Yemen: 'A family destroyed' by airstrikes

the first phrase knocks the whole post out of reality ----"...according to the UN...."

another JOKE---"the unification of Yemen"
supposedly 1990-----and nothing changed------the Yemenis are still involved
in incessant internecine war----tribal in nature. South yemen still WANTS CONTROL ON THE OIL -----of course the northerners want it too. ----
must be the fault of the ZIONIST CONTROLLED CIA (I learned about the Zionist controlled cia about 50 years ago---
it is an all-powerful organization that controls the universe------ask MONTE)
must be the fault of the ZIONIST CONTROLLED CIA (I learned about the Zionist controlled cia about 50 years ago---
it is an all-powerful organization that controls the universe------ask MONTE)

What hallucinogenic are you on? The CIA is the one U.S. organization that understands Israel is a threat.

"U.S. intelligence agents stationed in Israel report multiple cases of equipment tampering, suspected break ins in recent years; CIA officials tell the Associated Press that Israel may have leaked info that led to the capture of an agent inside Syria's chemical weapons program."

Former U.S. officials say CIA considers Israel to be Mideast s biggest spy threat - Diplomacy and Defense - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News
must be the fault of the ZIONIST CONTROLLED CIA (I learned about the Zionist controlled cia about 50 years ago---
it is an all-powerful organization that controls the universe------ask MONTE)

What hallucinogenic are you on? The CIA is the one U.S. organization that understands Israel is a threat.

"U.S. intelligence agents stationed in Israel report multiple cases of equipment tampering, suspected break ins in recent years; CIA officials tell the Associated Press that Israel may have leaked info that led to the capture of an agent inside Syria's chemical weapons program."

Former U.S. officials say CIA considers Israel to be Mideast s biggest spy threat - Diplomacy and Defense - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

I am fully aware of the actual position of the CIA on Israel and was fully aware even more than 40 year ago when I first encountered LOTS OF MUSLIMS from ---muslim majority lands ----but I could never convince them that the CIA is not overly in love with Israel ----in fact there were----even way back then,, Nazi types like you in that organization------zionistControlledCia is one word in
Pakistan------even today. In fact all that is wrong in Ummah countries----has been caused by the zionistControlledCia
must be the fault of the ZIONIST CONTROLLED CIA (I learned about the Zionist controlled cia about 50 years ago---
it is an all-powerful organization that controls the universe------ask MONTE)

What hallucinogenic are you on? The CIA is the one U.S. organization that understands Israel is a threat.

"U.S. intelligence agents stationed in Israel report multiple cases of equipment tampering, suspected break ins in recent years; CIA officials tell the Associated Press that Israel may have leaked info that led to the capture of an agent inside Syria's chemical weapons program."

Former U.S. officials say CIA considers Israel to be Mideast s biggest spy threat - Diplomacy and Defense - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

I am fully aware of the actual position of the CIA on Israel and was fully aware even more than 40 year ago when I first encountered LOTS OF MUSLIMS from ---muslim majority lands ----but I could never convince them that the CIA is not overly in love with Israel ----in fact there were----even way back then,, Nazi types like you in that organization------zionistControlledCia is one word in
Pakistan------even today. In fact all that is wrong in Ummah countries----has been caused by the zionistControlledCia

A few years ago on another message board there was a poster who was retired Naval Intelligence. He said that if the American public only knew how much Israel helped America, Americans would not deny that country anything. My husband has a friend who is retired from the CIA. I will have to ask my husband to query his friend as to how the CIA thought of Israel.
Who sold all those aircraft, missiles and bombs to the Saudis? Pope Francis does not mince words.

"We all want peace, but looking at the tragedy of war, looking at the wounded, seeing so many people who left their homeland who were forced to go away, I ask, 'Who sells weapons to these people to make war?'" he asked. "This is the root of evil, the hatred, the love of money."

