Wray / FBI 'Catching Hell' For Raid on FBI-Uranium One Whistleblower

yes, I did read it and it didn't say shit from shinola of why the warrant was issued.

And that doesn't BOTHER YOU?? It should. The excuse given after the raid was "to retrieve stolen govt documents".. Except copies of all those docs had been handed PROPERLY to Congress months prior.
I think it was more like YEARS earlier....
I said a couple of times in this thread, that I definitely want to know the reason the judge approved and issued the warrant... and what the warrant stated.

you do realize this con man Cain has a COPY of the warrant and could easily provide this copy to us, instead of all of this conjecture and speculation on it.

and prove his whistle blower status had anything to do with the Clinton foundation... let's see it....
We don't know...But why is it that the people who are the potential whistle-blowees raiding this dude's place?

Don't you have a shred of intellectual curiosity?
and prove his whistle blower status had anything to do with the Clinton foundation... let's see it....

The peripheral participation of the Clinton Foundation wasn't as big a deal as the "fix that was in" on the deal. Obama needed the Russians to help push the Iranian nuke deal. .
if this is true, I have no problem with it, our gvt doesn't work in a vacuum...

there was no harm in the deal, to the USA.... Russia would NEVER get their hands on our mined uranium for their own use, THAT was part of the sale deal.

So the entire approval had it's skids greased. Hillary just helped "launder" the money and the influence to the Russians

I don't know what you are talking about, at all, with this statement...?

And it was 9 agencies that approved it, not simply the State Dept, and even if all 9 disapproved it, the ONLY PERSON that could veto the deal, was President Obama.
"Ohhh, Luuuucy...you have some 'splaining to do!"


Grassley wants answers about FBI raid on whistleblower with information on Clinton Foundation, Uranium One

"Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has written to FBI Director Christopher Wray and the Justice Department's internal watchdog to request information about a raid on the home of a former FBI contractor who gave the watchdog documents related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to a Russian firm's subsidiary.

16 FBI agents raided the Maryland home of Dennis Nathan Cain on Nov. 19. Cain's lawyer, Michael Socarras, told the website that the agent who led the raid accused his client of possessing stolen federal property. In response, Cain reportedly claimed that he was a protected whistleblower under federal law and had been recognized as such by the DOJ watchdog"

Wray is a 'corporate / FBI Insider' cut from the same cloth Mueller, Comey, McCabe, & Strzok are...

Protecting the FBI and its criminal leadership and secrets ... and Hillary ... are their highest priority...

The NEXT Director of the FBI should be someone from the outside, not someone groomed from within....
They don't tell you what Judge signed the warrants and what the warrants allow them to grab. Thats what we want to see. the fact that Mueller is involved in the deal is suspicious he is trying to cover his azz like the DOJ is going to do in the Russia investigation, he has not fear because the New Congress is going to pass a "PROTECT MUELLER LAW" TO KEEP HIS AZZ OUT OF JAIL" so he is going to break every law he needs to cover and destroy evidence. Just lucky that they guy turned over Docs to the Senate. This bad when the Highest Dept of LEOs in this nation turn bad and become Criminals. I am a retired LEO and it makes me sick to see this happen.
and prove his whistle blower status had anything to do with the Clinton foundation... let's see it....

The peripheral participation of the Clinton Foundation wasn't as big a deal as the "fix that was in" on the deal. Obama needed the Russians to help push the Iranian nuke deal. .
if this is true, I have no problem with it, our gvt doesn't work in a vacuum...

there was no harm in the deal, to the USA.... Russia would NEVER get their hands on our mined uranium for their own use, THAT was part of the sale deal.

So the entire approval had it's skids greased. Hillary just helped "launder" the money and the influence to the Russians

I don't know what you are talking about, at all, with this statement...?

And it was 9 agencies that approved it, not simply the State Dept, and even if all 9 disapproved it, the ONLY PERSON that could veto the deal, was President Obama.
and yet they did get uranium.
and prove his whistle blower status had anything to do with the Clinton foundation... let's see it....

The peripheral participation of the Clinton Foundation wasn't as big a deal as the "fix that was in" on the deal. Obama needed the Russians to help push the Iranian nuke deal. .
if this is true, I have no problem with it, our gvt doesn't work in a vacuum...

there was no harm in the deal, to the USA.... Russia would NEVER get their hands on our mined uranium for their own use, THAT was part of the sale deal.

So the entire approval had it's skids greased. Hillary just helped "launder" the money and the influence to the Russians

I don't know what you are talking about, at all, with this statement...?

