Zone1 You Find a Wallet with Money and Credit Cards

I say you did the wrong thing even though it turned out to work in their favor. LUCKY you ran into them. If not, you fucked them. You should have left it where you found it. Right?
It was the camp counselors decision. It was a YMCA sponsered camping trip.
Those folks were lucky that we were on the same route.
Return it all.
When I managed apts and had to make a money drop at the bank, a few times I had to push someone elses bag further into the box because the previous depositor didn't shove it in there far enough.

What goes around comes around. And karma eventually bites so be safe and do the right thing, in my opinion.
They would have caught you on camera. Maybe. And that would cost someone their job. Hard to live with doing that to someone.

I remember the same thing happened to me. The front desk girl at the Hotel didn't push it in all the way. I pulled it out and took it to her. You should have seen her face. LOL.

When is KARMA going to come around for guys like Kim Jung and Putin?
It was the camp counselors decision. It was a YMCA sponsered camping trip.
Those folks were lucky that we were on the same route.
We all know you were a camp counselor

It's happened to me. I didn't touch the wallet...I just left it where it was laying.

I could just imagine if I picked it up it will be used as evidence against me because the owner was murdered.

I thunked...nope...I'll just walk past it & keep on going.
When I was in college, I found a wallet with about $600 in it on the Bumper Cars at an amusement park.
I immediately turned it in

Last summer, I was at a produce stand and saw a big roll of cash on the ground. I asked the teenaged clerk if it was hers.
She was very grateful
Okay I'm a scumbag but I was unemployed, only getting $750 every 2 weeks unemployment insurance, and working on the side with my friend under the table. This alone isn't right. LOL. He had a black mold removal business. If a house had mold, we cleaned everything. Every page of every book and every magazine. Either that or throw it out. The couple died and the kids paid to have the house cleaned out. I found $200 in old $20 bills and 10 silver coins. I'm not gonna lie, I kept it. I was SHOCKED when the coin shop gave me $20 for each silver coin. I really needed that money at the time and the kids never missed it.

Ya gotta do what you have to do to survive. I once found an 1800's palm pistol hidden at an estate sale and bought it for $20. They though it was some kind of tool, that thing brought me $3800 at a gun auction.

I always check under the mattresses and places nobody else ever looks when I go to estate sales. I can't even remember the times I found something at a sale and convinced the people it wasn't worth anything. Most people don't know what guns are worth, and if you offer them $20 for it, they'll take it. I bought 15 firearms at garage sales one year, just by asking if they had any guns.
I’d call the owner and ask if they lost anything and could they describe it.
It's happened to me. I didn't touch the wallet...I just left it where it was laying.

I could just imagine if I picked it up it will be used as evidence against me because the owner was murdered.

I thunked...nope...I'll just walk past it & keep on going.
Well if the person who lost it is looking for it, maybe you did the right thing. They should be back tracking to find it.

I remember finding a wallet with money in it. Just as I was about to take the money out of the wallet the guy ran up to me. God I felt guilty even though I dindo nuthin wrong. He even looked at me like AHAH! Yes, he caught me in the act of taking the money out the wallet. Or rifling through it. LOL. Whatever. Here you go. Like he wouldn't have?

That's the thing about people who accuse or are suspicious. They are probably projecting. They think you are doing what they would do.
If the trip was not that far out of My way, I would return the wallet 100% intact.

Character and ethics are cost-free. For those who would say that it costs me money in the wallet, then you need to learn what ethics means. That was not My money, so it cost Me nothing.

If the address on the ID was too far for Me to make the trip, I would box up the wallet and mail it to them.
When I was in college, I found a wallet with about $600 in it on the Bumper Cars at an amusement park.
I immediately turned it in

Last summer, I was at a produce stand and saw a big roll of cash on the ground. I asked the teenaged clerk if it was hers.
She was very grateful
Sucker! "hey, is this your wad of cash?" Yup. Here you go

Sucker! "hey, is this your wad of cash?" Yup. Here you go

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It was a roll of bills like someone working at a produce stand would keep in her pocket to make change.

There was only one other customer there.

I could have discretely stuffed the bills in my pocket and driven away. But I knew it would cost this girl her job
It's happened to me. I didn't touch the wallet...I just left it where it was laying.

I could just imagine if I picked it up it will be used as evidence against me because the owner was murdered.

I thunked...nope...I'll just walk past it & keep on going.

One time when I was 19 maybe I was working with my friends. They had a home remodeling business. We went and purchased long copper pipes and we realized that some of it slid out the back and we had to turn around and go back to get it. When we got back to where they fell out there were these 3 30 something year old men putting it in their car. Copper is expensive. We pull up and we're like WHOA that's ours. They could have said oh sorry here you go but instead one guy in the car said prove it. I was a college wrestler and body builder at the time. I said "PROVE IT?" and walked up to the car. The guy in the back seat behind the driver was holding it and so was the passenger. It was long and sticking out of the passenger window. I grabbed it and tried to yank it out but they held on to it. So I started beating the passenger until they both let it go and I took it and they left. LOL
What do you do?