Read more: Pope blasts arms dealers at start of Mideast trip Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

It's a shame that Pope Francis. coming from the Western Hemisphere wouldn't concentrate on what is going on in this part of the world today where so many have been and are still being killed in Mexico and Central America, all Catholic countries.Then he could switch his attention to Africa where Catholics are being killed right and left. It doesn't take an AK47 to slit someone's throat. All it takes is a machete which seems to be the weapon of choice. As for what is going on in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, Haniya can tell her new friends to have some tolerance for the religion of others instead of killing the others. Does it take a sophisticated weapon for a Sunni to blow himself up among the Shiites doing their marketing in Pakistan?

Well, a F-16s and AGM-65 Mavericks do a bit more damage and kill an order of magnitude more people than AK47s.

Gee, when millions of Hindus were killed by your friends years and years ago, I guess they speeded up the killings by practicing swishing their swords each night after they ate. And car bombs can do a lot of destruction. I guess you overlooked the news a while back when dozens of Amadiyya Muslims were killed and dozens wounded in Pakistan while praying in their mosques by Sunni car bombers.
Who sold all those aircraft, missiles and bombs to the Saudis? Pope Francis does not mince words.

"We all want peace, but looking at the tragedy of war, looking at the wounded, seeing so many people who left their homeland who were forced to go away, I ask, 'Who sells weapons to these people to make war?'" he asked. "This is the root of evil, the hatred, the love of money."

Read more: Pope blasts arms dealers at start of Mideast trip Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

It's a shame that Pope Francis. coming from the Western Hemisphere wouldn't concentrate on what is going on in this part of the world today where so many have been and are still being killed in Mexico and Central America, all Catholic countries.Then he could switch his attention to Africa where Catholics are being killed right and left. It doesn't take an AK47 to slit someone's throat. All it takes is a machete which seems to be the weapon of choice. As for what is going on in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, Haniya can tell her new friends to have some tolerance for the religion of others instead of killing the others. Does it take a sophisticated weapon for a Sunni to blow himself up among the Shiites doing their marketing in Pakistan?

Well, a F-16s and AGM-65 Mavericks do a bit more damage and kill an order of magnitude more people than AK47s.

not really-----constant low level violence in Yemen over the past 65 years has done a lot more damage than have the Saudis in current time or-----for that matter-----over that same 65 years.
Did you know that the Turkish muslims managed to murder some two millon Armenians armed with just about nothing more than knives and clubs? Just a day or so ago-----your isis pals EXPLODED the tomb of Jonah (a feat which---I have to admit---made me laugh) Those geniuses did not need a bomber jet------just simple explosives------the kind you can make with garden fertilizer. ......... poor jonah-----as if living in a big fish was not trouble enough. BTW----did you know that just about the only use of NITROGEN MUSTARD GAS----since world war II happened in Yemen?---------
Who sold all those aircraft, missiles and bombs to the Saudis? Pope Francis does not mince words.

"We all want peace, but looking at the tragedy of war, looking at the wounded, seeing so many people who left their homeland who were forced to go away, I ask, 'Who sells weapons to these people to make war?'" he asked. "This is the root of evil, the hatred, the love of money."

Read more: Pope blasts arms dealers at start of Mideast trip Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

It's a shame that Pope Francis. coming from the Western Hemisphere wouldn't concentrate on what is going on in this part of the world today where so many have been and are still being killed in Mexico and Central America, all Catholic countries.Then he could switch his attention to Africa where Catholics are being killed right and left. It doesn't take an AK47 to slit someone's throat. All it takes is a machete which seems to be the weapon of choice. As for what is going on in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, Haniya can tell her new friends to have some tolerance for the religion of others instead of killing the others. Does it take a sophisticated weapon for a Sunni to blow himself up among the Shiites doing their marketing in Pakistan?

Pope Francis condemns attacks against Christians in Pakistan

Pope Francis condemns attacks against Christians in Pakistan Vatican Radio
Who sold all those aircraft, missiles and bombs to the Saudis? Pope Francis does not mince words.

