Wyoming, Barometer of the Nation as a Whole....?

The Wyoming voters felt that Chaney was off on some other political agenda rather than dealing with the issues that were important to them. It was a humiliating loss and she compounded her indifference for the values of her constituents with a preposterous comparison to Lincoln. If anything the vote signifies the fact that even republicans who weren't happy about Trump's personality quirks are now motivated to vote for him. The FBI raid backfired and the Bureau is barricaded while the president and his staff refuse to talk to the media.
Will you continue to take a more cautious and reserved position from now on?
The dog is indeed catching up to the car and that's going to result in a aura of indecision coming over America.
Do you actually think before you start typing, duck? I've noticed recently that you have trouble with cognitive thought as you post nonsense. Have you had a stroke or are you tippling the sauce so early in the day.
The Wyoming voters felt that Chaney was off on some other political agenda rather than dealing with the issues that were important to them. It was a humiliating loss and she compounded her indifference for the values of her constituents with a preposterous comparison to Lincoln. If anything the vote signifies the fact that even republicans who weren't happy about Trump's personality quirks are now motivated to vote for him. The FBI raid backfired and the Bureau is barricaded while the president and his staff refuse to talk to the media.
Everything they have done is an excessive overreach. And now they are about to pay dearly for it. The news the last few days showing Cheney in lock step with democrats on creating Jan 6 makes what's about to happen to them even a bigger set back than they have had in decades.
Hey, duck, maybe you should do some research on fascism---who am I fooling you don't research anything. Here's the definition, pay particular attention to the first entry. Definition of fascism | Dictionary.com
Sound like anything you've heard of? a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, .............

I'll take it step by step, starting with the above.

Trump has already attempted to establish his complete power, but has failed, due to lack of commitment and cowardice at a critical time for an attempted coup.

America is still not a fascist dictatorship but the dog is catching up to the car.

". forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism "

We'll move on to an analysis of that in due course.
The Wyoming voters felt that Chaney was off on some other political agenda rather than dealing with the issues that were important to them. It was a humiliating loss and she compounded her indifference for the values of her constituents with a preposterous comparison to Lincoln. If anything the vote signifies the fact that even republicans who weren't happy about Trump's personality quirks are now motivated to vote for him. The FBI raid backfired and the Bureau is barricaded while the president and his staff refuse to talk to the media.
Her response to her loss was very telling. Instead of serious introspection to understand why she became so out of touch with her constituency, she is blaming them for not siding with HER.
Her response to her loss was very telling. Instead of serious introspection to understand why she became so out of touch with her constituency, she is blaming them for not siding with HER.
Just be aware that you're attempting to do dirt on one of your own most adamant and faithful.

Liz Cheney is everything that the American right will uphold when, or if, fascist extremism fails?

Or from a foreigner's POV now, succeeds!
Trump has already attempted to establish his complete power,
Nonsense again, duck. Trump has NEVER been in complete power and has been under incessant attack for five and a half years. Your ignorance is showing again.
attempted coup.
There has NEVER been an attempted coup. Trespassing protestors are hardly a coup. BTW, it is not the job of the POTUS to maintain order in the capitol--that job belongs to the speaker of the house, who failed miserably.
America is still not a fascist dictatorship
Under Biden and the democrats, America is a fascist dictatorship. There I fixed it for you. I will grant you that the US hasn't reached the level of fascism that you experience in Canada.
Last night in Wyoming Liz Cheney was beaten so badly that it took just 28 minutes after polls closed to call the race. This is how badly the left-wing narrative and the never Trump wing of the party is despised by average American's, including many moderate democrats.

Yes, I said moderate democrats. Exit polling shows that much of the dreaded "crossover" vote was democrats who do not like the direction the nation is headed and want the swamp drained. That fact was a huge surprise to local polling agencies, they crossed over to defeat Cheney, stop the witch hunt of Donald Trump and the democrat direction of the nation. Those polled say the Jan 6 show is nothing more than a partisan attempt to get Trump while ignoring their own criminals in their party.

