Yes, There Was Election Fraud. The Question Is How Much


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
“My fellow Americans, the people of this nation have spoken. They have delivered us a clear victory. A convincing victory,” Joe Biden proclaimed late Saturday night after news outlets declared him the winner of the 2020 election. Biden’s speech came while several battleground states remain mired in too-close-to call tallying and litigation, and while recounts promise to delay the official outcome in the additional states Democrats claim as securing Biden 279 electoral votes.

If history is a guide, the certified winner will match the press’ preordained victor, but all Americans should nonetheless want the process to proceed because we know there was fraud and we know there were illegal votes tallied (see below). The only question is how much and who was complicit.

LOL.....bring me one bitch....
“My fellow Americans, the people of this nation have spoken. They have delivered us a clear victory. A convincing victory,” Joe Biden proclaimed late Saturday night after news outlets declared him the winner of the 2020 election. Biden’s speech came while several battleground states remain mired in too-close-to call tallying and litigation, and while recounts promise to delay the official outcome in the additional states Democrats claim as securing Biden 279 electoral votes.

If history is a guide, the certified winner will match the press’ preordained victor, but all Americans should nonetheless want the process to proceed because we know there was fraud and we know there were illegal votes tallied (see below). The only question is how much and who was complicit.

LOL.....bring me one bitch....
How MUCH fraud by the Dim Dems? A SHITLOAD of fraud. This the ONLY way Biden could've won. I naively thought there was NO WAY the Dems would cheat as MUCH as they did. I didn't think it could happen in our great country. The problem is there are far too many Dems here that are ALLOWED to cheat in such a ridiculous fashion. Democracy IS dead, and is being replaced by Socialism and Globalism. This is so very, very sad. :(
“My fellow Americans, the people of this nation have spoken. They have delivered us a clear victory. A convincing victory,” Joe Biden proclaimed late Saturday night after news outlets declared him the winner of the 2020 election. Biden’s speech came while several battleground states remain mired in too-close-to call tallying and litigation, and while recounts promise to delay the official outcome in the additional states Democrats claim as securing Biden 279 electoral votes.

If history is a guide, the certified winner will match the press’ preordained victor, but all Americans should nonetheless want the process to proceed because we know there was fraud and we know there were illegal votes tallied (see below). The only question is how much and who was complicit.

LOL.....bring me one bitch....
How MUCH fraud by the Dim Dems? A SHITLOAD of fraud. This the ONLY way Biden could've won. I naively thought there was NO WAY the Dems would cheat as MUCH as they did. I didn't think it could happen in our great country. The problem is there are far too many Dems here that are ALLOWED to cheat in such a ridiculous fashion. Democracy IS dead, and is being replaced by Socialism and Globalism. This is so very, very sad. :(

No, according to Carl Joe got more Votes than Obama.....
Trump's team has built a case in all the contested states that the fraud was much bigger than the margin of victory. Therefore, Trump is the rightful President elect. We must follow through on these allegations or we will never have a fair election again. There is no reason to panic and rush to a false conclusion.
Trump LOST the election. You and your kind can protest but it will ultimately be in vain. It is difficult for me to believe that you actually believe what you spout here. Massive fraud, what a fugging joke, and you actually are stupid enough to swallow that? Get over it, Trump lost by 6 million votes. You have allowed him to take over your ability for objective independent thought if it was ever there. Trump is an abberation in American politics. He is a con artist that conned his base. They should not be blamed. Those in the Republican party, Cruz, Rubio, Graham etc. however deserve to be castigated for their obsequious obedience to a grifter that THEY allowed to take over a great party. At best he is and has been a festering pimple on the ass of the world. Trump is done, good riddance. It is hard to believe that people can be so stupid as to believe that this narcissist of a grifter ever had anything in mind but to fuck the middle class and ingratiate himself with the rich. He fucked up the US and did his best to fuck up the world. He was the most unqualified person ever nominated and ultimately it showed. It is only the pathetic and mindless that still believe there was voter fraud. The difference is you believe it. Trump knows fucking well there was no fraud and he lost a legitimate election. He just can't help perpetuating the con on you and the rest of the gullible.
Crying Baby Trump.jpg
Trump LOST the election. You and your kind can protest but it will ultimately be in vain. It is difficult for me to believe that you actually believe what you spout here. Massive fraud, what a fugging joke, and you actually are stupid enough to swallow that? Get over it, Trump lost by 6 million votes. You have allowed him to take over your ability for objective independent thought if it was ever there. Trump is an abberation in American politics. He is a con artist that conned his base. They should not be blamed. Those in the Republican party, Cruz, Rubio, Graham etc. however deserve to be castigated for their obsequious obedience to a grifter that THEY allowed to take over a great party. At best he is and has been a festering pimple on the ass of the world. Trump is done, good riddance. It is hard to believe that people can be so stupid as to believe that this narcissist of a grifter ever had anything in mind but to fuck the middle class and ingratiate himself with the rich. He fucked up the US and did his best to fuck up the world. He was the most unqualified person ever nominated and ultimately it showed. It is only the pathetic and mindless that still believe there was voter fraud. The difference is you believe it. Trump knows fucking well there was no fraud and he lost a legitimate election. He just can't help perpetuating the con on you and the rest of the gullible.
Hitlery lost and you never conceded

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