"We all want peace, but looking at the tragedy of war, looking at the wounded, seeing so many people who left their homeland who were forced to go away, I ask, 'Who sells weapons to these people to make war?'" he asked. "This is the root of evil, the hatred, the love of money."

Read more: Pope blasts arms dealers at start of Mideast trip Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

It's a shame that Pope Francis. coming from the Western Hemisphere wouldn't concentrate on what is going on in this part of the world today where so many have been and are still being killed in Mexico and Central America, all Catholic countries.Then he could switch his attention to Africa where Catholics are being killed right and left. It doesn't take an AK47 to slit someone's throat. All it takes is a machete which seems to be the weapon of choice. As for what is going on in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, Haniya can tell her new friends to have some tolerance for the religion of others instead of killing the others. Does it take a sophisticated weapon for a Sunni to blow himself up among the Shiites doing their marketing in Pakistan?

Pope Francis condemns attacks against Christians in Pakistan

Pope Francis condemns attacks against Christians in Pakistan Vatican Radio

I really don't expect the Pope to go way, way back to the time the Arabs left the Peninsula and invaded countries such as Egypt which were mainly Christian lands and forced the Christians to convert to Islam and murdered many who refused. However, I did expect him to be concerned about the worldwide community regardless of the religions involved as any civilized public person would be. In Pakistan the Sunnis are doing such a great job of killing the Shiites and Ahmadiyya that one would think he could at least give this a mention as a terrible thing to do to their fellow Muslims just because of the sect they belong to. After all, a Shiite is a human being just as a Catholic is.
must be the fault of the ZIONIST CONTROLLED CIA (I learned about the Zionist controlled cia about 50 years ago---
it is an all-powerful organization that controls the universe------ask MONTE)

What hallucinogenic are you on? The CIA is the one U.S. organization that understands Israel is a threat.

"U.S. intelligence agents stationed in Israel report multiple cases of equipment tampering, suspected break ins in recent years; CIA officials tell the Associated Press that Israel may have leaked info that led to the capture of an agent inside Syria's chemical weapons program."

Former U.S. officials say CIA considers Israel to be Mideast s biggest spy threat - Diplomacy and Defense - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

I am fully aware of the actual position of the CIA on Israel and was fully aware even more than 40 year ago when I first encountered LOTS OF MUSLIMS from ---muslim majority lands ----but I could never convince them that the CIA is not overly in love with Israel ----in fact there were----even way back then,, Nazi types like you in that organization------zionistControlledCia is one word in
Pakistan------even today. In fact all that is wrong in Ummah countries----has been caused by the zionistControlledCia

A few years ago on another message board there was a poster who was retired Naval Intelligence. He said that if the American public only knew how much Israel helped America, Americans would not deny that country anything. My husband has a friend who is retired from the CIA. I will have to ask my husband to query his friend as to how the CIA thought of Israel.

the CIA hires an amazing CROSS SECTION of americans-----I have come
to understand that the requiements have
nothing to do with ideology-----they want INTELLIGENT and people smart enough to deny they ever smoked a..... uhm.....what are marijuana cigarettes called in the gutter?.......a "BLUNT"????
Who sold all those aircraft, missiles and bombs to the Saudis? Pope Francis does not mince words.

"We all want peace, but looking at the tragedy of war, looking at the wounded, seeing so many people who left their homeland who were forced to go away, I ask, 'Who sells weapons to these people to make war?'" he asked. "This is the root of evil, the hatred, the love of money."

Read more: Pope blasts arms dealers at start of Mideast trip Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Pope Francis is right ----the ENTIRE WORLD should engage in a B.D.S campaign against Saudi Arabia -----
catholics who use oil exported from Saudi Arabia should be excommunicated.
There is enough oil and gas in the REST of the world to accmodate needs----nothing ----should be imported from Saudi Arabia-----not oil or any other product. No one should agree to work in Saudi Arabia and nothing should be sold to Saudi Arabia------ POPE FRANCIS has spoken. People who go to Saudi Arabia should not be allowed to return to their own countries.

must be the fault of the ZIONIST CONTROLLED CIA (I learned about the Zionist controlled cia about 50 years ago---
it is an all-powerful organization that controls the universe------ask MONTE)

What hallucinogenic are you on? The CIA is the one U.S. organization that understands Israel is a threat.