IF this bellwether remains, and is nationwide, the midterm elections will sweep democrats from power and the Jan 6 charade will end with democrats on the defensive... The new 87,000 IRS agents, who will most certainly be used against average Americans, was a main push to get democrats removed from power quickly. All of these items were driving Democrats to the polls to remove those pushing the narratives.

November is going to be a democrat blood bath.. Wyoming just showed the world how the midterms are going to play out. Even democrats are feed up with Biden and the far-left socialist agenda.

CNN is misreading what the data is telling them...

What a sad lack of integrity on the MAGA-Right.
fascist extremism fails
Get a clue, duck. Fascist extremism is failing as we speak. Now take you unwanted and unneeded commie opinions down the road to Victoria and try to fix the cluster fuck you call a government in Ontario. You have more than enough on your own plate. You clearly have no standing on this side of the 49th parallel.
Just be aware that you're attempting to do dirt on one of your own most adamant and faithful.

Liz Cheney is everything that the American right will uphold when, or if, fascist extremism fails?

Or from a foreigner's POV now, succeeds!
You don't understand what is happening. The Republican Party is no longer the Party of Bush and Cheney and McConnell. We now have Republicans who will stand up and look Democrats in the eye and say "NO".
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Nonsense again, duck. Trump has NEVER been in complete power and has been under incessant attack for five and a half years. Your ignorance is showing again.
In fact I can concur on all your assertions.
I'm not leaving you any ignorance to which you can object.
There has NEVER been an attempted coup. Trespassing protestors are hardly a coup.
Your vice president was appealed to by Trump to certify alternate results of the election that would overrule the legitimate results. Or the illegitimate results if you prefer. Your v.p. refused to comply with Trump's attempted coup
BTW, it is not the job of the POTUS to maintain order in the capitol--that job belongs to the speaker of the house, who failed miserably.
Yes, Pelosi failed and 'miserably' can describe her failure to maintain control.
Under Biden and the democrats, America is a fascist dictatorship. There I fixed it for you. I will grant you that the US hasn't reached the level of fascism that you experience in Canada.
I can't entertain your comments when you decide to stop facing the facts and then run away from facing the situation that took place on Jan.6th.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Another one who is discounting that the nation is not fed up with this crap. Feel free to ignore this region at your own peril. Nebraska, Idaho, Utah, North and South Dakota's.... Fly over country is going to kick you asses this November. Wyoming had a major influx of new republican voters just as these other states are now seeing... Keep your heads up your ass, I'm sure we will be able to find a boot to dislodge them in Nov..
You are funny.
Talking shit didn't really help you guys in 2020 did it?
But just like in 2020 when your little fascist takover fantasy goes down in flames you'll just whine and scream and refuse to admit it really happened.
Rinse and repeat.
Reminds me of a saying that goes something like "why should you never play chess with a pigeon?
Because even when you win the pigeon is just going to strut around crapping on the board knocking the pieces over and claiming it is the winner.

Very much like MAGATs.
You don't understand what is happening. The Republican Party is no longer the Party of Bush and Cheney and McConnell. We now have Republicans who will stand up and look Democrats in the eye and say "NO".
I don't disagree with your interpretation on what is taking place.

But I will still continue to inform Americans of the major tenets of fascism, and then relate it to Trump's agenda. I welcome all participants to rebut my position with logical counter points that are worthy of adult discussion..
In fact I can concur on all your assertions.
You are becoming a bore, duck. In your rush to remain relevant, you contradict yourself daily
Your vice president was appealed to by Trump to certify alternate results of the election that would overrule the legitimate results. Or the illegitimate results if you prefer. Your v.p. refused to comply with Trump's attempted coup



a sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government

Example: "he was overthrown in an army coup"

Try again, duck. You are PROOF, that the Canadian education system sucks. Vocabulary, history and math. You just are not up to the task.
when you decide to stop facing the facts
I face facts just fine, duck. When have you ever presented any. Your posts are the uneducated ramblings of a foreign communist, bent on the destruction of the US. You are an enemy of my country and I treat you with the contempt you deserve.

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