And it was 9 agencies that approved it, not simply the State Dept, and even if all 9 disapproved it, the ONLY PERSON that could veto the deal, was President Obama.
Cain informed the agent while he was still at the door that he was a recognized protected whistleblower under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act and that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz recognized his whistleblower status, according to Socarras.

according to Socarras

I did read it.... according to his lawyer.... haven't seen anything from our govt on it...

but it might very well be true, in the fact checks I sent you, in one of the fact check articles there was an UNNAMED informant on Tenex, that could be this guy Cain that did pass information on to the House and Senate intel committees back in 2015 and they opened investigations back in 2015 on it...

But my question is, what did they find out the past 4 years.... what are the FACTS that they found in their investigations.... not gossip, not propaganda, but actual facts?? 4 years is double the time of the Mueller investigation, that's a long time for them to turn up nothing...

DOJ doesn't REQUIRE congress to act on illegal transactions. The FBI BURIED the investigation. And you might be confusing Cain with the PREVIOUS whistleblower on this. BOTH were the "undercover" contractors employed by FBI to report on Russian bribery and corruption. Mueller was in charge. Mueller COULD have recommended charges to DOJ. He did not. And NOW -- before his circus packs their tents, he's covering his ass.

Those are facts. Also -- there is no reason for Cain's lawyer to lie about CONTACT with Horowitz. That's the process and that's the law. You want to KILL the protections of the entire Whistleblower Act? Keep acting skeptical about the obvious.

I'm sure I could find confirmation of Horowitz's actions and declarations in 4 minutes. Why don't YOU do it because you're the one with selective cognition..
"Ohhh, Luuuucy...you have some 'splaining to do!"


Grassley wants answers about FBI raid on whistleblower with information on Clinton Foundation, Uranium One

"Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has written to FBI Director Christopher Wray and the Justice Department's internal watchdog to request information about a raid on the home of a former FBI contractor who gave the watchdog documents related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to a Russian firm's subsidiary.

16 FBI agents raided the Maryland home of Dennis Nathan Cain on Nov. 19. Cain's lawyer, Michael Socarras, told the website that the agent who led the raid accused his client of possessing stolen federal property. In response, Cain reportedly claimed that he was a protected whistleblower under federal law and had been recognized as such by the DOJ watchdog"

Wray is a 'corporate / FBI Insider' cut from the same cloth Mueller, Comey, McCabe, & Strzok are...

Protecting the FBI and its criminal leadership and secrets ... and Hillary ... are their highest priority...

The NEXT Director of the FBI should be someone from the outside, not someone groomed from within....
They don't tell you what Judge signed the warrants and what the warrants allow them to grab. Thats what we want to see. the fact that Mueller is involved in the deal is suspicious he is trying to cover his azz like the DOJ is going to do in the Russia investigation, he has not fear because the New Congress is going to pass a "PROTECT MUELLER LAW" TO KEEP HIS AZZ OUT OF JAIL" so he is going to break every law he needs to cover and destroy evidence. Just lucky that they guy turned over Docs to the Senate. This bad when the Highest Dept of LEOs in this nation turn bad and become Criminals. I am a retired LEO and it makes me sick to see this happen.
Cain, the whistle blower, has a copy of the warrant, with the judge's name, which was mentioned in one of the articles.

CAIN CAN SHOW US THE WARRANT and what it was for.... why hasn't he??? So he can get 15 more minutes of fame on Hannity and Tucker Carlson's show, by holding that info back?
Russians got away with a lot of bribery and graft because the Admin needed Russia for their Iran deal. That's some pretty obvious "collusion with Russians" right there. From the guy running the Russia Russia Russia witchhunt.

Can't see the witches when they are sitting in judgement.
And right before our eyes, we have Trumpbots claiming Hillary made decisions on Uranium one because of Russian influence and collusion,

while you've seen right before your very eyes.... the past two weeks.... that our President said it was fine for the Saudi Prince to order the brutal murder of a legal American Resident because we, as in Boeing, makes billions of dollars off the Saudi Prince....

Murder is ok, if you pay us for it.....

you guys have totally lost your moral compass, if you ever had one.... :rolleyes:

It has nothing to do with anyone but the Arabs. They killed a guy who was number two in the "Muslim Brother hood". The did it on Muslim soil, we did not do it. Not our problem. It is a Muslim problem. I could have done it much more liquidity and quite. The AP and media act like he was a U.S citizen was killed, he had not green card issued or anything else except he was just inthe states to organize the Muslim invaders of the Brotherhood. I should add they have given money to the Clinton Foundation for favors from Hilly.
"Ohhh, Luuuucy...you have some 'splaining to do!"


Grassley wants answers about FBI raid on whistleblower with information on Clinton Foundation, Uranium One

"Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has written to FBI Director Christopher Wray and the Justice Department's internal watchdog to request information about a raid on the home of a former FBI contractor who gave the watchdog documents related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to a Russian firm's subsidiary.

