You Think A Majority of Americans Agree With You??

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
In your fantasies they may or may not, but one thing is a given if these facts are correct: Your candidate, and you, and most likely your views, represent a minority opinion.

In the voting process, you may or may not be representative of America as a whole, but your views do not represent the majority of Americans and how they feel about issues and government.

You are not representative of Americans in general or otherwise. The Gingrich Contract on America Was Not. The Democratic Party Wins in 2006 were not.

Winning an election does not equal representing the voice of the majority.

National Voter Turnout
National Voter Turnout in Federal Elections: 1960–2008
Honestly, I don't really care if most people agree with me. I just want to advocate for good and sound principles and convince as many people who will listen to think outside the box.
Honestly, I don't really care if most people agree with me. I just want to advocate for good and sound principles and convince as many people who will listen to think outside the box.

This is exactly what I would've typed, but you did it for me. :D
I am certain the majority of Americans do not agree with me on most issues.
I am correct and they are wrong of course.
Honestly, I don't really care if most people agree with me. I just want to advocate for good and sound principles and convince as many people who will listen to think outside the box.

Regardless of political stripe, that's what pretty much everyone who follows these things closely thinks.
Honestly, I don't really care if most people agree with me. I just want to advocate for good and sound principles and convince as many people who will listen to think outside the box.

then on one level we share something, and on another we are far apart. but I keep hearing people say they speak for the majority, or that the majority supports them, or...

you see it too.
These are some good observations posters. Good job. I realize that security is still a big issue, that and possible false reporting of the results, but it seems that we as a society don't really need Congress anymore. We could just submit and vote on important legislation directly. Conress' chief function is to represent us. Many here, dare I say most, feel they don't do a good job of that. Let's just pass an amendment and do it ourselves.
Honestly, I don't really care if most people agree with me. I just want to advocate for good and sound principles and convince as many people who will listen to think outside the box.

then on one level we share something, and on another we are far apart. but I keep hearing people say they speak for the majority, or that the majority supports them, or...

you see it too.

If you mean health care than i certainly do think a majority agreed with me that Obamacare is a monstrousity. The polls have indicated that for well over a year.

In general though, i dont think it matters much.
These are some good observations posters. Good job. I realize that security is still a big issue, that and possible false reporting of the results, but it seems that we as a society don't really need Congress anymore. We could just submit and vote on important legislation directly. Conress' chief function is to represent us. Many here, dare I say most, feel they don't do a good job of that. Let's just pass an amendment and do it ourselves.

I would initiate a violent revolution rather than go along with a popular democracy.
Honestly, I don't really care if most people agree with me. I just want to advocate for good and sound principles and convince as many people who will listen to think outside the box.

then on one level we share something, and on another we are far apart. but I keep hearing people say they speak for the majority, or that the majority supports them, or...

you see it too.

If you mean health care than i certainly do think a majority agreed with me that Obamacare is a monstrousity. The polls have indicated that for well over a year.

In general though, i dont think it matters much.

This is what I am talking about---confusing opinion polls with how people vote. Opinion polls are nothing but snap shots in time, pre-edited by the parameters of the model used.

Support for or against Obama's Health Care Bill can be measured in many ways. A majority have no idea what is in the bill and what it will do for or to them. The majority are woefully ignorant. Are you saying you are woefully ignorant?

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