Youngkin Admits Abortion A Target

What he WILL do is what Texas Republicans did...make sure that they gain a majority in the state house and then do exactly what Texas did.

The virginia legislature is 30% women and its districts are now drawn by "independent" commission. He can't "make sure" of anything and I doubt all them womens are on board with banning abortion. The Virginia governorship is one of the weakest in the country and its Jeffersonian Democracy style legislature doesn't have a lot of idle time to play partisan games with their very short sessions.
I'm sure this creep makes YOU happy.
Yeah, such a creep


Here is McAuliffe's daughter. I am sure the man that raised her is less of a creep than Youngkin...

And Youngkin is being dishonest with the voters
By all accounts Reinhard Heidrich was a wonderful family man

He's an anti-abortion freak and he's being dishonest about it.

He has admitted that on tape
I have no problems with anything he said on that tape. (Your link sucked. Here are better ones...


You can interpret it as deceptive. I interpreted what he said as completely honest and practical.

He said he is pro-life and he has other issues to focus on and needs to win the independent vote. If elected, and provided with a majority in the VA House of Delegates, he would work to change some off the most radical pro-abortion policies Virginia has, including killing babies just before they are born.
I have no problems with anything he said on that tape. (Your link sucked. Here are better ones...


You can interpret it as deceptive. I interpreted what he said as completely honest and practical.

He said he is pro-life and he has other issues to focus on and needs to win the independent vote. If elected, and provided with a majority in the VA House of Delegates, he would work to change some off the most radical pro-abortion policies Virginia has, including killing babies just before they are born.

He's hiding his anti-abortion stance until after the election.

Voters ought to know who and what he is as well as what a deceptive creep he is
I have no problems with anything he said on that tape. (Your link sucked. Here are better ones...


You can interpret it as deceptive. I interpreted what he said as completely honest and practical.

He said he is pro-life and he has other issues to focus on and needs to win the independent vote. If elected, and provided with a majority in the VA House of Delegates, he would work to change some off the most radical pro-abortion policies Virginia has, including killing babies just before they are born.

Keepin' my fingers crossed on the results of the election.
Read some of this posters posts and threads.

That'll tell ya all you need to know about Youngkin
McAuliffe is pro-killing babies, right before they are born.

McAuliffe is pro-Climate Change regulations which harm Virginians and ship jobs to China

McAuliffe wants more gun control restrictions.

MCauliffe is for teaching Critical Race Theory in schools, and not letting parents even have a say about it.

MCaullife is for firing people who choose to make their own well-informed medical decisions and not get vaccinated, even if they already had COVID. He's also for tyrannical mask mandates, even though he often does not wear one himself.

McAuliffe is for "criinal justice reform," which is a nice way of saying defund the police and increasing crime.

McAuliffe supports racist government policies which disproportionately provide taxpayer-funded services based upon skin color.

McAuliffe is for bigger government, including expanding Medicaid, welfare, and government programs providing free food to fat and lazy people.

McAuliffe is bad for Virginia and bad for America. Vote Youngkin and vote Republican on November 2nd. Stop the destruction of America which you are witnessing the Democrats accomplish in short order.


He admits on tape that he will "go on offense" regarding abortion but wants to keep quiet about that until afyer the election.

I wonder how many Virginia voters are aware of that...
Such is the dishonest, authoritarian right: more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

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