You guys need to ignore the Russia bullshit. Stop feeding the TROLLS

The mother fucker said he considered the Russia investigation as he decided to fire Comey.

He straight up said this.

He considered the Russia investigation by making sure that there would be no conflict by firing Comey.

Trump did that by flat out asking Comey if he (trump) was under investigation. Comey said no.

Had Comey said yes... I doubt Trump would have fired him.
The way that Trumps keeps blocking the investigation DarkWind I have concerns over a fair and balanced investigation..
If I were in Trumps position,I would make it as transparent as possible but he is not doing that..
The problem with this is that the investigation has not been blocked or interfered with. Comey wasn't the lead investigator, nor involved directly with the actual investigation.

Comey was pretty involved though DarkWind ~

Comey Sought More Russia Probe Funds Before He Was Fired
More unsubstantiated troll lies.

You prove the premise of my thread. I don't believe you to be a troll but you are one gullible individual that eats up the lies then regurgitates them unknowingly as if they're truths.

Lets give it 6 months , and I will be sure to remind you of this comment in my every post when it all comes down.
The new acting director of the fbi already stated under oath that that is not how the fbi gets its funding. They NEVER ask the Whitehouse for money. That goes through the DOJ who goes through Congress.

How can you be this ignorant of how shit works while trying to post about it?

That story is yet again 100% fabricated bullshit ment to strike a narrative to FOOL unsuspecting morons.

What evidence is there that they Comey asked the White House? The article said he asked the DoJ.
GOP / separating themselves from Trump ~ Trump feeds the fire with his twitters/ actions and we are suppose to ignore it?
This thread isn't about the GOP or really even Trump. It's about Trolling with unsubstantiated bullshit.

As to your post, the GOP was never "with" Trump. As many that supported him, there were equal amounts like me that didnt. The man says & tweets retarded shit that causes himself problems. But at the end of the day that has NOTHING to do with Russia or this thread.

They need to be allowed to finish the investigation cleanly, and present a final report, and that ends it. So far, you and others don't seem to want that given you are labeling them "trolls".
The trolls are people like YOU who make wild assumptions based on little to no information then propagate it as if it's fact.

What wild assumption?
Every trolls power is obtained via YOUR response. Doesn't matter if it's a professional troll on channel 4 or a dipshit on this site.

Rational adults see there is no link, proof or anything to prove collusion. Arguing with the trolls about it & venting your frustration about it serves the trolls agenda and YOU lose. Their intent is to disrupt & cause chaos. For that to happen it takes 2 sides. Stop tangoing with them for fucks sake.


I've seen no evidence of collusion with Russia!
They need to be allowed to finish the investigation cleanly, and present a final report, and that ends it. So far, you and others don't seem to want that given you are labeling them "trolls".
Just out of curiosity.

If the report comes back in favor of Trump, will you accept it?

Yup. My thoughts are that there might not be direct collusion with Trump, but there clearly is Russian interference and that has to be pursued, not buried.

I wonder if the US government has ever meddled in the elections of another....



Do you support another country meddling in our elections? Yes or no?

I'm a realist.

It's going to happen regardless.

We should focus our energy more on prevention and less on fake cries of outrage for political gain.... especially given the fact that Russia's meddling had no measurableveffect on the outcome.

How can you focus your energy on PREVENTION when you don't even have all the info, which is what an investigation provides and - if American citizens are involved, that should also be addressed. How can you justify spending so much money and time on Benghazi - where, the emphasis should also have been on prevention as well, but refuse to place the same level of importance on something that affects are electoral integrity?
GOP / separating themselves from Trump ~ Trump feeds the fire with his twitters/ actions and we are suppose to ignore it?
This thread isn't about the GOP or really even Trump. It's about Trolling with unsubstantiated bullshit.

As to your post, the GOP was never "with" Trump. As many that supported him, there were equal amounts like me that didnt. The man says & tweets retarded shit that causes himself problems. But at the end of the day that has NOTHING to do with Russia or this thread.

