us that the transmission occurred in school.”

Another expert noted that because the study cited outbreaks and the rules in Arizona require testing only of unmasked individuals near a potential infection, that dynamic creates “detection bias” in the study as the schools without mask mandates would inevitably test more.

With Biden in the White House, the CDC has promised to ‘follow the science’ in its COVID policies. Yet the circumstances around the Arizona study seem to show the opposite. Dubious research has been cited after the fact, without transparency, in support of existing agency guidance.

I know you'll be floundering to accuse me of ONLY depending on right-wing sources. :aargh: 'bout as far as this little skirmish needs to be taken. When the "science IS SETTLED" -- IF the govt and techno-tyrants allow the discussion -- we'll see which one of us was right.

MORE support for Youngkin being on the RIGHT track -- albeit at least the right direction.

California health officials have mandated masks for all students when schools reopen on the grounds that “treating all kids the same will support a calm and supportive school environment.”

There is a much better way to achieve the same goal: discontinue mask wearing for all students, vaccinated or not.

The benefits of masks in preventing serious illness or death from COVID-19 among children are infinitesimally small. At the same time they are disruptive to learning and communicating in classrooms. They may be partially effective in shielding adults from COVID, but since when is it ethical to burden children for the benefit of adults?

COVID-19 is less of a threat to children than accidents or the common flu. The survival rate among American children with confirmed cases is approximately 99.99%; remarkably, recent studies find an even higher survival rate.

A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study estimated that mask mandates in schools are associated with a roughly 20% reduction in COVID-19 incidence though the effect estimate was statistically indistinguishable from zero. Let’s take the 20% effect at face value and do the math. Last month, about 5,000 school age children in California were diagnosed with COVID-19, which means 1,000 infections would have been prevented if all school kids wore masks. Given the survival rate among children, mask mandates might prevent one child death in the coming school year, a tiny fraction of the approximately 900 deaths of children 5 to 17 years old in 2019. If the aim is to save children’s lives, other interventions – like enhanced pool safety – would be much more effective.

At the same time, the long-term harm to kids from masking is potentially enormous. Masking is a psychological stressor for children and disrupts learning. Covering the lower half of the face of both teacher and pupil reduces the ability to communicate. In particular, children lose the experience of mimicking expressions, an essential tool of nonverbal communication. Positive emotions such as laughing and smiling become less recognizable, and negative emotions get amplified. Bonding between teachers and students takes a hit. Overall, it is likely that masking exacerbates the chances that a child will experience anxiety and depression, which are already at pandemic levels themselves.

Note that in NONE of this whirlwind of debate about masks is there EVER A STUDY that SPECIFIES THE TYPE OF MASK or rules for wearing or fitting/cleaner/care.

Friday’s column in New York Magazine is a must-read for those following the controversy over masks in K-12 schools.

In May, as the column says, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a large-scale study of COVID transmission in American schools. It concluded that masking then-unvaccinated teachers and improving ventilation with more fresh air were associated with a lower incidence of the virus in schools. “The fact that they seem to work is reassuring but not surprising,” as the column says.

But it’s what the study found that the CDC didn’t tell us
that’s important. The CDC’s published summary of the study did not include its findings that certain other common mitigation measures in American schools don’t work. Distancing, hybrid models, classroom barriers, HEPA filters, and, most notably, requiring student masking were each found to not have a statistically significant benefit.

“In other words, these measures could not be said to be effective,” as the New York Magazine column says.

Finding that masks on school kids don’t work should come as no surprise because that’s “not exactly controversial,” says the column, for reasons it explained:

The SCIENCE IS NOT SETTLED -- but CLEARLY, motivated ENGAGED parents have enough to go on to KNOW that their kids are NOT "well protected" by just ANY OLE MASK. It's a prop to show compliance and placate the "hair on fire" parents who probably wear masks driving alone in their cars.
When your JOB is to spin and mangle facts to support your political beliefs and allies -- you DIG REAL DEEP for excuses and half truths. You IMPEACH what "generally unconditionally TRUE - like a conniving lawyer asking pointy questions to SUGGEST that the witness has vision issues.

And so it IS with Politifact and all the other chop shops that JUST APPOINTED THEMSELVES "keepers and measurers of truth". In THIS case, the "context" of those quotes doesn't help their case at all. But for people who GO TO THEM for explanations -- it just works to SAY "the context matters here" and they'll buy it. The statements MADE by Biden and Harris on "not trusting the vaccine" ARE CLEARLY aimed NOT at Trumpers, but DESIGNED to tweak TDS'ers. ESPECIALLY, their minority constituents that have REASONS for vax hesitancy in the 1st place. AND IT WORKS..