Return it money and all?
Return it without the money and say that's how you found it?
Take the money and throw out the wallet with credit cards?
Take the money and try to use the credit cards?
Go one step further and steal their identity?

There was a time in my life where I would have taken the money and returned the wallet. Lied and said the money was gone.

There was NEVER a time in my life where I would use the credit cards. I suspect some would say "that's okay the credit card company won't make them pay for what I purchased".

Even worse if they use your debt card. Pure scum.

Identity thieves should be executed. Send a message to other people who would do this.

I had a college roommate once who found a phone back in the 90's. The person who lost it called him and he fucked with this person for days. Told them to meet him and then he would not show up. Talk to them on the phone. Infuriate them. He ended up being a real creep but boy was this an early sign. Sociopath for sure.

Also regarding ethics. I suppose if it's a rich looking person and just $100 or a poor looking grandmother who's carrying around her rent in this purse you just found.

What if you found $30,000? I have to be honest. I might be tempted to keep it. I know that's a scummy thing to do but I'm just being honest.

Why am I posting this? I'm watching "Scary People". Remember those con artists murdering bodybuilders in Miami back in the 80's? The Rock did a movie about these guys. Just horrible people. Do anything to make money.
Did you know that if you found that wallet in a place like Thailand or Japan you would just take it to the nearest police station and the owner would know to go there to look for it? Something like 95% of lost purses, wallet's, cellphones and the like are recovered because people will not steal.

I would do my best to return it to it's owner, regardless of how much cash there was.
What do you do?

Return it money and all?
Return it without the money and say that's how you found it?
Take the money and throw out the wallet with credit cards?
Take the money and try to use the credit cards?
Go one step further and steal their identity?

There was a time in my life where I would have taken the money and returned the wallet. Lied and said the money was gone.

There was NEVER a time in my life where I would use the credit cards. I suspect some would say "that's okay the credit card company won't make them pay for what I purchased".

Even worse if they use your debt card. Pure scum.

Identity thieves should be executed. Send a message to other people who would do this.

I had a college roommate once who found a phone back in the 90's. The person who lost it called him and he fucked with this person for days. Told them to meet him and then he would not show up. Talk to them on the phone. Infuriate them. He ended up being a real creep but boy was this an early sign. Sociopath for sure.

Also regarding ethics. I suppose if it's a rich looking person and just $100 or a poor looking grandmother who's carrying around her rent in this purse you just found.

What if you found $30,000? I have to be honest. I might be tempted to keep it. I know that's a scummy thing to do but I'm just being honest.

Why am I posting this? I'm watching "Scary People". Remember those con artists murdering bodybuilders in Miami back in the 80's? The Rock did a movie about these guys. Just horrible people. Do anything to make money.
Does anybody still have a bunch of cash in their wallet? I don't. Anyway, I would return it.
My brother and his wife were at an Amusement Park once and had just gotten off a Roller Coaster

His wife looked down at her hand and realized the diamond was gone from her engagement ring.

They frantically ran back to the Roller Coaster and someone had seen the diamond on the platform and had turned it in.
Exactly. It's not money that would cover necessities. The biggest loss would be the loss of your ID.

To some people $200 is a lot of money to lose. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

Yesterday I took 4 guys out for lunch. I think I tipped and the restaurant added the gratuity too. On the way home I did the match and can't understand how 5 $20 meals plus a smoothie and coke add up to $275. It should add up to around $220. I think they added the tip and not paying attention, I tipped again. That $35 bothers me. LOL

I didn't lose any sleep but it sure is still bothering me. The secret is to tell yourself that it was a Christmas gift to that Muslim towel head. Clearly it's still bothering me.

Then we went to a cigar bar. $14 a cigar. Then my friend orders 3 drinks and that came to $50. What the fuck??? I would never go to a place like this. My brother treated us. If I found a wallet with money in this parking lot I'd keep it because it's some dumb rich fuckers who doesn't have a problem paying $64 for a drink and a cigar.
My brother and his wife were at an Amusement Park once and had just gotten off a Roller Coaster

His wife looked down at her hand and realized the diamond was gone from her engagement ring.

They frantically ran back to the Roller Coaster and someone had seen the diamond on the platform and had turned it in.

If you bought a $10,000 diamond, you can typically expect to sell it for somewhere between $2,000 and $6,000 depending on its quality, cut, clarity, and where you sell it, with the most likely resale value being around 50% of its original purchase price; meaning you might be able to get around $5,000 for it in a good scenario.

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