Sure, one of the top advisors to the President, a 60+ y/o millionaire just happens to know a Russian Hacker who hacked the DNC. Then the same advisor foreshadows someone else getting hacked 6 weeks before it happens. Nothing to see there…

The fact that he knows the hacker should tell you something isn’t Kosher…. That he publicly tweeted 6 weeks before it happened that someone else would get hacked; well if you think it’s just coincidence, you’re being intellectually dishonest.

The only question was whether Roger Stone was doing this on his own (very unlikely) or had the blessings of his benefactor; Mr. Trump (very likely). This is why you have an investigation that is ongoing and seems like it’s picking up steam.
GOP / separating themselves from Trump ~ Trump feeds the fire with his twitters/ actions and we are suppose to ignore it?
This thread isn't about the GOP or really even Trump. It's about Trolling with unsubstantiated bullshit.

As to your post, the GOP was never "with" Trump. As many that supported him, there were equal amounts like me that didnt. The man says & tweets retarded shit that causes himself problems. But at the end of the day that has NOTHING to do with Russia or this thread.

Sure, one of the top advisors to the President, a 60+ y/o millionaire just happens to know a Russian Hacker who hacked the DNC. Then the same advisor foreshadows someone else getting hacked 6 weeks before it happens. Nothing to see there…

The fact that he knows the hacker should tell you something isn’t Kosher…. That he publicly tweeted 6 weeks before it happened that someone else would get hacked; well if you think it’s just coincidence, you’re being intellectually dishonest.

The only question was whether Roger Stone was doing this on his own (very unlikely) or had the blessings of his benefactor; Mr. Trump (very likely). This is why you have an investigation that is ongoing and seems like it’s picking up steam.
Granpa is fos Trump reveals classified info to russian foreign minister IMPEACH the pos
GOP / separating themselves from Trump ~ Trump feeds the fire with his twitters/ actions and we are suppose to ignore it?
This thread isn't about the GOP or really even Trump. It's about Trolling with unsubstantiated bullshit.

As to your post, the GOP was never "with" Trump. As many that supported him, there were equal amounts like me that didnt. The man says & tweets retarded shit that causes himself problems. But at the end of the day that has NOTHING to do with Russia or this thread.

Sure, one of the top advisors to the President, a 60+ y/o millionaire just happens to know a Russian Hacker who hacked the DNC. Then the same advisor foreshadows someone else getting hacked 6 weeks before it happens. Nothing to see there…

The fact that he knows the hacker should tell you something isn’t Kosher…. That he publicly tweeted 6 weeks before it happened that someone else would get hacked; well if you think it’s just coincidence, you’re being intellectually dishonest.

The only question was whether Roger Stone was doing this on his own (very unlikely) or had the blessings of his benefactor; Mr. Trump (very likely). This is why you have an investigation that is ongoing and seems like it’s picking up steam.

Roger Stone is being investigated too..
Continued, hysterical panting about "Da Rooshans an Trump did it, I tells ya!", is, IMO, exactly what Putin wants. The last thing he wants is America unified behind a president determined to increase American power and prestige in the world.

The last thing that could possibly happen would be America united behind this goofy president and his draconian unAmerican goals.
So Putin gets what he wants, thanks to the hate.

Putin already got what he wanted. Why do you want to give him more?
Every trolls power is obtained via YOUR response. Doesn't matter if it's a professional troll on channel 4 or a dipshit on this site.

Rational adults see there is no link, proof or anything to prove collusion. Arguing with the trolls about it & venting your frustration about it serves the trolls agenda and YOU lose. Their intent is to disrupt & cause chaos. For that to happen it takes 2 sides. Stop tangoing with them for fucks sake.
Every trolls power is obtained via YOUR response. Doesn't matter if it's a professional troll on channel 4 or a dipshit on this site.

Rational adults see there is no link, proof or anything to prove collusion. Arguing with the trolls about it & venting your frustration about it serves the trolls agenda and YOU lose. Their intent is to disrupt & cause chaos. For that to happen it takes 2 sides. Stop tangoing with them for fucks sake.

Funny but you remind me of someone.


Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm
Trump fires FBI director James Comey -



When you elect a clown--the circus comes along.

We should focus our energy more on prevention and less on fake cries of outrage for political gain.... especially given the fact that Russia's meddling had no measurableveffect on the outcome.

