'You Can Hardly Buy Groceries': Inflation Complaints Grow as Gloomy Sentiment Hurts Biden


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
'You Can Hardly Buy Groceries': Inflation Complaints Grow as Gloomy Sentiment Hurts Biden
13 Nov 2021 ~~ By Natalie Colarossi

The Labor Department reported this week that inflation across a broad range of everyday products is at its highest in over 30 years, prompting consumers to increasingly complain about soaring costs under President Joe Biden's leadership.
Prices skyrocketed during the month of October, with groceries 5.4 percent higher than the same period last year, while overall inflation has risen by 6.2 percent this year. The cost for meat, poultry, fish and eggs collectively rose 1.7 percent last month, and 11.9 percent year-over-year.
The surging costs have put an increasing amount of pressure on Biden. Recent polling has found that just 38 percent of Americans now approve of his job performance, while two-thirds of Americans believe the nation is on the wrong track.
Newsweek contacted the White House for additional comment but did not hear back in time for publication.

It's become obvious that either Joey Xi Bai Dung is completely demented, has screwed the pooch in leading America, or he is purposely and ruthlessly leading this country into destruction.
Meanwhile polls claim that Bai Dung's disapproval rate is at 62% while I claim that his disapproval in America has reached a high of 75%.

Quoted from: Semi-News/Semi-Satire
"In related news, Biden urged that “we take a long-term view of the economy. You know the great economist John Maynard Keynes pointed out that ‘in the long run we are all dead.’ So, in a very real sense, inflation is transitory. Personally, I am not worried about it. No matter how high prices go, the government will always get the money it needs. The Constitution grants Congress the power to tax and the Federal Reserve has the authority to create money. So, I don’t see why some people are getting so worked up about rising prices".
I reckon it's the fallout cost of the failed lockdowns. It's the same here in the UK, all the manufacturers, suppliers and retailers are probably trying to recover and shoved all the prices up.

I was never in favour of the lockdowns, more will suffer and die due to them. With the health effects of poor diet due to poverty and missed cancer screenings etc..
It's become obvious that either Joey Xi Bai Dung is completely demented, has screwed the pooch in leading America, or he is purposely and ruthlessly leading this country into destruction.​

THEN WHERE IS THE GOP? What are they doing about it? I've not seen one republican on TV blasting Bidden calling for his ouster except MTG, and she is treated like an outcast-miscreant-loon.

Right now, she is just about the only republican I still have respect for.
Personally, I am not worried about it. No matter how high prices go, the government will always get the money it needs. The Constitution grants Congress the power to tax and the Federal Reserve has the authority to create money
Such representation, eh?


Then why should I vote for them? WHAT has the GOP in Washington done to prove to me they are fighting this Biddum bullshit and have a plan to stop or repair it if I put them in power? 13 of the idiots just got Joe's bill passed! Why is everything "good" about the GOP these days either MAGA or some grass roots effort made by an outlier like Youngkin?

Standing by doing nothing as a crime is committed is almost as bad as doing the crime itself.
THEN WHERE IS THE GOP? What are they doing about it? I've not seen one republican on TV blasting Bidden calling for his ouster except MTG, and she is treated like an outcast-miscreant-loon.

Right now, she is just about the only republican I still have respect for.
They have no better solutions at lower cost only tax cut economics.
Then why should I vote for them? WHAT has the GOP in Washington done to prove to me they are fighting this Biddum bullshit and have a plan to stop or repair it if I put them in power? 13 of the idiots just got Joe's bill passed! Why is everything "good" about the GOP these days either MAGA or some grass roots effort made by an outlier like Youngkin?

Standing by doing nothing as a crime is committed is almost as bad as doing the crime itself.
You shouldn't vote for them...That's the point...That's why I dropped out after the 2000 election.

If another Thomas Massie or Rand Paul runs where I live, I'll show up to support them...If not, I'll just keep stockpiling.
How Many More Trillion can the Fed 'Magically' Make Appear out of Thin Air
Before the Entire Thing Implodes....????
Don't blame that fuckwad Biden and the Dems.

They are Communists bent on the destruction of the nation.


The same place they always are...sucking off their corporate masters and working on open borders.