"U.S. intelligence agents stationed in Israel report multiple cases of equipment tampering, suspected break ins in recent years; CIA officials tell the Associated Press that Israel may have leaked info that led to the capture of an agent inside Syria's chemical weapons program."

Former U.S. officials say CIA considers Israel to be Mideast s biggest spy threat - Diplomacy and Defense - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

I am fully aware of the actual position of the CIA on Israel and was fully aware even more than 40 year ago when I first encountered LOTS OF MUSLIMS from ---muslim majority lands ----but I could never convince them that the CIA is not overly in love with Israel ----in fact there were----even way back then,, Nazi types like you in that organization------zionistControlledCia is one word in
Pakistan------even today. In fact all that is wrong in Ummah countries----has been caused by the zionistControlledCia

A few years ago on another message board there was a poster who was retired Naval Intelligence. He said that if the American public only knew how much Israel helped America, Americans would not deny that country anything. My husband has a friend who is retired from the CIA. I will have to ask my husband to query his friend as to how the CIA thought of Israel.

Do you really believe that a retired Naval intelligence officer would claim to be one on an internet board, and more importantly disclose classified information however generically? Do you know that when one has or has had a security clearance, especially a Top Secret/SCI (secret compartmentalized information) as an intelligence officer would have, it is unlawful to for him to even claim one has or had one, for example.
Who sold all those aircraft, missiles and bombs to the Saudis? Pope Francis does not mince words.

"We all want peace, but looking at the tragedy of war, looking at the wounded, seeing so many people who left their homeland who were forced to go away, I ask, 'Who sells weapons to these people to make war?'" he asked. "This is the root of evil, the hatred, the love of money."

Read more: Pope blasts arms dealers at start of Mideast trip Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

It's a shame that Pope Francis. coming from the Western Hemisphere wouldn't concentrate on what is going on in this part of the world today where so many have been and are still being killed in Mexico and Central America, all Catholic countries.Then he could switch his attention to Africa where Catholics are being killed right and left. It doesn't take an AK47 to slit someone's throat. All it takes is a machete which seems to be the weapon of choice. As for what is going on in the Middle East and Southeast Asia, Haniya can tell her new friends to have some tolerance for the religion of others instead of killing the others. Does it take a sophisticated weapon for a Sunni to blow himself up among the Shiites doing their marketing in Pakistan?

Well, a F-16s and AGM-65 Mavericks do a bit more damage and kill an order of magnitude more people than AK47s.

Gee, when millions of Hindus were killed by your friends years and years ago, I guess they speeded up the killings by practicing swishing their swords each night after they ate. And car bombs can do a lot of destruction. I guess you overlooked the news a while back when dozens of Amadiyya Muslims were killed and dozens wounded in Pakistan while praying in their mosques by Sunni car bombers.

Which friends of mine are those? I have no Muslim or Hindu friends. With respect to the Middle East I tend to support Christians more than others, but they aren't friends.

But if you are talking about the partition of India, more Muslims died than Hindus as more Muslims had to be transferred than Hindus. As far as total deaths, there is a site that includes estimates from various sources.