How would you know what effect hacked emails had on the election that was decided by the slimmest of margins?

Show me the names of let's say the first 500 or 100.... 50, 20? Let's make it 5.

Five people who decided to vote for Trump - who intended to vote for Hitlary.... But didn't because of the hacked emails!

Five people who were NOT affected by the video of Trump saying *grab em by the pussy* but WERE affected by Hitlarys leaked emails.

Name em.

Can't find five?

Just give me ONE.

LOL wtf? Seriously?

I can give you plenty of names I personally know that stayed home because they didn't feel like voting for the shiniest of two turds and it's pretty much impossible to pinpoint the exact moment lackluster support turns into dislike.

Let me teach you something very valuable to know about people: They often THEMSELVES do not know precise reasons they arrive at decisions and positions they do. And then from there people that kinda want to make out to the poll end up not going because of this and that.

The margin was small enough and conversation surrounding the leaks was big enough that it seems quite plausible that the effect could have been a game changer.

BUT EVEN SUPPOSING THAT IT WASN'T. Even when we do that, there is still a matter of illegal hacking by foreign government to influence elections. Russia did it in the states and they did it in europe, it is illegal, it is an act of aggression, it should be responded to and someone from our side colluding with them should be investigated.
Last edited:
Still no accounting of how "Russians" caused ballot levers to be pushed for Trump instead of Hillary, no accounting of how they altered the tallies, and no accounting of what vodoo brain waves were unleashed upon Hillary voters

Absent that, bug spray time
We should focus our energy more on prevention and less on fake cries of outrage for political gain.... especially given the fact that Russia's meddling had no measurableveffect on the outcome.

How would you know what effect hacked emails had on the election that was decided by the slimmest of margins?

Show me the names of let's say the first 500 or 100.... 50, 20? Let's make it 5.

Five people who decided to vote for Trump - who intended to vote for Hitlary.... But didn't because of the hacked emails!

Five people who were NOT affected by the video of Trump saying *grab em by the pussy* but WERE affected by Hitlarys leaked emails.

Name em.

Can't find five?

Just give me ONE.

LOL wtf? Seriously?

I can give you plenty of names I personally know that stayed home because they didn't feel like voting for the shiniest of two turds and it's pretty much impossible to pinpoint the exact moment lackluster support turns into dislike.

Let me teach you something very valuable to know about people: They often THEMSELVES do not know precise reasons they arrive at decisions and positions they do. And then from there people that kinda want to make out to the poll end up not going because of this and that.

The margin was small enough and conversation surrounding the leaks was big enough that it seems quite plausible that the effect could have been a game changer.

BUT EVEN SUPPOSING THAT IT WASN'T. Even when we do that, there is still a matter of illegal hacking by foreign government to influence elections. Russia did it in the states and they did it in europe, it is illegal, it is an act of aggression and it should be responded to.

Just one verifiable name.
We should focus our energy more on prevention and less on fake cries of outrage for political gain.... especially given the fact that Russia's meddling had no measurableveffect on the outcome.

How would you know what effect hacked emails had on the election that was decided by the slimmest of margins?

Show me the names of let's say the first 500 or 100.... 50, 20? Let's make it 5.

Five people who decided to vote for Trump - who intended to vote for Hitlary.... But didn't because of the hacked emails!

Five people who were NOT affected by the video of Trump saying *grab em by the pussy* but WERE affected by Hitlarys leaked emails.

Name em.

Can't find five?

Just give me ONE.

LOL wtf? Seriously?

I can give you plenty of names I personally know that stayed home because they didn't feel like voting for the shiniest of two turds and it's pretty much impossible to pinpoint the exact moment lackluster support turns into dislike.

Let me teach you something very valuable to know about people: They often THEMSELVES do not know precise reasons they arrive at decisions and positions they do. And then from there people that kinda want to make out to the poll end up not going because of this and that.

The margin was small enough and conversation surrounding the leaks was big enough that it seems quite plausible that the effect could have been a game changer.

BUT EVEN SUPPOSING THAT IT WASN'T. Even when we do that, there is still a matter of illegal hacking by foreign government to influence elections. Russia did it in the states and they did it in europe, it is illegal, it is an act of aggression and it should be responded to.