Every time the wife and I find anything missing now at the grocery store we always go "damn it Biden" because it is clearly his fault. Today we were going to make gnocchi soup and the damn fresh gnocchi was all gone. Clearly Biden's fault, that bastard.
'You Can Hardly Buy Groceries': Inflation Complaints Grow as Gloomy Sentiment Hurts Biden
13 Nov 2021 ~~ By Natalie Colarossi

The Labor Department reported this week that inflation across a broad range of everyday products is at its highest in over 30 years, prompting consumers to increasingly complain about soaring costs under President Joe Biden's leadership.
Prices skyrocketed during the month of October, with groceries 5.4 percent higher than the same period last year, while overall inflation has risen by 6.2 percent this year. The cost for meat, poultry, fish and eggs collectively rose 1.7 percent last month, and 11.9 percent year-over-year.
The surging costs have put an increasing amount of pressure on Biden. Recent polling has found that just 38 percent of Americans now approve of his job performance, while two-thirds of Americans believe the nation is on the wrong track.
Newsweek contacted the White House for additional comment but did not hear back in time for publication.

It's become obvious that either Joey Xi Bai Dung is completely demented, has screwed the pooch in leading America, or he is purposely and ruthlessly leading this country into destruction.
Meanwhile polls claim that Bai Dung's disapproval rate is at 62% while I claim that his disapproval in America has reached a high of 75%.

Quoted from: Semi-News/Semi-Satire
"In related news, Biden urged that “we take a long-term view of the economy. You know the great economist John Maynard Keynes pointed out that ‘in the long run we are all dead.’ So, in a very real sense, inflation is transitory. Personally, I am not worried about it. No matter how high prices go, the government will always get the money it needs. The Constitution grants Congress the power to tax and the Federal Reserve has the authority to create money. So, I don’t see why some people are getting so worked up about rising prices".
Believe me I SEE it.. working in a Grocery you REALLY Do..
IF People in my Area did Not have their Food 'Cards' from the Government...
shit, then you would REALLY Have Civil Unrest.. Big Time.
THEN WHERE IS THE GOP? What are they doing about it? I've not seen one republican on TV blasting Bidden calling for his ouster except MTG, and she is treated like an outcast-miscreant-loon.

Right now, she is just about the only republican I still have respect for.

My God, that is so sad.
Such representation, eh?


Indeed.... We revolted against a king that taxed us unreasonably, now we have those we've elected to gov't doing the same thing nearly three hundred years later.
THEN WHERE IS THE GOP? What are they doing about it? I've not seen one republican on TV blasting Bidden calling for his ouster except MTG, and she is treated like an outcast-miscreant-loon.

Right now, she is just about the only republican I still have respect for.
We’re letting him hang himself. Old military axion, “never interfere with an enemy who is making a mistake”.
They have no better solutions at lower cost only tax cut economics.
We have better solutions, you just refuse to consider them. The biggest is to reduce the federal government’s size and powers to pre-FDR levels. Radically cut spending, get the fed out of everything not specifically allowed by the Tenth Amendment. Get out of our way and we can fix the entire mess is a decade or two without wholesale societal disruptions.
We’re letting him hang himself. Old military axion, “never interfere with an enemy who is making a mistake”.
Really? Then why doesn't the DNC follow that axiom? All they said for four (five? six?) years was that Trump was hanging himself too, but unlike the Turtle GOP, they took every opportunity to try to help make it happen!

When you have such incompetents in the WH such as Bowels and his bitch, especially as they may not have even been legally elected, there can be no time to waste in getting these miscreants out, no time hoping they hang themselves.

Your argument sounds like fighting Hitler in WWII and your strategy being to just hang tight and do nothing while hoping they just run out of bombs and bullets?
Really? Then why doesn't the DNC follow that axiom? All they said for four (five? six?) years was that Trump was hanging himself too, but unlike the Turtle GOP, they took every opportunity to try to help make it happen!

When you have such incompetents in the WH such as Bowels and his bitch, especially as they may not have even been legally elected, there can be no time to waste in getting these miscreants out, no time hoping they hang themselves.

Your argument sounds like fighting Hitler in WWII and your strategy being to just hang tight and do nothing while hoping they just run out of bombs and bullets?
Nope, it’s more along the lines of not trying to deter Hitler from declaring was on the USA.
Really? Then why doesn't the DNC follow that axiom? All they said for four (five? six?) years was that Trump was hanging himself too, but unlike the Turtle GOP, they took every opportunity to try to help make it happen!

When you have such incompetents in the WH such as Bowels and his bitch, especially as they may not have even been legally elected, there can be no time to waste in getting these miscreants out, no time hoping they hang themselves.

Your argument sounds like fighting Hitler in WWII and your strategy being to just hang tight and do nothing while hoping they just run out of bombs and bullets?
As far as the DNC’s tactics against Trump, without Covid, even with the assistance of the media, it wouldn’t have worked.

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