Yes, They Really ARE "Rapists". Trump Was Right.


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Remember the famous quote from President Trump ? "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you, They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems. And they're bringing those problems with them.
They're bringing drugs, They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume are good people."

Trump went on to say >> "It's coming from more than Mexico. It's coming from all over South and Latin America."

Trump has been criticized by the left for these comments, and they (including the Squad and the looney Democrat presidential candidates) have called him a racist because of it. But looking at the facts of a comparison between Latin America (including Mexico) and the US a clear dichotomy shows up. There is a cultural divide, in which rape (even upon children) in the Latin American countries, is actually seen as OK.

In the US, law enforcement officials and prosecutors have found that illegal aliens from south of the border have notoriously been known to be puzzled about why they were arrested on rape charges. They commonly fail to understand how they are seen to have done anything wrong.
Well, if you have lived all your life in a country where rape is accepted (even in your own family), you could well be bewildered by US standards, in which rape is a serious crime and major immorality.

Recently my car broke down and I was forced to take a bus. A rider ( fresh from Mexico City) asked me "How come men and women are on the same bus ?" That's because in Mexico City, men and women don't ride on same buses. The buses are segregated by sex. That's because Mexican men have notoriously been found to be unable to keep their hands off Mexican women. It's just the way things are down there.

And so when these Latin American guys come here, what do you think some of them do ? They rape. As in these examples, where 4 illegal aliens from Honduras and El Salvador were arrested for rape, in Maryland's Montgomery county (a sanctuary for illegal aliens), this month >>>

Rape-mania: 4th illegal this month arrested in super-wealthy sanctuary county - WND

mexico is not sendong their best - Bing video
The sexual assault rates among Taco Americans is,dependent upon state/region the highest, quite often outpacing Basketball Americans.
I try to keep a total on crime committed by the illegals rape count is 1200 or so reported, how many is unk. I do know the rate that they are put in prison is in th 40 percent range. I never thought I would feel the way I do, shooting might have to become in to play on those who are illegals and it should be a felony.
WTF? There are so many negatives surrounding these uncivilized invaders we need to rethink allowing asylum seekers and illegal aliens in here at all. We need to become more selective where background and character are concerned. And we should only allow people with skills we need. No more free room and board for every slug on the planet. No vacancy.
Remember the famous quote from President Trump ? "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you, They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems. And they're bringing those problems with them.
They're bringing drugs, They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume are good people."

Trump went on to say >> "It's coming from more than Mexico. It's coming from all over South and Latin America."

Trump has been criticized by the left for these comments, and they (including the Squad and the looney Democrat presidential candidates) have called him a racist because of it. But looking at the facts of a comparison between Latin America (including Mexico) and the US a clear dichotomy shows up. There is a cultural divide, in which rape (even upon children) in the Latin American countries, is actually seen as OK.

In the US, law enforcement officials and prosecutors have found that illegal aliens from south of the border have notoriously been known to be puzzled about why they were arrested on rape charges. They commonly fail to understand how they are seen to have done anything wrong.
Well, if you have lived all your life in a country where rape is accepted (even in your own family), you could well be bewildered by US standards, in which rape is a serious crime and major immorality.

Recently my car broke down and I was forced to take a bus. A rider ( fresh from Mexico City) asked me "How come men and women are on the same bus ?" That's because in Mexico City, men and women don't ride on same buses. The buses are segregated by sex. That's because Mexican men have notoriously been found to be unable to keep their hands off Mexican women. It's just the way things are down there.

And so when these Latin American guys come here, what do you think some of them do ? They rape. As in these examples, where 4 illegal aliens from Honduras and El Salvador were arrested for rape, in Maryland's Montgomery county (a sanctuary for illegal aliens), this month >>>

Rape-mania: 4th illegal this month arrested in super-wealthy sanctuary county - WND

mexico is not sendong their best - Bing video
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