  • The rioting and dislocation associated with partition cost how many lives?
    • 1984 World Almanac: 200,000
    • Hammond 500,000
    • Eckhardt: 800,000
    • D.Smith 1,000,000
    • B&J: 1,000,000 (1945-48)
    • Hartman: 1,000,000
    • Stanley Wolpert, A New History of India (1993): 1,000,000
    • Collins and Lapierre, Freedom at Midnight (1975) cite these sources:
      • Khosla, Stern Reckoning: 500,000
      • Moon, Divide and Quit: 200-250,000
      • Hodson: The Great Divide: 200-250,000
      • Chanduli Trivedi, governor of Punjab: 225,000
    • P. Johnson puts the death toll at 200-600,000. In addition to some of the Collins and Lapierre sources, he cites these authorities:
      • Stephens, Pakistan (1963): 500,000
      • Edwardes, Last Years of British India (1963): 600,000
  • The median of these 14 estimates is 500,000.
Twentieth Century Atlas - Death Tolls and Casualty Statistics for Wars Dictatorships and Genocides
Who sold all those aircraft, missiles and bombs to the Saudis? Pope Francis does not mince words.

"We all want peace, but looking at the tragedy of war, looking at the wounded, seeing so many people who left their homeland who were forced to go away, I ask, 'Who sells weapons to these people to make war?'" he asked. "This is the root of evil, the hatred, the love of money."

Read more: Pope blasts arms dealers at start of Mideast trip Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Pope Francis is right ----the ENTIRE WORLD should engage in a B.D.S campaign against Saudi Arabia -----
catholics who use oil exported from Saudi Arabia should be excommunicated.
There is enough oil and gas in the REST of the world to accmodate needs----nothing ----should be imported from Saudi Arabia-----not oil or any other product. No one should agree to work in Saudi Arabia and nothing should be sold to Saudi Arabia------ POPE FRANCIS has spoken. People who go to Saudi Arabia should not be allowed to return to their own countries.


I would agree on a boycott of Saudi Arabia and many other human rights abusing states.
Who sold all those aircraft, missiles and bombs to the Saudis? Pope Francis does not mince words.

"We all want peace, but looking at the tragedy of war, looking at the wounded, seeing so many people who left their homeland who were forced to go away, I ask, 'Who sells weapons to these people to make war?'" he asked. "This is the root of evil, the hatred, the love of money."

Read more: Pope blasts arms dealers at start of Mideast trip Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Pope Francis is right ----the ENTIRE WORLD should engage in a B.D.S campaign against Saudi Arabia -----
catholics who use oil exported from Saudi Arabia should be excommunicated.
There is enough oil and gas in the REST of the world to accmodate needs----nothing ----should be imported from Saudi Arabia-----not oil or any other product. No one should agree to work in Saudi Arabia and nothing should be sold to Saudi Arabia------ POPE FRANCIS has spoken. People who go to Saudi Arabia should not be allowed to return to their own countries.

must be the fault of the ZIONIST CONTROLLED CIA (I learned about the Zionist controlled cia about 50 years ago---
it is an all-powerful organization that controls the universe------ask MONTE)

What hallucinogenic are you on? The CIA is the one U.S. organization that understands Israel is a threat.

"U.S. intelligence agents stationed in Israel report multiple cases of equipment tampering, suspected break ins in recent years; CIA officials tell the Associated Press that Israel may have leaked info that led to the capture of an agent inside Syria's chemical weapons program."

Former U.S. officials say CIA considers Israel to be Mideast s biggest spy threat - Diplomacy and Defense - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

I am fully aware of the actual position of the CIA on Israel and was fully aware even more than 40 year ago when I first encountered LOTS OF MUSLIMS from ---muslim majority lands ----but I could never convince them that the CIA is not overly in love with Israel ----in fact there were----even way back then,, Nazi types like you in that organization------zionistControlledCia is one word in
Pakistan------even today. In fact all that is wrong in Ummah countries----has been caused by the zionistControlledCia

A few years ago on another message board there was a poster who was retired Naval Intelligence. He said that if the American public only knew how much Israel helped America, Americans would not deny that country anything. My husband has a friend who is retired from the CIA. I will have to ask my husband to query his friend as to how the CIA thought of Israel.

