You KNOW It's Time To Drop Out of the Race WHEN...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
You KNOW it's time to drop out of the Presidential race when you give our very best, patriotic 'rah rah' line to a crowd ... and you have to beg them to clap.

Jeb Bush Has to Tell New Hampshire Crowd ‘Please Clap’
- No, I saw it...he was begging them to clap.


*Notice the little girl in the background to the right
who looks like she is shying away from him like
she's afraid of him. :p

"Speaking to a crowd at the Hanover Inn near the Vermont border during his final stop of the day, Mr. Bush finished a fiery riff about protecting the country as commander in chief – “I won’t be out here blowharding, talking a big game without backing it up,” he said – and was met with total silence.

“Please clap,” he said, sounded defeated.

The crowd obediently clapped."

...more out of sympathy than anything else, it seemed.

Jeb sits at 9% in New Hampshire right now, staring up from the near bottom of the candidate pool. I f Iowa...and now THIS embarrassing any indication, unless Jeb places in the top 3 in MH he should be DONE.

LINK: Jeb Bush Has to Tell New Hampshire Crowd ‘Please Clap’
yeah, no room for the more rational kind in the gop these days.

i kind of feel bad for jeb. he deserves more respect than most of the other gop candidates.
No room in the GOP for his kind right now.

Honestly labeled plutocracy has no place in the GOP right now.

So let's take the same plutocratic shit and try to put a shiny new label on it.

Let's see if we can put up a guy with a Hispanic Surname and hope Hispanics ignore how much the GOP is making them into the scapegoats for all the shit the rich are doing to them.
yeah, no room for the more rational kind in the gop these days.

i kind of feel bad for jeb. he deserves more respect than most of the other gop candidates.

I don't. His family has been playing this kind of divide the working class against itself to benefit the rich for three generations now. Four if you count the next brood of Bush's.

That he's getting burned by the fires Prescott, Poppy and Dubya lit doesn't make me feel particularly bad for him.
"Just one other thing -- I gotta get this off my chest -- Donald Trump is a jerk," Bush said to laughter and applause at his town hall Contoocook, New Hampshire.

The outburst came after a man who said he had Asperger's Syndrome asked Bush how he would help people with disabilities as president.

Bush talked about the work he did in Florida with the state legislature to obtain more money for the state's disability system. Just when it appeared he was done with his answer, Bush started his rant against his GOP rival.


Jeb Bush: 'Donald Trump is a jerk' -
"You cannot insult your way to the presidency," he said, reiterating an attack line he's been firing at Trump. "You can't disparage women, Hispanics, disabled people. Who is he kidding?"

Trump took on widespread criticism when he appeared to mock a New York Times reporter with a disability last month, though Trump denied he was doing so.

Opinion: Finally, Bush fights back at Trump

The two candidates had been sparring all week after Bush started executing a new strategy of directly confronting Trump at the CNN debate in Las Vegas on Tuesday. They continued trading shots throughout the week, with Trump calling Bush "dumb as a rock" on Twitter Friday and getting in some fresh insults Saturday while campaigning in Iowa.

Continuing to dig in, Bush said in Contoocook that it's "deeply discouraging" that Trump is "actually running for president and insulting people."

"We should reject that out of hand. And I hope you're going to reject it by voting for me," he told the audience. "But a guy like that should not be the front-running candidate of our great party. That is not how we win."

After more applause, Bush added: "I feel better now. I gave myself therapy there. Thank you for allowing me to do it."

Voters at Bush's town halls were largely receptive to his digs at Trump. At one point, in Exeter, a voter asked Bush how Trump could be defeated.

"First of all, do you want me to?" Bush asked, as the audience of a little more than 200 erupted in cheers and applause, with some people shouting "Yes!"

Jeb Bush: 'Donald Trump is a jerk' -
The left wing wants Jeb badly, it's their only hope for a Hillary win. Assuming she doesn't get "asked" to retire.
Nope...the left would prefer Cruz as the GOP nominee. Trump is fine too. Rubio could give Hillary a run and so could Jeb.
Rubio would kick the old whore's ass to the moon but you're wrong on everything else.

Nominate Trump or Cruz and get used to saying President Whore Ass. :lol:
The left wing wants Jeb badly, it's their only hope for a Hillary win. Assuming she doesn't get "asked" to retire.
Nope...the left would prefer Cruz as the GOP nominee. Trump is fine too. Rubio could give Hillary a run and so could Jeb.
Rubio would kick the old whore's ass to the moon but you're wrong on everything else.

Nominate Trump or Cruz and get used to saying President Whore Ass. :lol:
I'm voting for Rubio as of now but none of them used their gender to gain power and money.

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