Yes Dana Perino, we can make Mexicans pay to build a wall!

Today while on Fox News’ “The Five”, Washington’s insider and establishment mouth piece, Dana Perino, nearly busted a vein while frothing from the mouth in her attempt to prevent Eric Bolling give his opinion on how to make Mexicans pay to build a wall. The fact is, if Donald Trump were president, he would have authority to enforce our laws and put millions of illegal aliens in jail, and have them work [cleaning our roads, painting our bridges, BUILDING A WALL, etc.,] to pay for their room and board while in jail for invading our borders.

And then there is the bully pulpit which Donald could use to convince Congress to also pass an across the board tonnage tax on imports from Mexico. Shouldn’t Mexico pay for the privilege of selling its products on American soil, just like one pays a fee at a flea market to sell one’s goods and wares?

Bottom line is, Dana Perino, you really need to calm down. You protest too loudly and in doing so, you let too many people on to your agenda, which is to attack and mock someone who may not be part of the Washington Insider’s Club. Many of us out here Dana, are on to your crap!


To support Jeb Bush is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

Yo, Dana Perino is a Jeb Bush supporter, she worked for George Bush! She speaks the same on all of the shows she goes on, sick!

Using your premise "IF DONALD WERE PRESIDENT", I'm sure anything would be possible, because the only way he could ever become president is if reality, as we know it, was repealed. In the real world, it will never happen.

Yo, reality was repealed in 2008 when Obama was elected!!! :beer:

Using your premise "IF DONALD WERE PRESIDENT", I'm sure anything would be possible, because the only way he could ever become president is if reality, as we know it, was repealed. In the real world, it will never happen.

Yo, reality was repealed in 2008 when Obama was elected!!! :beer:


Nope. It wasn't repealed. That's just when the right wing completely lost their already failing grip on reality.
Using your premise "IF DONALD WERE PRESIDENT", I'm sure anything would be possible, because the only way he could ever become president is if reality, as we know it, was repealed. In the real world, it will never happen.

Yo, reality was repealed in 2008 when Obama was elected!!! :beer:


Nope. It wasn't repealed. That's just when the right wing completely lost their already failing grip on reality.

Yo, you must live in LA LA LAND! :bs1:

Trump has as much a chance of forcing Mexico to build a wall as he does of getting elected
What claim, fool?
All of them, fool.

Take one of your pills and try to focus. Pick one supposed claim and state it now.
You responded to me. I made two claims. Perhaps you are too much of a fool to handle more than one. You have zero political or business experience. You arent qualified to give an opinion on a lawn mower . You need to prove the peer reviewed study to show otherwise.

Why don't you specify a claim, dopey, and we'll take it from there?
I gave two claims. Learn to read and count nitwit.

You're full of shit, head case.
We can dream, like we expect people to acclimate or follow immigration law. Obscene or excessive as it sounds...Following laws. immigrants up to Presidents, this is a nation of laws. Presidents break the law, we kick them out, what is wrong with people that think they are above immigration law and stepping over boundaries?

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