The vaccines should NOT BE TRUSTED -- NOT JUST BECAUSE OF TRUMP -- but because TRUMP'S FDA and TRUMP'S Warp SPeed program PRODUCED THEM. That's an IRREDEEMABLE damnation. Because they were developed TOO FAST, by IDIOTS and the TESTING was rigged for speed not safe

ABSOLUTELY I stick with the FACT that ALL of the public health messaging in the US IGNORED the science of WHAT MASKS or HOW to WEAR them OR WHEN to clean or dispose of tbem.. Making all these MANDATES nothing but feel good symbolism. When you ALLOW 380MILLION to FEEL PROTECTED in masks that let in 66% or MORE of Covid particles -- and TORTURE KIDS without actually PROTECTING them -- Science and honesty and TRUST -- just dies. And so does TRUTH. Because as I said "government laziness, dishonesty, and ineptness" is WHERE CONSPIRACY THEORIES are born.

The FACT that you found a TRANSCRIPT of some OBSCURE NPR "Hobby Hour" on HOW to make a nifty covid mask -- which had no comparable NUMERICAL info value on how all these wonderful masks WORK -- makes me livid. Not impressed at all. By being intellectual sloths - they contributed to the "a mask is a mask fallacy.

Because after PAGES of you mud-wrestling with folks about masking up the children AND AFTER 2 fucking years of constant raging and battling over political dumbshit mandates -- ONLY 2 DAYS ago did i hear a news item about a couple school systems NOW REQUIRING "metal nose bridge" masks for all the kids. Because any NPR handicrafted masks made of fabric WITHOUT A NOSE seal is con and a fake.

This country is getting TOO STUPID to survive. Just like that now, not too fictious "future USA" in one of my favorite movies "Idiocracy". It's getting there because people cannot discuss, cannot think for themselves without fact checkers and cable news. And because EVERYTHING has gotten political. Especially the science and tech that I dedicated my working to.

That's why most threads on a message board end up in middle school food fights instead of getting anywhere.

I've MADE the point -- even listed the MANY WAYS that these points are ALL RELATED and after 3 replies now -- you still dont get it.

Whooping ass on "parents" in this thread and others who know more about facts of masking than you do because THEY'VE gone to primary sources on mask efficacy and YOURE relying on fakey public health messaging that started out with "you DONT NEED A MASK" to you MUST HAVE A MASK to "WEAR TWO MASKS" to NOW 2 years later finally FOLLOWING THE SCIENCE -- "We'll ship you a few token N95 masks which we didn't WANT YOU TO KNOW all along are the ONLY efficient answer to covid.

The reason you THINK I'm all over the map and ranting (well of course I AM ranting) is because you dont get that ALL of the MASSIVE REPETITIVE, in your face all the time MESSAGING on nearly EVERYTHING covid ---


This is where we're at when politics and govt/corporate collusion and EXPEDIENCY dictate the messaging and NOT science.

So in the cases of

1) Masking
2) Refusing to recognize natural immunity as a possible exemption from vax mandates
3) OVERRIDING THE EXPERTS at FDA on vaccinating children policy.
4) Putting the kabash on "herd immunity" (a PRINCIPLE CONCEPT in immunology)

YOUR govt, especially under the new Woking Dead leadership has failed to treat you as a competent capable person and decieved you CLAIMING that THEY ARE SCIENCE -- like the lying bastard Fauci that you rank right up there with Politifact.
Are done screaming and ranting?

I'm curious about all those parents you keep bashing because they followed the science, looked information, and formed different conclusions about what is best for their children then you did. You seem think they have no rights.

P.S. I am not impressed with your yelling, your one sided "science" (no different than your take on AGW) your provably false claims about there being no detailed guidance issued, and your resorting to personal attacks when someone disagrees wirh your bias'. You can fuck off for all I care.
Two points -- for past 20 years at least -- Students in ALL disciplines get "woke oriented". Journalism students are taught that their main allegiance is to social justice and community morals and values and scientists are taught that math and science have EXTREMELY problematic anti-social equity and racial origins.

SO -- doesn't matter how "professional" the discipline is anymore --- they ALL get their vaccinations of woke juice.

Secondly, I just argued a "hair on fire" Himalayan glaciers are melting from Global Warming - the world is ending victim off the ledge. The scientists went out and measured 15000 different ice fields. Measured carefully the ice loss and ATTRIBUTED GW as a leading cause. (so far not too bad a job).. But it triggered a memory of other papers I read about Himmie ice loss --- SO -- I ACTUALLY skimmed the ORIGINAL paper.

Turns out -- that the damning "bury the lead" takeaway from that study was that somehow "DEBRIS" contributed to about 46% of their ice loss. Scratched my head a bit about how enough DEBRIS appears on the ice above the vegetation lines and then REMEMBERED THE REAL STORY..

What these devious jerks did -- was to use the word "debris" to COVER THE FACT that they REALLY MEANT -- carbon soot. Because carbon soot is a massive killer of snow required to KEEP the ice mass rebuilding from loss.

They USED DEBRIS to NOT cast aspersions on the SOURCES of that massive amounts of carbon soot which came FROM ---- China and India -- carried by the winds and KNEW the media would never question that their major finding for ice loss had NOTHING TO DO with GW or the GHouse or CO2.

Besides -- without that "trick" angle to their paper, they would be just the 18th or 23rd paper on how CARBON SOOT from REAL pollution is killing Himmie glaciers.