16 FBI agents raided the Maryland home of Dennis Nathan Cain on Nov. 19. Cain's lawyer, Michael Socarras, told the website that the agent who led the raid accused his client of possessing stolen federal property. In response, Cain reportedly claimed that he was a protected whistleblower under federal law and had been recognized as such by the DOJ watchdog"

Wray is a 'corporate / FBI Insider' cut from the same cloth Mueller, Comey, McCabe, & Strzok are...

Protecting the FBI and its criminal leadership and secrets ... and Hillary ... are their highest priority...

The NEXT Director of the FBI should be someone from the outside, not someone groomed from within....
They don't tell you what Judge signed the warrants and what the warrants allow them to grab. Thats what we want to see. the fact that Mueller is involved in the deal is suspicious he is trying to cover his azz like the DOJ is going to do in the Russia investigation, he has not fear because the New Congress is going to pass a "PROTECT MUELLER LAW" TO KEEP HIS AZZ OUT OF JAIL" so he is going to break every law he needs to cover and destroy evidence. Just lucky that they guy turned over Docs to the Senate. This bad when the Highest Dept of LEOs in this nation turn bad and become Criminals. I am a retired LEO and it makes me sick to see this happen.
Cain, the whistle blower, has a copy of the warrant, with the judge's name, which was mentioned in one of the articles.

CAIN CAN SHOW US THE WARRANT and what it was for.... why hasn't he??? So he can get 15 more minutes of fame on Hannity and Tucker Carlson's show, by holding that info back?
Ok lets see the warrant. Bet it was shown and taken with them.
Cain informed the agent while he was still at the door that he was a recognized protected whistleblower under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act and that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz recognized his whistleblower status, according to Socarras.

according to Socarras

I did read it.... according to his lawyer.... haven't seen anything from our govt on it...

but it might very well be true, in the fact checks I sent you, in one of the fact check articles there was an UNNAMED informant on Tenex, that could be this guy Cain that did pass information on to the House and Senate intel committees back in 2015 and they opened investigations back in 2015 on it...

But my question is, what did they find out the past 4 years.... what are the FACTS that they found in their investigations.... not gossip, not propaganda, but actual facts?? 4 years is double the time of the Mueller investigation, that's a long time for them to turn up nothing...

I'm sure I could find confirmation of Horowitz's actions and declarations in 4 minutes. Why don't YOU do it because you're the one with selective cognition..
I searched it last night and didn't find anything on it... could be that it was the wee hours and I was tired, but if YOU have seen these facts on horowitz, why haven't you provided it?

it was all INFOWARS and regurgitation crap... that I found.
"Ohhh, Luuuucy...you have some 'splaining to do!"


Grassley wants answers about FBI raid on whistleblower with information on Clinton Foundation, Uranium One

"Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has written to FBI Director Christopher Wray and the Justice Department's internal watchdog to request information about a raid on the home of a former FBI contractor who gave the watchdog documents related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to a Russian firm's subsidiary.

16 FBI agents raided the Maryland home of Dennis Nathan Cain on Nov. 19. Cain's lawyer, Michael Socarras, told the website that the agent who led the raid accused his client of possessing stolen federal property. In response, Cain reportedly claimed that he was a protected whistleblower under federal law and had been recognized as such by the DOJ watchdog"

Wray is a 'corporate / FBI Insider' cut from the same cloth Mueller, Comey, McCabe, & Strzok are...

Protecting the FBI and its criminal leadership and secrets ... and Hillary ... are their highest priority...

The NEXT Director of the FBI should be someone from the outside, not someone groomed from within....

I nominate Sheriff David Clarke

View attachment 232822

Speaking of law breakers ....

How about this guy? Trump gave him a pardon so he's eligible.

View attachment 232824

Ignoramus, by accepting the pardon Arpaio de-facto ADMITED GUILT and remains a convicted law breaker.

He is absolutely NOT eligible for anything except to be a hero for the nutbag right.
"Ohhh, Luuuucy...you have some 'splaining to do!"


Grassley wants answers about FBI raid on whistleblower with information on Clinton Foundation, Uranium One

"Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has written to FBI Director Christopher Wray and the Justice Department's internal watchdog to request information about a raid on the home of a former FBI contractor who gave the watchdog documents related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to a Russian firm's subsidiary.

16 FBI agents raided the Maryland home of Dennis Nathan Cain on Nov. 19. Cain's lawyer, Michael Socarras, told the website that the agent who led the raid accused his client of possessing stolen federal property. In response, Cain reportedly claimed that he was a protected whistleblower under federal law and had been recognized as such by the DOJ watchdog"

Wray is a 'corporate / FBI Insider' cut from the same cloth Mueller, Comey, McCabe, & Strzok are...

Protecting the FBI and its criminal leadership and secrets ... and Hillary ... are their highest priority...