Just one verifiable name.

Give me your name, I will verify it first :rolleyes:
We should focus our energy more on prevention and less on fake cries of outrage for political gain.... especially given the fact that Russia's meddling had no measurableveffect on the outcome.

How would you know what effect hacked emails had on the election that was decided by the slimmest of margins?

Show me the names of let's say the first 500 or 100.... 50, 20? Let's make it 5.

Five people who decided to vote for Trump - who intended to vote for Hitlary.... But didn't because of the hacked emails!

Five people who were NOT affected by the video of Trump saying *grab em by the pussy* but WERE affected by Hitlarys leaked emails.

Name em.

Can't find five?

Just give me ONE.

LOL wtf? Seriously?

I can give you plenty of names I personally know that stayed home because they didn't feel like voting for the shiniest of two turds and it's pretty much impossible to pinpoint the exact moment lackluster support turns into dislike.

Let me teach you something very valuable to know about people: They often THEMSELVES do not know precise reasons they arrive at decisions and positions they do.

It really doesn't matter if Russia hackings changed a single vote, it's still TREASON. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is Treason.

But while we're on this topic--the most damage was the leak of Debbie Wasserman's emails showing her anixety toward Bernie Sanders and the manner in which he was campaigning because he was also campaigning on a rigged election even though he got his ass kicked on 3,775,437 popular votes. There were Sanders supporters so angry about that email--that they were on this board--threatening if he did not win they would vote for Trump. Trump campaigned on that and was sweeping up the collateral damage appealing to Sander's supporters who bought into it. Whether they did or not we'll never know.

But I do agree with you that most people do not think--nor know why they came to a conclusion (other than letting their emotions take over--while sitting on their BRAINS.)


A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains
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Trump is one that fired Comey....while CLEARLY lying why he did it, in the middle of the day, without any replacement lined up, supposedly on recommendation that Comey was mistreated Clinton last year.

Common sense says there is obviously something conspicuous going on here for Trump to act like he is. Got any of that?

More wild assumptions based on speculation. This is all that is driving this story, pure & simple.
Is Trump an idiot? Quite often yes. Is being an idiot a crime or a treasonist act? Only in the world of libtard trolls

There is no "wild assumption" there is basic observation that if someone is lying there is a REASON and it is quite telling that it doesn't interest you in the slightest.

We don't know the reason yet, but there is certainly a lot of smoke here to follow. "Nothing to see here, Trump is just being silly for no reason at all" isn't going to cut it.
That looks like an assumption to me.
Last edited:
Every trolls power is obtained via YOUR response. Doesn't matter if it's a professional troll on channel 4 or a dipshit on this site.

Rational adults see there is no link, proof or anything to prove collusion. Arguing with the trolls about it & venting your frustration about it serves the trolls agenda and YOU lose. Their intent is to disrupt & cause chaos. For that to happen it takes 2 sides. Stop tangoing with them for fucks sake.
Every trolls power is obtained via YOUR response. Doesn't matter if it's a professional troll on channel 4 or a dipshit on this site.

Rational adults see there is no link, proof or anything to prove collusion. Arguing with the trolls about it & venting your frustration about it serves the trolls agenda and YOU lose. Their intent is to disrupt & cause chaos. For that to happen it takes 2 sides. Stop tangoing with them for fucks sake.

Funny but you remind me of someone.


Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm
Trump fires FBI director James Comey -



When you elect a clown--the circus comes along.


Need I supply anymore evidence? This dumbfuck pretended to be a conservative for years. Then when the rubber hit the road in November he exposed himself.

There are several people on this board I have ZERO respect for.

You are one of them....fraud
We should focus our energy more on prevention and less on fake cries of outrage for political gain.... especially given the fact that Russia's meddling had no measurableveffect on the outcome.

How would you know what effect hacked emails had on the election that was decided by the slimmest of margins?

Show me the names of let's say the first 500 or 100.... 50, 20? Let's make it 5.

Five people who decided to vote for Trump - who intended to vote for Hitlary.... But didn't because of the hacked emails!

Five people who were NOT affected by the video of Trump saying *grab em by the pussy* but WERE affected by Hitlarys leaked emails.

