Yemen’s Houthi Rebel Leader “The Americans Label Anyone Who Opposes Their Policy as Terrorists”


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The United States may soon classify the Houthi rebels in Yemen as a terrorist organization, in part because of their ties to Iran. Their leader, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, 41, expresses defiance in an interview with DER SPIEGEL, arguing Washington should settle its score with Iran, not Yemen.

The war has been raging in Yemen for five years now, and an increasing number of regional and international actors have become embroiled in the conflict. At the center of the struggle are the Shiite Houthis, a Yemeni militia backed by Iran. The Houthis don't recognize the government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who is living in exile in Saudi Arabia, where he is provided with protection by the hegomonic Sunni power. Saudi Arabia has forged an anti-Houthi alliance and imposed an air and sea blockade over Yemen, making the import of weapons and goods nearly impossible.

The United Nations has estimated that more than 200,000 people have died in the brutal proxy war - either directly from the fighting or from consequences such as disease and starvation. Some 24 million Yemenis are now dependent on food rations from aid organizations. The country's infrastructure and cultural assets have been destroyed in many places. Meanwhile, the United States-backed anti-Houthi coalition still hasn't achieved any notable successes.

This is a rather short interview. It does get to the point rather quick. This is ridiculous.
The civil war in Yemen has been raging for more than 80 years-----there is, involved, a southern issue vs a northern issue. Part of the issue is OIL----and the INTERESTS in that area are nothing new----it had been a BRITISH MANDATE----with the brits mostly stationed in the southern part-----and the MONARCH---in the north. Then separation from Britain happened and the filth of
Baathism and RUSSIA got involved. More lately the stench of SHIITE nationalism jumped in. For the record---russia likes "baathists" for their "socialism"---but baathists are really arab nazis. There are shiite shits in Yemen---so Iran is supporting them hoping for a VICTORY of the mahdhi in the well and a victory of the SAUDIS and a SHIITE VICTORY OVER MECCA ---
(gawd help us)

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