The NEXT Director of the FBI should be someone from the outside, not someone groomed from within....
They don't tell you what Judge signed the warrants and what the warrants allow them to grab. Thats what we want to see. the fact that Mueller is involved in the deal is suspicious he is trying to cover his azz like the DOJ is going to do in the Russia investigation, he has not fear because the New Congress is going to pass a "PROTECT MUELLER LAW" TO KEEP HIS AZZ OUT OF JAIL" so he is going to break every law he needs to cover and destroy evidence. Just lucky that they guy turned over Docs to the Senate. This bad when the Highest Dept of LEOs in this nation turn bad and become Criminals. I am a retired LEO and it makes me sick to see this happen.

Actually the judge is named somewhere. The accusation is "THEFT of govt docs". Except they weren't. They were passed LEGALLY thru the correct procedure pursuant to the whistleblower statutes. Actual warrant might be sealed because of "security classifications". Which is becoming ANOTHER form of prosecutorial abuse from these witch hunters.
Russians got away with a lot of bribery and graft because the Admin needed Russia for their Iran deal. That's some pretty obvious "collusion with Russians" right there. From the guy running the Russia Russia Russia witchhunt.

Can't see the witches when they are sitting in judgement.
they didn't get away with nothing....

the crooked guys working for the Russians and TENEX were charged, tried, and put in jail, in 2015.

as explained, FBI Counter intelligence investigations take years and this counter intelligence investigation went on and continued a few years after Mueller left and ended in 2015 with a conviction of the perp or perps.
"Ohhh, Luuuucy...you have some 'splaining to do!"


Grassley wants answers about FBI raid on whistleblower with information on Clinton Foundation, Uranium One

"Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has written to FBI Director Christopher Wray and the Justice Department's internal watchdog to request information about a raid on the home of a former FBI contractor who gave the watchdog documents related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to a Russian firm's subsidiary.

16 FBI agents raided the Maryland home of Dennis Nathan Cain on Nov. 19. Cain's lawyer, Michael Socarras, told the website that the agent who led the raid accused his client of possessing stolen federal property. In response, Cain reportedly claimed that he was a protected whistleblower under federal law and had been recognized as such by the DOJ watchdog"

Wray is a 'corporate / FBI Insider' cut from the same cloth Mueller, Comey, McCabe, & Strzok are...

Protecting the FBI and its criminal leadership and secrets ... and Hillary ... are their highest priority...

The NEXT Director of the FBI should be someone from the outside, not someone groomed from within....
Judge Stephanie Gallagher is the latest of several unconfirmed Obama nominees put forward by President Trump. While her relatively uncontroversial record secured her a unanimous approval from the Committee in 2016, it was unable to secure a final confirmation vote. This was a screw up by Trump she was suppose to leave office in 2019 and she is part of the Deep Gov we really have to get rid of. It also seem the raid was not legal.
Chris Wray ...isn't he the guy that Trump hand picked to replace Comey after he fired him??
"Ohhh, Luuuucy...you have some 'splaining to do!"


Grassley wants answers about FBI raid on whistleblower with information on Clinton Foundation, Uranium One

"Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, has written to FBI Director Christopher Wray and the Justice Department's internal watchdog to request information about a raid on the home of a former FBI contractor who gave the watchdog documents related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the sale of Canadian mining company Uranium One to a Russian firm's subsidiary.

16 FBI agents raided the Maryland home of Dennis Nathan Cain on Nov. 19. Cain's lawyer, Michael Socarras, told the website that the agent who led the raid accused his client of possessing stolen federal property. In response, Cain reportedly claimed that he was a protected whistleblower under federal law and had been recognized as such by the DOJ watchdog"

Wray is a 'corporate / FBI Insider' cut from the same cloth Mueller, Comey, McCabe, & Strzok are...

Protecting the FBI and its criminal leadership and secrets ... and Hillary ... are their highest priority...

The NEXT Director of the FBI should be someone from the outside, not someone groomed from within....
They don't tell you what Judge signed the warrants and what the warrants allow them to grab. Thats what we want to see. the fact that Mueller is involved in the deal is suspicious he is trying to cover his azz like the DOJ is going to do in the Russia investigation, he has not fear because the New Congress is going to pass a "PROTECT MUELLER LAW" TO KEEP HIS AZZ OUT OF JAIL" so he is going to break every law he needs to cover and destroy evidence. Just lucky that they guy turned over Docs to the Senate. This bad when the Highest Dept of LEOs in this nation turn bad and become Criminals. I am a retired LEO and it makes me sick to see this happen.
Cain, the whistle blower, has a copy of the warrant, with the judge's name, which was mentioned in one of the articles.

CAIN CAN SHOW US THE WARRANT and what it was for.... why hasn't he??? So he can get 15 more minutes of fame on Hannity and Tucker Carlson's show, by holding that info back?
Ok lets see the warrant. Bet it was shown and taken with them.
ASK your guy Cain to tell us and show us, he got a copy.

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