You all think I am joking about positions of U.S allies in the East? Taiwan president congratulates Biden (today!) after US Congress ratifies victory


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Taiwan definitely preferred Trump over Biden. I'd say for certain, Japan and Australia as well, probably a few others in Europe who remain silent, India, Israel etc.

Other nations LONG ago congratulated him. Taiwan has the most to lose if Trump moved on and they waited the longest to congratulate.

In fact, I believe far more than we expect wanted Trump to win. They will be closely observing Bidens administration picks and making their decisions accordingly. They want China Hawks, not pigeons.

Taiwan president congratulates Biden after US Congress ratifies victory
Presidential Office says Tsai Ing-wen looks forward to further strengthening Taiwan-U.S. relations

By Sylvia Teng, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
2021/01/08 11:00

It'll be ok. China Joe will go stand in front of a tank in Tianamen Square and draw a red line in the dirt with his little Sharpie.

That'll stop those cat-eating bastards.
Sorry to break it to you, shockedcanadian, but Americans do not want to go to war, and no reasonable leadership of the U.S. government is ever going to choose to go to war with China just in order to ā€œsaveā€ Taiwan. But stupidity on the part of the U.S. can certainly precipitate an early decision of Chinaā€™s CCP leadership to strangle or even invade the island, which it has long claimed under its ā€œOne Chinaā€ red line policy.

Hell, the U.S. canā€™t even protect its own Capitol from a bunch of hillbilly lunatics. How can it fight off the greatest industrial power in the world, made up of 1.4 billion Chinese, if they should decide to re-take Taiwan? Taiwan is not even recognized as a sovereign state by the UN ā€” or even the U.S. ā€” and is a mere 90 miles away from the mainland. Be real.

Too bad for you only U.S. citizens vote in U.S. elections! Our nationā€™s foreign policy and who our people elect will certainly not be determined by what other people want. Your advice is free, but as a ā€œshockedā€ Trump-supporting ā€œCanadianā€ your support for Trump is meaningless. In any case, YOU would not likely be one of those to die in such a war. Of the countries you mention that presumably ā€œlikedā€ Trump and his mad pretend hard line on China, perhaps some Israeli dual citizens did vote in our recent election. I wouldn't know. Certainly there is plenty of foreign influence and even money from supporters of Israel & Saudi Arabia in D.C, but you and I both know neither really cares a wit about Taiwan. Nor can or will the other countries like India or the Philippines do shit. We do know crazy rightwing President Bolsonaro of Brazil went so far as supporting Trumpā€™s pathetic ā€œcoupā€ attempt, or so I hear, but he apparently didnā€™t send any goons to take over the Capitol and wonā€™t save Taiwan either.

Anyway, since you are quoting the TaiwanTimes and providing your own interpretation of its significance, perhaps USMB readers should gander this article from the same newspaper on the very same day:

China warns US will pay 'heavy price' for sending UN ambassador to Taiwan ā€”
Beijing calls Washingtonā€™s Taiwan move ā€˜last mad actā€™ of Donald Trump administration ...

China warns US will pay 'heavy price' for sending UN ambassador to Taiwan | Taiwan News | 2021/01/08
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