Happening ALL THE FUCKING time now.. Which is why I'm losing my patience and cool. Because NOW -- SCIENCE is infected with correctnes, social/political policies and a fatal case of woke. I'm blowing my top reading this "junk science" and how they BURY the OBJECTIVE conclusions.
Your own bias is showing.
I'm curious about all those parents you keep bashing because they followed the science, looked information, and formed different conclusions about what is best for their children then you did. You seem think they have no rights.
You keep pushing this lie. Parents can decide what's best for their kids, to mask or not. Youngkin affirmed that right.

But you keep lying about it.
Are done screaming and ranting?

I'm curious about all those parents you keep bashing because they followed the science, looked information, and formed different conclusions about what is best for their children then you did. You seem think they have no rights.

Did you not read the last 2 articles I posted? When The ATLANTIC can see the case for parental concern on masking and ALSO can see the devious way that Wallinsky at CDC mangles the science - maybe you ought to at least CONSIDER that whatever "science" those mask demanding parents GOT from CDC or NIH is as weak or mangled as the messaging it arrived in.

Second article addresses your assertion that kids are NOT emotionally tormented AT school.

The parents YOU ARE DEFENDING have their beliefs leashed to the devious manipulation of science that IS the Wallinsky/Fauci/CDC public health messaging. And THEY DEFINITELY are not "science" when making edicts and declarations and "guidelines". Wallinsky shouldn't even BE there. Fauci maybe hopefully WONT be there much longer because of his lying and ass covering on Wuhan Lab.

Not those "panicked" parents fault for TRUSTING a big stinking pile of govt bureaucracy that hardly ever impresses anybody. Not YOUR fault. Not MY fault. We need to STOP WARRING and start mining for understanding.
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Did you not read the last 2 articles I posted? When The ATLANTIC can see the case for parental concern on masking and ALSO can see the devious way that Wallinsky at CDC mangles the science - maybe you ought to at least CONSIDER that whatever "science" those mask demanding parents GOT from CDC or NIH is as weak or mangled as the messaging it arrived in.

Second article addresses your assertion that kids are NOT emotionally tormented AT school.

The parents YOU ARE DEFENDING have their beliefs leashed to the devious manipulation of science that IS the Wallinsky/Fauci/CDC public health messaging. And THEY DEFINITELY are not "science" when making edicts and declarations and "guidelines". Wallinsky shouldn't even BE there. Fauci maybe hopefully WONT be there much longer because of his lying and ass covering on Wuhan Lab.

Not those "panicked" parents fault for TRUSTING a big stinking pile of govt bureaucracy that hardly ever impresses anybody. Not YOUR fault. Not MY fault. We need to STOP WARRING and start mining for understanding.
"We need to STOP WARRING and start mining for understanding"

About the only we can agree on.
I'm curious about all those parents you keep bashing because they followed the science, looked information, and formed different conclusions about what is best for their children then you did. You seem think they have no rights.
Where is this supported?

No one anywhere has demanded parents cannot have their kids masked, no matter how much or how little the evidence backs that decision. What is being done, however, is demanding that parents not be allowed to tell MY children what they need to do. Or, more correctly, what a bunch of bureaucratic people are allowed to tell my children what they must do on behalf of other people.
flacaltenn I have reconsidered, read your artical and others I found, and concluded YES I am wrong about the specific issue of masking children.

Bashing people and one sided hypocritical bashing of ideologies does nothing to advance an argument, convince people to listen or even read what what you right, much give them space reconsider and change minds.
Fairfax is one of the richest counties in the nation, it provideds the most Commonwealth revenue out of all the other counties. Fairfax would stop sending money to the State, Richmond isn't about to cut that cash cow loose.........
That idea never works no matter which side tries it

individuals not cities or states are taxed

and if you dont pay its one man vs city hall
That idea never works no matter which side tries it

individuals not cities or states are taxed

and if you dont pay its one man vs city hall
All the city/county needs do is put an indefinite moratorium on collecting (primarily) sales taxes in their jurisdiction. Not saying they should just saying how it could be done.
All the city/county needs do is put an indefinite moratorium on collecting (primarily) sales taxes in their jurisdiction. Not saying they should just saying how it could be done.
When that happens the state will sue the business not the city government
Where is this supported?

No one anywhere has demanded parents cannot have their kids masked, no matter how much or how little the evidence backs that decision. What is being done, however, is demanding that parents not be allowed to tell MY children what they need to do. Or, more correctly, what a bunch of bureaucratic people are allowed to tell my children what they must do on behalf of other people.
Bureaucratic people are already doing that. They have long required vaccination, some form of dress codes, rules of conduct, what books they will our kids to have access to (on behalf of other people).

Someone else pointed out we all pay for public schools, whether we have kids or not. That means we all have a vested interest in it as community. My main point is many decisions about schools in should be made at local levels when possible. Obviously sone issues such as curriculum and academic milestones are not. But it seemed to me masking is highly dependent on what Covid is doing locally and how safe parents feel about their kids.

The other point about masking is if most are not masked you may as well not bother doing it. But I’ve already changed my mind on this for kids.

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