Wuhan, first province with full 5G coverage - now the centre of the deadly virus


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
What have all centers of Coronavirus in common? 5G is successfully launched there.Bergamo, Wuhan, Heisenberg, Milano, etc. etc. etc.Corona-virus causes flue-like symptoms, peoples are afraid of and go for the test.
According to many intels thereafter they receive the TRUE CORONAVIRUS, as the test or later vaccine.
Who is behind the Coronavirus?
Liberals who want to kick Trump and China which wants to purchase the western industry for nothing.

Wuhan, first province with full 5G coverage - now the centre of the deadly virus

Someone who was in charge of the 5G expansion in China found out
"The rollout has started in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Hangzhou...the small provinces will follow in spring!"
"...we have installed it...in Wuhan are only 10% installed"
The official Chinese media had reported something else, that was what we had been orienting ourselves on. See here
Isn't it strange that the province in China, which was the first to introduce the use of 5G networks and technology, has now become the centre of a deadly virus where people suddenly drop dead on the street.
What if the deaths are not a virus, but a cell breakdown caused by 5G that mimics the effects of a virus.
Exposure to 5G waves leads to ... " flu-like symptoms".
Scientists warn of possible serious health effects of 5G

In the following you will read a letter from 180 scientists and doctors on the subject of 5G that could support the above assumption.

Also, the scheme is pretty simple:

5G causes flu-like symptoms.
Why you go to the test you receive Coronavirus in your body.
Western industry is dead, China happy, Democrats run USA, NWO is coming.

Proofs: Just put in Google the name of Corona region and 5G
I saved links to several interviews with insiders and conspiracy theorists that address this connection, but have hesitated to share them. Real good stuff but not mainstream figures.

One says he was CEO of a phone company that tested 5G and knows a lot about it.

Another says coronavirus isnt a virus but a product of 5G immune resistance. Sorta what #1 said.

The other is a whacko and is fun to listen to but doesn't offer scientific proof or believability.

A few others.

Waiting for Fox or CNN to pick this up. Seems plausible.

Problem with this claim is that coronavirus has appeared where there is no 5G yet. But at the same time, highest outbreaks in 5G setups.
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I also read that hetero-sexuals are immune to 5G illness effects. Something to do with straight nervous systems vibrating at a frequency that doesn't harmonize with 5G. Interesting stuff. Don't know if I believe it. If true then I can count myself among the safe.
I am gathering excerpts with footnotes so to cut out the trash. There's some really fascinating things these insiders say about coronavirus and 5G.

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