Do you really believe that a retired Naval intelligence officer would claim to be one on an internet board, and more importantly disclose classified information however generically? Do you know that when one has or has had a security clearance, especially a Top Secret/SCI (secret compartmentalized information) as an intelligence officer would have, it is unlawful to for him to even claim one has or had one, for example.

There is nothing in Sally's post about a retired naval intelligence officer that her husband knows ----who spoke to her husband and told him said---that violates naval law. I am a fomer naval officer---separated. What makes you think you know anything. You have no muslim or hindu friends.??? gee I do. Your death stats from the break up of india are IDIOTIC (200,000 to 500,000 -------gee what PRECISION) ---as I have heard it ffom the people who lived it ------no one really knows and no one knows who killed whom. Of course---all along sunnis killed shiites
Who sold all those aircraft, missiles and bombs to the Saudis? Pope Francis does not mince words.

"We all want peace, but looking at the tragedy of war, looking at the wounded, seeing so many people who left their homeland who were forced to go away, I ask, 'Who sells weapons to these people to make war?'" he asked. "This is the root of evil, the hatred, the love of money."

Read more: Pope blasts arms dealers at start of Mideast trip Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Pope Francis is right ----the ENTIRE WORLD should engage in a B.D.S campaign against Saudi Arabia -----
catholics who use oil exported from Saudi Arabia should be excommunicated.
There is enough oil and gas in the REST of the world to accmodate needs----nothing ----should be imported from Saudi Arabia-----not oil or any other product. No one should agree to work in Saudi Arabia and nothing should be sold to Saudi Arabia------ POPE FRANCIS has spoken. People who go to Saudi Arabia should not be allowed to return to their own countries.


I would agree on a boycott of Saudi Arabia and many other human rights abusing states.

really?----Saudi Arabia would not care if you did boycott it. How about Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran..........????
must be the fault of the ZIONIST CONTROLLED CIA (I learned about the Zionist controlled cia about 50 years ago---
it is an all-powerful organization that controls the universe------ask MONTE)

What hallucinogenic are you on? The CIA is the one U.S. organization that understands Israel is a threat.

"U.S. intelligence agents stationed in Israel report multiple cases of equipment tampering, suspected break ins in recent years; CIA officials tell the Associated Press that Israel may have leaked info that led to the capture of an agent inside Syria's chemical weapons program."

Former U.S. officials say CIA considers Israel to be Mideast s biggest spy threat - Diplomacy and Defense - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

I am fully aware of the actual position of the CIA on Israel and was fully aware even more than 40 year ago when I first encountered LOTS OF MUSLIMS from ---muslim majority lands ----but I could never convince them that the CIA is not overly in love with Israel ----in fact there were----even way back then,, Nazi types like you in that organization------zionistControlledCia is one word in
Pakistan------even today. In fact all that is wrong in Ummah countries----has been caused by the zionistControlledCia

A few years ago on another message board there was a poster who was retired Naval Intelligence. He said that if the American public only knew how much Israel helped America, Americans would not deny that country anything. My husband has a friend who is retired from the CIA. I will have to ask my husband to query his friend as to how the CIA thought of Israel.

Do you really believe that a retired Naval intelligence officer would claim to be one on an internet board, and more importantly disclose classified information however generically? Do you know that when one has or has had a security clearance, especially a Top Secret/SCI (secret compartmentalized information) as an intelligence officer would have, it is unlawful to for him to even claim one has or had one, for example.

There is nothing in Sally's post about a retired naval intelligence officer that her husband knows ----who spoke to her husband and told him said---that violates naval law. I am a fomer naval officer---separated. What makes you think you know anything. You have no muslim or hindu friends.??? gee I do. Your death stats from the break up of india are IDIOTIC (200,000 to 500,000 -------gee what PRECISION) ---as I have heard it ffom the people who lived it ------no one really knows and no one knows who killed whom. Of course---all along sunnis killed shiites

Sally said it was a poster that claimed he was a former naval officer, not her husband's friend. Try to keep up.

