You own nothing, and are happy, the elites will still own everything. 14 states sign on to no meat, dairy or cars by 2030

This just has to stop....they are insane.......they want to take us back to a world where the elite hunt deer in the kings forest while the peasants starve......and solar and wind are energy sources for the poor, while the rich democrats drive gas guzzling SUVs........

In other words, leftist harpies are willing to give up their cars, meat, coffee creamer, and whatever else it takes to look at us and say, “Ha-ha!” We’ll see who has the last laugh when Dylan Mulvaney and I are in a gulag, scrapping for the last rotting cabbage. Bring your A-game, dudette.
As I’ve reported before, the lizard people are hoping to eradicate meat and dairy consumption by 2030 completely. The prairie fairies want your car, too, because it’s easier to enslave people when they are both underfed and unable to escape.
What’s worse, 14 American mayors are already on board with this global enslavement.

Here is the list of U.S. Marxist hell-hole mayors who are willing to deny their constituents the taste of meat, dairy for their coffee, and their privately-owned cars by 2030: Seattle, Houston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York City, Chicago, Miami, Boston, Austin, Portland, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and Washington, D.C.

The only possible solutions that I can see are:
1. States that believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, separating from the union.
2. Civil War.
Of course they did. If they didn’t, it wouldn’t be law
[/Qa win.

No, dumbass. They elect people, people who then sell themselves to the highest bidders.

The voters have no say in the matter.

But, you ARE a cultist.

Party over country with people like you.

The document referenced in the article isn't a treaty. It is a report on urban consumption released by a global network of climate-focused mayors. It is not a binding agreement, nor is it linked to the WEF.

Report is not a treaty​

The article focuses on a 2019 document from C40, a network of mayors of large cities focused on fighting climate change. It includes information on the impact of zeroing out meat and dairy consumption, ending private car ownership, reducing the frequency of short-haul flights and limiting purchases of new clothing.

But the report is not any kind of agreement, nor is it connected to the WEF.

"The report is an analysis of consumption-based emissions in C40 cities, not a plan for cities to adopt, let alone a legally binding treaty," said Rolf Rosenkranz, a C40 spokesman. "It's up to individuals to make their personal lifestyle choices, including what type of food to eat and what type of clothing they prefer."

The limitation and elimination of carbon-intensive activities highlighted in The People’s Voice article are listed as “ambitious targets” in the report. However, the report also says it "does not advocate for the wholesale adoption of these more ambitious targets," calling them "reference points" that can be considered when developing emission-reduction plans.
If the people of those cities voted for this, then who are we to tell them otherwise?
We are those with lots of accumulated experience and even wisdom . Also people with a modicum of compassion for stupid people who cannot help themselves let alone others . A teacher sets limits and provides sign posts for the children and pupils, and good teachers shape and mould their charges . OR , let Chaos rule .

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