Yep, you guessed it: Obama learned about VA death scandals from newspapers, media

I think Obama knew about the VA problem all along, but didn't take it seriously, and condoned it. The Kenyan, like Slick Willie, "loathes the military," and that includes us Veterans!

I recently lost a good friend due to shoddy VA care! I will also say I have had good care over the years from the VA.
The most intrusive bureaurcracy in history and the president doesnt have a clue. This is outrageous. Every time something negative happens, suddenly it's like its not his administration anymore. And he's outraged this is going on. And he promises to take steps to fix it.
What a fucking bozo liar.
Before we start bagging on the VA, I would like to point out they are capable of providing excellent care. My dad gets medical care via the VA for his service related issues and he can't speak highly enough about them and the docs there. As a matter of fact, he was injured a few years back and the care he got at the local hospital was so poor that we requested he be moved to the VA hospital in town. The one time we had a minor problem, we reported it and the very next day the chief administrator at the VA hospital personally called us to get information and then called us with a follow-up to explain just how they fixed the problem so it would never happen again.

The VA has come a long way from the days when veterans were just warehoused there until they died.
dimocraps got their priorities......

While Veterans die of neglect so the VA Hospital bosses can get their fat bonus checks, the DoD approves a VERY expensive Sex Change operation for Bradley Manning

VA Fast-Tracks Sex Change for Manning While Vets Die on Waiting Lists

And if you complain about it, our resident SCUMBAG dimocraps in here will call you intolerant, bigoted and homophobic. Among other things.

They dead, 'What Difference Could It Possibly Make Now'?
The Manning situation can be taken care of for less than a dollar in the form of a .45 to the head. Or if he insists he wants the sex change operation shoot his dick and balls off and let him bleed out like he's on his first never ending period.
dimocraps got their priorities......

While Veterans die of neglect so the VA Hospital bosses can get their fat bonus checks, the DoD approves a VERY expensive Sex Change operation for Bradley Manning

VA Fast-Tracks Sex Change for Manning While Vets Die on Waiting Lists

And if you complain about it, our resident SCUMBAG dimocraps in here will call you intolerant, bigoted and homophobic. Among other things.

They dead, 'What Difference Could It Possibly Make Now'?

An audit of the VA showed that one senior staffer watched porn on his computer for 6 hours a day.
I'm worried about what he was doing the other 2 hours.
This man knows less about what is going on in his administration, than Sergeant Schultz. Never mind that the Obama transition team was warned about long and unexplained delays in appointment times in the VA, back in 2008.

Maybe I should run for President. I could certainly use the time off.


Carney: White House Learned About VA Scandal From News Reports | Video | RealClearPolitics

Carney: White House Learned About VA Scandal From News Reports

JIM ACOSTA, CNN: When was the president first made aware of these problems? Of these fraudulent lists that were being kept to hide the wait times, when was he first made aware of those problems? And when did other White House officials, top White House officials, become aware of these problems?

JAY CARNEY: When you say these problems, the fact that there have been bureaucracies --

ACOSTA: The delays have been known for some time.

CARNEY: You mean the specific allegations that I think were reported first by your news network out of Phoenix, I believe. We learned about them through the reports. I will double check if that is not the case.

But that is when we learned about them and that is when I understand Secretary Shinseki learned about them, and he immediately took the action that he has taken.

Didn't you learn about it the same way dumbfuck?
Well, surely you can't blame him for what his staff doesn't tell him. He's busy telling the world how to be better! (sarcasm)

How about you check and see how many cabinet meetings he's had during his time in office. He maintains himself willfully ignorant, he doesn't want to know what's going on.
This man knows less about what is going on in his administration, than Sergeant Schultz. Never mind that the Obama transition team was warned about long and unexplained delays in appointment times in the VA, back in 2008.

Maybe I should run for President. I could certainly use the time off.


Carney: White House Learned About VA Scandal From News Reports | Video | RealClearPolitics

Carney: White House Learned About VA Scandal From News Reports

JIM ACOSTA, CNN: When was the president first made aware of these problems? Of these fraudulent lists that were being kept to hide the wait times, when was he first made aware of those problems? And when did other White House officials, top White House officials, become aware of these problems?

JAY CARNEY: When you say these problems, the fact that there have been bureaucracies --

ACOSTA: The delays have been known for some time.

CARNEY: You mean the specific allegations that I think were reported first by your news network out of Phoenix, I believe. We learned about them through the reports. I will double check if that is not the case.

But that is when we learned about them and that is when I understand Secretary Shinseki learned about them, and he immediately took the action that he has taken.

Didn't you learn about it the same way dumbfuck?

Your posts are getting more stupid the longer you're here. I didn t think that was possible.
He isn't the president in charge of hte VA. Obama is the president of the united states. He is ultimately in charge of the VA. Why doesnt he know what's going on? Don't people brief him on issues? Maybe they can fire the whole staff that brings him briefings (which he doesnt read) and he can just watch news or read the LA Times to find out what's going on.
Obama: Least Informed President Ever.
And if he's watching one of the so-called Big Three networks, he still won't be as informed as millions of Americans.

He ran on this issue. He promised to do more to help vets. So, thousands more ending up on long VA waiting lists and benefits cut to retirees so he can help illegal aliens. Yea, good job. I think he forgot that he is supposed to work for the citizens, not illegal aliens who have leaders in their own countries.
This man knows less about what is going on in his administration, than Sergeant Schultz. Never mind that the Obama transition team was warned about long and unexplained delays in appointment times in the VA, back in 2008.

Maybe I should run for President. I could certainly use the time off.


Carney: White House Learned About VA Scandal From News Reports | Video | RealClearPolitics

Carney: White House Learned About VA Scandal From News Reports

JIM ACOSTA, CNN: When was the president first made aware of these problems? Of these fraudulent lists that were being kept to hide the wait times, when was he first made aware of those problems? And when did other White House officials, top White House officials, become aware of these problems?

JAY CARNEY: When you say these problems, the fact that there have been bureaucracies --

ACOSTA: The delays have been known for some time.

CARNEY: You mean the specific allegations that I think were reported first by your news network out of Phoenix, I believe. We learned about them through the reports. I will double check if that is not the case.

But that is when we learned about them and that is when I understand Secretary Shinseki learned about them, and he immediately took the action that he has taken.

Didn't you learn about it the same way dumbfuck?

Were you born this stupid or did you grow that way?

Little_Acorn is not the President of the United States, you dimbulb!

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