"What makes you think you anything"

Sounds like I am communicating with 4 year old. LOL

I have had Muslim and Hindu acquaintances, no friends. I was stationed in Saudi Arabia for 2 years, so I worked with Saudi Army and SANG officers and civilian personnel.

They are not my death stats. They are statistics from various sources compiled on one website.
Who sold all those aircraft, missiles and bombs to the Saudis? Pope Francis does not mince words.

"We all want peace, but looking at the tragedy of war, looking at the wounded, seeing so many people who left their homeland who were forced to go away, I ask, 'Who sells weapons to these people to make war?'" he asked. "This is the root of evil, the hatred, the love of money."

Read more: Pope blasts arms dealers at start of Mideast trip Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Pope Francis is right ----the ENTIRE WORLD should engage in a B.D.S campaign against Saudi Arabia -----
catholics who use oil exported from Saudi Arabia should be excommunicated.
There is enough oil and gas in the REST of the world to accmodate needs----nothing ----should be imported from Saudi Arabia-----not oil or any other product. No one should agree to work in Saudi Arabia and nothing should be sold to Saudi Arabia------ POPE FRANCIS has spoken. People who go to Saudi Arabia should not be allowed to return to their own countries.


I would agree on a boycott of Saudi Arabia and many other human rights abusing states.

really?----Saudi Arabia would not care if you did boycott it. How about Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran..........????

Iran is already boycotted. The others, fine with me.
What hallucinogenic are you on? The CIA is the one U.S. organization that understands Israel is a threat.

"U.S. intelligence agents stationed in Israel report multiple cases of equipment tampering, suspected break ins in recent years; CIA officials tell the Associated Press that Israel may have leaked info that led to the capture of an agent inside Syria's chemical weapons program."

Former U.S. officials say CIA considers Israel to be Mideast s biggest spy threat - Diplomacy and Defense - Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel News

I am fully aware of the actual position of the CIA on Israel and was fully aware even more than 40 year ago when I first encountered LOTS OF MUSLIMS from ---muslim majority lands ----but I could never convince them that the CIA is not overly in love with Israel ----in fact there were----even way back then,, Nazi types like you in that organization------zionistControlledCia is one word in
Pakistan------even today. In fact all that is wrong in Ummah countries----has been caused by the zionistControlledCia

A few years ago on another message board there was a poster who was retired Naval Intelligence. He said that if the American public only knew how much Israel helped America, Americans would not deny that country anything. My husband has a friend who is retired from the CIA. I will have to ask my husband to query his friend as to how the CIA thought of Israel.

Do you really believe that a retired Naval intelligence officer would claim to be one on an internet board, and more importantly disclose classified information however generically? Do you know that when one has or has had a security clearance, especially a Top Secret/SCI (secret compartmentalized information) as an intelligence officer would have, it is unlawful to for him to even claim one has or had one, for example.

There is nothing in Sally's post about a retired naval intelligence officer that her husband knows ----who spoke to her husband and told him said---that violates naval law. I am a fomer naval officer---separated. What makes you think you know anything. You have no muslim or hindu friends.??? gee I do. Your death stats from the break up of india are IDIOTIC (200,000 to 500,000 -------gee what PRECISION) ---as I have heard it ffom the people who lived it ------no one really knows and no one knows who killed whom. Of course---all along sunnis killed shiites

Sally said it was a poster that claimed he was a former naval officer, not her husband's friend. Try to keep up.

"What makes you think you anything"

Sounds like I am communicating with 4 year old. LOL

I have had Muslim and Hindu acquaintances, no friends. I was stationed in Saudi Arabia for 2 years, so I worked with Saudi Army and SANG officers and civilian personnel.

They are not my death stats. They are statistics from various sources compiled on one website.

