Yeah, it is silly to think gun owner cards will stop violent criminals, just ask this woman...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This guy was ordered to turn in his Illinois, Firearm Owners Identification Card and the guns he owned.... He turned in his card, kept the guns....and the system failed...again........he later was arrested for felony possession of cocaine.....and released by a judge......even with the failure to turn in his guns... wasn't a normal gun owner who murdered this fact, he didn't need a gun to do it......and no new gun law would have stopped this from happening...since current gun laws already were in place, required him to turn in his guns, and were ignored by the killer....

AGain...the government failed...yet wants you to turn in your guns for your own safety...

this is the silliness of the anti-gun, democrat party.......

A man with a revoked gun license killed his 18-month-old son in Joliet. Here’s how he and thousands of others slipped through the system.

By the time Christopher Miller showed up at his estranged wife’s backdoor in September 2019 with a pistol in his waistband, state authorities already had declared him too dangerous to own firearms.

He had lost his gun license 20 months earlier after being charged with aggravated battery for brutally beating a man in a Naperville parking lot. He disregarded orders to relinquish any weapons, and no one made sure he complied.


Within minutes, Miller had choked his wife until she lost consciousness and fatally shot his 18-month-old son, Colton, with a .22-caliber Ruger — one of at least three handguns in his possession despite orders from the Illinois State Police to relinquish any firearms in January 2018. Miller fired that illicit gun so many times, at least 10, the coroner could not definitively track the bullets that shattered the toddler’s skull.


So.....the asshat democrats want to add a fingerprint requirement to FOID would this have changed this event? How would it stop criminals?

It wouldn't and won't....

And one of the really stupid parts of this....the moron prosecutors told the wife to get a restraining stupid is that? Can any of you anti-gun extremists explain that?

Even without the changes to state law, there were several opportunities to force Miller to relinquish his guns. The Tribune could find no record of any public servant trying.

More than a year after his arrest, and months after the Pratt shooting, Tanner Miller says she called DuPage County prosecutors as they were prepping for the trial, and told them her estranged husband still owned guns despite having a revoked FOID card. She had been listed as a possible witness and was concerned for her safety if she testified against him.

DuPage County State’s Attorney’s spokesman Paul Darrah confirmed that Tanner Miller raised this concern, and said prosecutors instructed her to get an order of protection. Darrah said he couldn’t “speculate” whether prosecutors should have notified the judge or local law enforcement about Miller’s illegal gun possession.

And here we have democrat party prosecutors....f*****g up again....

In August 2019 while still out on bail, Miller was arrested for felony cocaine possession in Stickney and booked into Cook County Jail. Police reports do not mention his FOID revocation.

Cook County prosecutors made no mention of possible firearms at his bond hearing — even though every state’s attorney’s office in Illinois has been given access to the revocation database as part of ISP reforms last year.

A representative of Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx said in an email that prosecutors look at FOID revocation status “where it is relevant to the case,” including charges that involve guns or violent crimes. Prosecutors knew Miller was facing trial for felony battery in DuPage, but they determined his FOID status was not germane to his drug case and did not check.

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Wow, when are certain people going to learn that ridding the planet of things like guns will not put an end to the act of murder, that there are other ways to do such a thing besides using guns to do it?

God bless you always!!!


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