You can't take it with you, but some things you can...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Reaction score
At the end of our lives, all the money we've made we will have to leave behind.

But there are things we can take with us.

All the times spent with family, friends, and loved ones, enjoying their company, and having them enjoy ours.

The time spent with our children, teaching them the things we know, and guiding them on the path towards righteousness.

All the good things we did for people, especially people who could not repay us.

All the lies we didn't tell, all the times we didn't cheat, all the things we didn't steal, but did the honest thing instead.

All the times we told someone that we loved them, or better yet, showed it in some useful way.

That's what we leave life with.

If the atheists are right and there is no reward for any of this, knowing what we've done is still the reward. A life well lived.

God bless.
funny how the hom(e)phobic have nevertheless not ever left a better planet when finally they "pass on" ... how can it be, they are so innocent.

funny how the hom(e)phobic have nevertheless not ever left a better planet when finally they "pass on" ... how can it be, they are so innocent.

I started a nice thread, full of good thoughts, and you had to ruin it. So now I'm putting you on ignore. Go have fun with your same-sex lover, I guess.
I started a nice thread, full of good thoughts, and you had to ruin it.

I simply noted your good thoughts through the ages have basically brought humanity nothing but bloodshed and wars ... there's just something a little fishy about your family values you might bother to look into, that's all I was suggesting - thin skin.

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