Name em.

Can't find five?

Just give me ONE.

LOL wtf? Seriously?

I can give you plenty of names I personally know that stayed home because they didn't feel like voting for the shiniest of two turds and it's pretty much impossible to pinpoint the exact moment lackluster support turns into dislike.

Let me teach you something very valuable to know about people: They often THEMSELVES do not know precise reasons they arrive at decisions and positions they do.

It really doesn't matter if Russia hackings changed a single vote, it's still TREASON. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is Treason.

But while we're on this topic--the most damage was the leak of Debbie Wasserman's emails showing her anixety toward Bernie Sanders and the manner in which he was campaigning because he was also campaigning on a rigged election even though he got his ass kicked on 3,775,437 popular votes. There were Sanders supporters so angry about that email--that they were on this board--threatening if he did not win they would vote for Trump. Trump campaigned on that and was sweeping up the collateral damage appealing to Sander's supporters who bought into it. Whether they did or not we'll never know.

But I do agree with you that most people do not think--nor know why they came to a conclusion (other than letting their emotions take over--while sitting on their BRAINS.)


A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Still waiting any evidence of your alleged collusion too.

A billionaire businessman doing legal transactions with other businesses overseas before he later ran for office is not an act of treason. So, you are going to need a little more than that.
Every trolls power is obtained via YOUR response. Doesn't matter if it's a professional troll on channel 4 or a dipshit on this site.

Rational adults see there is no link, proof or anything to prove collusion. Arguing with the trolls about it & venting your frustration about it serves the trolls agenda and YOU lose. Their intent is to disrupt & cause chaos. For that to happen it takes 2 sides. Stop tangoing with them for fucks sake.
Every trolls power is obtained via YOUR response. Doesn't matter if it's a professional troll on channel 4 or a dipshit on this site.

Rational adults see there is no link, proof or anything to prove collusion. Arguing with the trolls about it & venting your frustration about it serves the trolls agenda and YOU lose. Their intent is to disrupt & cause chaos. For that to happen it takes 2 sides. Stop tangoing with them for fucks sake.

Funny but you remind me of someone.


Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm
Trump fires FBI director James Comey -



When you elect a clown--the circus comes along.


Need I supply anymore evidence? This dumbfuck pretended to be a conservative for years. Then when the rubber hit the road in November he exposed himself.

There are several people on this board I have ZERO respect for.

You are one of them....fraud

I never "pretended to be a conservative" that's exactly what I am. I just changed my party status to independent because you didn't nominate a conservative--much less a Republican.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

I voted for Hillary Clinton because she is more Conservative than the Ass Clown that is sitting in the Oval office--and has 20 times more BRAINS than he does.

In fact here is one of Ronald Reagan's top staffers explaining this:

We should focus our energy more on prevention and less on fake cries of outrage for political gain.... especially given the fact that Russia's meddling had no measurableveffect on the outcome.

How would you know what effect hacked emails had on the election that was decided by the slimmest of margins?

Show me the names of let's say the first 500 or 100.... 50, 20? Let's make it 5.

Five people who decided to vote for Trump - who intended to vote for Hitlary.... But didn't because of the hacked emails!

Five people who were NOT affected by the video of Trump saying *grab em by the pussy* but WERE affected by Hitlarys leaked emails.

Name em.

Can't find five?

Just give me ONE.

LOL wtf? Seriously?

I can give you plenty of names I personally know that stayed home because they didn't feel like voting for the shiniest of two turds and it's pretty much impossible to pinpoint the exact moment lackluster support turns into dislike.

Let me teach you something very valuable to know about people: They often THEMSELVES do not know precise reasons they arrive at decisions and positions they do. And then from there people that kinda want to make out to the poll end up not going because of this and that.

The margin was small enough and conversation surrounding the leaks was big enough that it seems quite plausible that the effect could have been a game changer.

BUT EVEN SUPPOSING THAT IT WASN'T. Even when we do that, there is still a matter of illegal hacking by foreign government to influence elections. Russia did it in the states and they did it in europe, it is illegal, it is an act of aggression and it should be responded to.

Just one verifiable name.

Give me your name, I will verify it first :rolleyes:

Why would you need my name?

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