Yo Barack...can You Spell Kobani?

And why is Hillary braying about forming a coalition...doesn't she know there already is one?

there is a lot she don't know, like below, she don't "remember", "recall", "not sure of", etc.

WASHINGTON – While now claiming Donald Trump is the personification of an ISIS recruiting poster and having Tweeted last month that Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism, Hillary Clinton was telling a different story post-9/11.

In fact, she once called for profiling Muslims and doing "whatever it takes to keep our people safe."

That's what she told ABC's Sam Donaldson in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.

Donaldson asked: "Let's talk about American life now, though. What happens in the future from the standpoint of the question of security versus relaxation or giving up some of the freedoms that we've enjoyed in this country? How far do we go, for instance, on airline security?"

Clinton responded: "Well, I think everyone recognizes we have to tighten security. We have to do whatever it takes to keep our people safe."

Donaldson asked: "Including profiling, senator?"

Clinton answered: "I think we have to do whatever it takes, Sam. And I believe that, you know, Tuesday changed everything. Tuesday was a day that America has never, ever had to experience. And I hope to heaven that we never have to again. But we are in a war situation, and we're going to have to do things people do in times of war. I just heard your interview with the mayor, and I think he's right to look at examples in history like the Battle of Britain. Many of us have been studying what others did to carry on. And we know that we have to make tradeoffs in convenience, in our freedom of movement, without undercutting or losing our way of life and our values, which I really want to make America special and great. And we can't ever let anyone undermine that."

Read more at Hillary once backed Muslim profiling

this fucking bitch is not just two faced, she multi faceted. :up:
You would figure a force of only a "few thousand" men wouldn't control 20% of the ME would you? lol
You would figure, with million dollar missiles and 15 air strikes a day, they wouldn't stand a chance right?
Oh yea, we arm them, are friends with the people that helped build their caliphate and we are fighting some of their enemies.
This is bullshit. We are a laughing stock.
Kurds have been right this whole time. The Kurds tell the truth more than our White House. How fuckin sad is that?
TNH 13099177
You would figure a force of only a "few thousand" men wouldn't control 20% of the ME would you?

LETS SEE THE Map where you get your 20% figure from or admit that you are a liar for ISIS daesh terrorist scum.
In the time Foo's forces have exhausted trying to take Ramadi, Eisenhower took us from Normandy to Berlin.

How many Americans died on the drive to Berlin? How many Americans died in the retaking of Ramadi and Tikrit. Do the math before making such a stupid comparison between fighting a conventional war and defeating terrorists that are embedded in a city with many civilians held hostage.

But I realize you want Americans to die so Muslim men won't have to. I realize you are sick with hatred for a black Commander in Chief. So sick you brag up the enemy against our allies in the region and our pilots bombing the crap out of ISIS alongside many other freedom loving nations. You've been that way since Spitlikker become a surrender monkey in Afghanistan just because Obama got elected.
You would figure a force of only a "few thousand" men wouldn't control 20% of the ME would you? lol
You would figure, with million dollar missiles and 15 air strikes a day, they wouldn't stand a chance right?
Oh yea, we arm them, are friends with the people that helped build their caliphate and we are fighting some of their enemies.
This is bullshit. We are a laughing stock.
Kurds have been right this whole time. The Kurds tell the truth more than our White House. How fuckin sad is that?
You do not understand how attrition works when forces can be constantly replenished. Kill a thousand and they are replaced by a thousand. ISIS has a whole globe and population of over a billion to recruit from. Bush did not learn from Vietnam, but Obama learned from Bush and Iraq.
In the time Foo's forces have exhausted trying to take Ramadi, Eisenhower took us from Normandy to Berlin.

How many Americans died on the drive to Berlin? How many Americans died in the retaking of Ramadi and Tikrit. Do the math before making such a stupid comparison between fighting a conventional war and defeating terrorists that are embedded in a city with many civilians held hostage.

But I realize you want Americans to die so Muslim men won't have to. I realize you are sick with hatred for a black Commander in Chief. So sick you brag up the enemy against our allies in the region and our pilots bombing the crap out of ISIS alongside many other freedom loving nations. You've been that way since Spitlikker become a surrender monkey in Afghanistan just because Obama got elected.
Like Irish said Foo...GFY...don't expect to wander in every three months and try to impress me with the great strides of your unprecedented coalition. You are a clown...following the brown man down the yellow brick road.
In the time Foo's forces have exhausted trying to take Ramadi, Eisenhower took us from Normandy to Berlin.

How many Americans died on the drive to Berlin? How many Americans died in the retaking of Ramadi and Tikrit. Do the math before making such a stupid comparison between fighting a conventional war and defeating terrorists that are embedded in a city with many civilians held hostage.

But I realize you want Americans to die so Muslim men won't have to. I realize you are sick with hatred for a black Commander in Chief. So sick you brag up the enemy against our allies in the region and our pilots bombing the crap out of ISIS alongside many other freedom loving nations. You've been that way since Spitlikker become a surrender monkey in Afghanistan just because Obama got elected.
Like Irish said Foo...GFY...don't expect to wander in every three months and try to impress me with the great strides of your unprecedented coalition. You are a clown...following the brown man down the yellow brick road.
You're a trip. Why would anyone be concerned with impressing you? You think when someone responds to your post they are trying to impress you.
In the time Foo's forces have exhausted trying to take Ramadi, Eisenhower took us from Normandy to Berlin.

How many Americans died on the drive to Berlin? How many Americans died in the retaking of Ramadi and Tikrit. Do the math before making such a stupid comparison between fighting a conventional war and defeating terrorists that are embedded in a city with many civilians held hostage.

But I realize you want Americans to die so Muslim men won't have to. I realize you are sick with hatred for a black Commander in Chief. So sick you brag up the enemy against our allies in the region and our pilots bombing the crap out of ISIS alongside many other freedom loving nations. You've been that way since Spitlikker become a surrender monkey in Afghanistan just because Obama got elected.
Like Irish said Foo...GFY...don't expect to wander in every three months and try to impress me with the great strides of your unprecedented coalition. You are a clown...following the brown man down the yellow brick road.
You're a trip. Why would anyone be concerned with impressing you? You think when someone responds to your post they are trying to impress you.
You sure as hell aren't. GFY.
Deltex 13310315
Like Irish said Foo...GFY...don't expect to wander in every three months and try to impress me with the great strides of your unprecedented coalition.

I don't expect to impress a terrorist loving idiot. Your bimbo is the one that mouthed off so I asked what the hell she was talking about Putin fighting wars???? So I guess you haven't coached your bimbo how to answer a straightforward question because you don't know yourself what your bimbo is talking about.

Who could impress an idiot and his bimbo anyway?
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Who is responsible for sacrificing 4484 American lives so Iraq could become a Shiite dominated government?
That would be GWB.

It was the consequence of his failed, illegal invasion of Iraq that created the conditions which gave rise to the self-proclaimed 'Islamic state,' such as a Shiite dominated government; and now lying, partisan rightwing hacks are attempting to 'blame' the president for GWB's failures.

Who is responsible for sacrificing 4484 American lives so Iraq could become a Shiite dominated government?
That would be GWB.

It was the consequence of his failed, illegal invasion of Iraq that created the conditions which gave rise to the self-proclaimed 'Islamic state,' such as a Shiite dominated government; and now lying, partisan rightwing hacks are attempting to 'blame' the president for GWB's failures.
Other choices

Bill Clinton
Jimmy Carter
The Crusades
Lawrence of Arabia.


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