I had already noticed my mistake regarding sally's comment to reread what the online guy said-----still no problem. He really said nothing at all that could be
considered classified and he did not even ID himself. Sally's husband did work here and there for the military too-----so she knows the military law. -------yes --"death stats" from "various souces" regarding the events of the 1940s----
since you worked abroad you should know
that those stats are all but meaningless.
Speaking of Saudi Arabia-----I am sure you know that the sickness AIDS was first described in 1981-----Saudi Arabia report
zero HIV and Zero AIDS----for until just a few years ago-----and regularly denied any mental illness Those stats come from
sources with an AXE to grind------the countries themselves. Ask a muslim how many muslims died and ask a hindu how many hindus and the numbers will be ENTIRELY DIFFERENT. I do not know how you can work in a country and befriend no one------I have had Saudi friends in the USA -----colleagues but close enough as "friends" for candid conversation about ISSUES and minor socializing. Of course I have also known people when I was a naval officer who worked on USA/Israel projects------I am violating no military law in so saying
I am fully aware of the actual position of the CIA on Israel and was fully aware even more than 40 year ago when I first encountered LOTS OF MUSLIMS from ---muslim majority lands ----but I could never convince them that the CIA is not overly in love with Israel ----in fact there were----even way back then,, Nazi types like you in that organization------zionistControlledCia is one word in
Pakistan------even today. In fact all that is wrong in Ummah countries----has been caused by the zionistControlledCia

A few years ago on another message board there was a poster who was retired Naval Intelligence. He said that if the American public only knew how much Israel helped America, Americans would not deny that country anything. My husband has a friend who is retired from the CIA. I will have to ask my husband to query his friend as to how the CIA thought of Israel.

Do you really believe that a retired Naval intelligence officer would claim to be one on an internet board, and more importantly disclose classified information however generically? Do you know that when one has or has had a security clearance, especially a Top Secret/SCI (secret compartmentalized information) as an intelligence officer would have, it is unlawful to for him to even claim one has or had one, for example.

There is nothing in Sally's post about a retired naval intelligence officer that her husband knows ----who spoke to her husband and told him said---that violates naval law. I am a fomer naval officer---separated. What makes you think you know anything. You have no muslim or hindu friends.??? gee I do. Your death stats from the break up of india are IDIOTIC (200,000 to 500,000 -------gee what PRECISION) ---as I have heard it ffom the people who lived it ------no one really knows and no one knows who killed whom. Of course---all along sunnis killed shiites

Sally said it was a poster that claimed he was a former naval officer, not her husband's friend. Try to keep up.

"What makes you think you anything"

Sounds like I am communicating with 4 year old. LOL

I have had Muslim and Hindu acquaintances, no friends. I was stationed in Saudi Arabia for 2 years, so I worked with Saudi Army and SANG officers and civilian personnel.

They are not my death stats. They are statistics from various sources compiled on one website.

I had already noticed my mistake regarding sally's comment to reread what the online guy said-----still no problem. He really said nothing at all that could be
considered classified and he did not even ID himself. Sally's husband did work here and there for the military too-----so she knows the military law. -------yes --"death stats" from "various souces" regarding the events of the 1940s----
since you worked abroad you should know
that those stats are all but meaningless.
Speaking of Saudi Arabia-----I am sure you know that the sickness AIDS was first described in 1981-----Saudi Arabia report
zero HIV and Zero AIDS----for until just a few years ago-----and regularly denied any mental illness Those stats come from
sources with an AXE to grind------the countries themselves. Ask a muslim how many muslims died and ask a hindu how many hindus and the numbers will be ENTIRELY DIFFERENT. I do not know how you can work in a country and befriend no one------I have had Saudi friends in the USA -----colleagues but close enough as "friends" for candid conversation about ISSUES and minor socializing. Of course I have also known people when I was a naval officer who worked on USA/Israel projects------I am violating no military law in so saying

I was merely questioning the reliability of a poster who claims to have information that if known publicly would change someone's mind. I don't know what the poster actually claimed so I can't comment.

The sources for the death estimates during the partition of India were from a variety of sources, it's all we have to go on.

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