Yep....the shooter had allahu ahkbar on his website....

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Antifa is fighting along side the kurds in Syria? You people have lost your fucking minds.
Antifa is fighting along side the kurds in Syria? You people have lost your fucking minds.
That's ok. It's like some random guy on the Internet in a communist joke t-shirt is now Nikolas Cruz .... or some Democrat named Nicolas Cruz from Oakland Park is now Nikolas Cruz from Parkland.

Antifa is fighting along side the kurds in Syria? You people have lost your fucking minds.
That's ok. It's like some random guy on the Internet in a communist joke t-shirt is now Nikolas Cruz .... or some Democrat named Nicolas Cruz from Oakland Park is now Nikolas Cruz from Parkland.


Whatever they can latch onto in the hopes of changing the subject.
Yep...just reported on local news Channel 7, ABC chicago....the shooter had allahu ahkbar on his facebook page.........

Strange, I have not seen that reported anywhere and conveniently you have no link to anything that does

It was on Instagram that is ran by Facebook. His account was "shadow banned" but not until some folks saved screenshots. Go to youtube about the shooting today and find the numerous videos that have it.

Yeah, cuz if you depend on twitter for news then why not random assholes on Youtube?
Progressives are the most violent people on the planet second only to Muslims... fact

really, lying loon?

white christian supremacists have committed more acts of terrorism in this country since 9/11 than muslims.

try again.

the delusions your ilk pretend are real are mind-boggling.
You must not be counting the Florida club shooting and the California shooting attacks as Jihadist terrorist because that's not really true Muslim but the opposite.

Similarly what you are Counting as Christian isn't true Christian but the opposite.

Please be consistent Jillian.

If you are calling Dylan roof and any white shooter to be "Christian" then thats why people are calling the terrorist bombers and shooters "Muslim"

You can't have it both ways.

It was on Instagram that is ran by Facebook. His account was "shadow banned" but not until some folks saved screenshots. Go to youtube about the shooting today and find the numerous videos that have it.


I found this on twitter...if its not the same the eyebrows and upper lip are a match

It was on Instagram that is ran by Facebook. His account was "shadow banned" but not until some folks saved screenshots. Go to youtube about the shooting today and find the numerous videos that have it.


I found this on twitter...if its not the same the eyebrows and upper lip are a match

They look nothing alike.

It was on Instagram that is ran by Facebook. His account was "shadow banned" but not until some folks saved screenshots. Go to youtube about the shooting today and find the numerous videos that have it.
Poor, delusional dale, he actually said, well at least we now know what it means when a sand durka says “allahu Akbar” :lol: :lol: :lol:


It was on Instagram that is ran by Facebook. His account was "shadow banned" but not until some folks saved screenshots. Go to youtube about the shooting today and find the numerous videos that have it.


I found this on twitter...if its not the same the eyebrows and upper lip are a match
Thanks for proving the one on the left is not Cruz. Unless he somehow lost the cleft in his chin and the bump on his nose.
You are a lying fuck.

And you are nothing but a foul-mouthed, flaming idiot who doesn't know shit and will never get their dream of a disarmed populace. Suck it up, little man.

Screen Shot 2018-02-15 at 1.52.44 AM.png

You see, an assault rifle is an automatic weapon otherwise known as a machine gun, and they have been banned from free public ownership since the 1930's---- even farther back than I realized. Interestingly, a lot of it was driven by the St. Valentines Day Massacre of Feb. 14, 1929 which JUST COINCIDENTALLY was YESTERDAY! Wasn't that the same day as this shooting? Now I am SURE that there was some Leftist agenda behind this incident as the Left is behind all of the violence in this country (antifa, domestic terrorism against conservatives, etc.) and the Left is using little children to push their agenda just as they chop up little babies in baby death camps otherwise known as "Planned Parenthood." Never in 10,000 years will you EVER live to see the kind of draconian gun restrictions you dream of and when you lie on your death bed blowing bubbles of snot at the fact that free men are still allowed to own firearms and live free in this country, I WANT YOU TO THINK OF ME. I'm a Life Member of the NRA. All these dead children's blood is on YOUR hands for all of your liberal policies which try to deny that guns are a fact and part of life not to be muttered quietly in dark corners in fear of being overhead. Guns don't kill people, liberal stupidity, hatred and fear does.

And just remember, when you call a cop, he'll be wearing a gun, too. That is because guns prevent far, far more crime than is ever caused by their misuse and the best defense against an armed intruder is another gun.
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It was on Instagram that is ran by Facebook. His account was "shadow banned" but not until some folks saved screenshots. Go to youtube about the shooting today and find the numerous videos that have it.


I found this on twitter...if its not the same the eyebrows and upper lip are a match

That’s not even the same guy you dipshit
"3 things could have stopped the psychopathic freak, Nikolas Cruz. Good guys with guns, God, & himself. No gun regulation or ban would have prevented this and frankly I’m tired of these obnoxious liberals thinking otherwise while they push their anti gun agenda." - Sarah Palin
We need armed police at our schools. I don’t understand why people are not getting this?! I had armed police at my high school along with campus monitors. They were there to protect the students. I never felt safer...
"3 things could have stopped the psychopathic freak, Nikolas Cruz. Good guys with guns, God, & himself. No gun regulation or ban would have prevented this and frankly I’m tired of these obnoxious liberals thinking otherwise while they push their anti gun agenda." - Sarah Palin

I still think you're trolling the right most of the time.
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