WOW. this is the best short statement I have heard from an American in a LONG TIME

"Americans are NOT our government"

No argument from me on THAT sentiment.
Few days ago I uploaded a video on youtube titled parasite in our midst, it's about patriotism. when I heard this statement this morning, first thing I did was edited my video to insert the short statement "God bless true Americans who understand that Americans are not our government" at the very beginning, produced it and uploaded it again:

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Right, no argument here, but put out some bait thread about some imbecile who said something racist and the mob goes WILD.
Why is the NSA still spying on us? Why are we still at war over lies? Why are we still cutting public assistance for poor people in the richest nation in history? Why are we still spending more money on the war machine than on education? Why are we still spending billions of dollars every year to arrest and incarcerate people for a plant that the US Federal government legalized to help win World War II?
Why is the NSA still spying on us? Why are we still at war over lies? Why are we still cutting public assistance for poor people in the richest nation in history? Why are we still spending more money on the war machine than on education? Why are we still spending billions of dollars every year to arrest and incarcerate people for a plant that the US Federal government legalized to help win World War II?

Ask Obama.
Did Obama start the drug war? No. Now Obama is pondering the possibility of granting leniency to non-violent drug offenders and the right-wing wants his head on a plate. Think of all the wrong reasons that the right-wing wants to continue the drug war. Right-wing rednecks just forced an armed standoff by hiding behind human shields to stop Federal agents from "stealing" a rich racist's cattle. What will the psychotic right-wing do if Obama legalizes marijuana and puts all of those cops and Federal agents out of work?

Did Obama start the Iraq war? No. He ended it according to Bush's timeline and when everything fell apart (as if it was fixed before or after the invasion) like Dick Cheney said it would back in 1993, right-wing Republicans said that it was Obama's fault for not putting our soldiers in harm's way for an indefinite number of years.

Right-wing Republicans don't have any idea what they want. All that the right-wing knows is that they hate Obama.
somebody shot a wolf here in hailey idaho that was harassing the horses
some of the sun valley residents didn't like that.
some retired special forces vets said they would guard the household day and night.
end of story
If our government sucks...and it does....think about who put them there and who tries to get them to feather our nest more than the next asshole's. Self righteous indignation doesn't solve the problem.
Why is the NSA still spying on us? Why are we still at war over lies? Why are we still cutting public assistance for poor people in the richest nation in history? Why are we still spending more money on the war machine than on education? Why are we still spending billions of dollars every year to arrest and incarcerate people for a plant that the US Federal government legalized to help win World War II?

Ask Obama.
Or Bush, or Clinton or ANY of the cockroaches in Washington and beyond.
Did Obama start the drug war? No. Now Obama is pondering the possibility of granting leniency to non-violent drug offenders and the right-wing wants his head on a plate. Think of all the wrong reasons that the right-wing wants to continue the drug war. Right-wing rednecks just forced an armed standoff by hiding behind human shields to stop Federal agents from "stealing" a rich racist's cattle. What will the psychotic right-wing do if Obama legalizes marijuana and puts all of those cops and Federal agents out of work?

Did Obama start the Iraq war? No. He ended it according to Bush's timeline and when everything fell apart (as if it was fixed before or after the invasion) like Dick Cheney said it would back in 1993, right-wing Republicans said that it was Obama's fault for not putting our soldiers in harm's way for an indefinite number of years.

Right-wing Republicans don't have any idea what they want. All that the right-wing knows is that they hate Obama.
Left right circus detected. see signature below.
If our government sucks...and it does....think about who put them there
It was not the people: "...And you may THINK that people such as Miley Cyrus and Justin's beaver became famous and THEN the media latches onto them, but I'm telling you that you are very wrong..." - see the video:

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