You need to support Apple over the FBI

The dumb bastards at the FBI were given the pass code to the phone by the owner of the phone, and then one of the feds changed it, and they can't remember what they changed it to!

Now the feds want Apple to write a code which could unlock every Apple phone of that version, because of their incompetence. Tens of millions.

And we want to TRUST these boneheads they won't fucking misplace the master key?!?!

Keystone Kops.
These San Bernardino shooters were losers. They weren't part of ISIS. There aren't going to be any clues about future attacks on that phone.
If you side with the FBI that could lead to a slippery slope and has worrying consequences for the future of privacy.

I'll take my chances with the slippery slope. ANY company that chooses to protect the information of criminals rather that assist police is a,company I don't want to do business with.
If you side with the FBI that could lead to a slippery slope and has worrying consequences for the future of privacy.

I'll take my chances with the slippery slope. ANY company that chooses to protect the information of criminals rather that assist police is a,company I don't want to do business with.

You mean like the NRA and GOP demanding that known and suspected terrorists have free and easy access to any guns they want?

Is THAT what you mean?


I didn't think so.

I love how people spin this like "well just for this on time " . Please . The day after every cop in the country will demanding apple open up phones for them.
Why Apple has to stand up to the FBI

If you side with the FBI that could lead to a slippery slope and has worrying consequences for the future of privacy.
Actually not.

In fact, this fails as a slippery slope fallacy.

'Apple wants to give the impression that the key to Farook's phone is the key to the kingdom, but it's not so. As Timothy Lee explains on the website Vox, the FBI doesn't need to defeat the encryption on Farook's phone and thus, in theory, endanger the encryption on other phones.
The FBI wants Apple to change the software on Farook's phone so it can force the device open.

This isn't Armageddon. As Lee writes, "Apple has tacitly admitted that it can modify the software on Farook's iPhone to give the FBI access without damaging the security of anyone else's iPhone."

No one is going to have his or her privacy compromised because the FBI, in this one instance, with heroic technological exertions, gets into a dead terrorist's phone.'

Unlock the Terrorist's Phone

No privacy rights are 'at risk,' no potential First or Fifth Amendment 'violations,' and the future of 'digital freedom' is in no way 'in jeopardy.'
Clayton . What's stopping the cops from having apple unlock any phone they get their hands on ?
Why Apple has to stand up to the FBI

If you side with the FBI that could lead to a slippery slope and has worrying consequences for the future of privacy.
No you do not, because Apple is part of the lie. This phone has already been hacked, in three minutes or less. The BS story is to fool the idiotic terrorist into buying more EASILY HACKABLE I-phones.

Get over it goofy, there is nothing secure about your phone......................
Clayton . What's stopping the cops from having apple unlock any phone they get their hands on ?

The same laws that prohibit the cops from breaking down your front door anytime they feel like it.

The problem is they will be able to hack into anyone's phone anytime they like. We're talking the FBI and the CIA, not your local police.
So, one of the things I'm unclear on is, would Apple have to provide them with a new "backdoor" key every year?

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