Wow if this happens in Boston, I think its Chaos.

What’s unfair about it? Mandate applies to everyone. That’s as fair as it gets.

Sure. They went overboard with the old man. They’re going very easy on the truckers, however.
No, they didn't go overboard with anybody. The laws apply equally to all trouble makers. Canada's police don't turn a blind eye for political purposes only.
Blaring dozens of air horns at all hours of the day is a problem. It may be peaceful, but it’s a real dick move. It’s illegal to be a public nuisance.
hey, if you must, honk your damn horn. burning down my place of business and more - that is a problem.

shit like this is why no one can take you seriously. well, this is just ONE example of many.
hey, if you must, honk your damn horn. burning down my place of business and more - that is a problem.

shit like this is why no one can take you seriously. well, this is just ONE example of many.
Shit like what? You can’t tell the difference between reality and the crazy crap you invent in your head to get angry about.

No chance citizens sit by and allow the police to do that to a 78 year old man IMO. I actually don't believe the police officers would ever enforce a no honking law. This world is going crazy. When the dept of public health weaponizes the police against its citizens, then society has broken down IMO.

What does everyone else think please?

Thank you
Canada is embarrassing it's self. They are supposed to be free up there, I guess you are if you are not a trucker or you don't honk a horn.

Taking down a 70 year old man for honking! The guy was reckless, and a violent menace to the general population.
Let’s have some people parked in front of your house constantly blaring their horns and see how you appreciate it. The NY Post conveniently omits how much of a problem the truckers were making for people trying to live their lives.

Hell, antifa took control of entire neighborhoods in Seattle and Portland and wouldn't allow the people that lived there to enter or leave freely,. No governor or mayor said a word, they let it go on for a couple weeks. So I hardly think these people are going to mind, it is for a good cause, just like burning and rioting was a good cause in Portland and Seattle.

It seems that people didn't care in 2020 what problems the riots caused. I see no reason to sympathize with the people that live in such a free and lovely nation.
Hell, antifa took control of entire neighborhoods in Seattle and Portland and wouldn't allow the people that lived there to enter or leave freely,. No governor or mayor said a word, they let it go on for a couple weeks. So I hardly think these people are going to mind, it is for a good cause, just like burning and rioting was a good cause in Portland and Seattle.

It seems that people didn't care in 2020 what problems the riots caused. I see no reason to sympathize with the people that live in such a free and lovely nation.
No argument from me that CHAZ wasn’t stupid. At least they didn’t blare their horns all night just to make people there lose sleep. How are these protestors any different? They’re shutting down traffic throughout the central part of a city.
No argument from me that CHAZ wasn’t stupid. At least they didn’t blare their horns all night just to make people there lose sleep. How are these protestors any different? They’re shutting down traffic throughout the central part of a city.
As long as they are peacefully protesting, I have no issue with it. Chaz was not peaceful by any stretch and instead of keeping people up all night, they just booted the lawful residents out. So, Canada has nothing to really complain about. Now, we realize that Canada which has high freedom rankings wants them arrested and taken down by cops, just like the 78 year old, yeah a real danger. Maybe Canadians should do like their Prime Minister and runaway and hide, that seems to be working for him.
As long as they are peacefully protesting, I have no issue with it. Chaz was not peaceful by any stretch and instead of keeping people up all night, they just booted the lawful residents out. So, Canada has nothing to really complain about. Now, we realize that Canada which has high freedom rankings wants them arrested and taken down by cops, just like the 78 year old, yeah a real danger. Maybe Canadians should do like their Prime Minister and runaway and hide, that seems to be working for him.
Booted lawful residents out? Can you cite a source that says CHAZ did any such thing?
Let’s have some people parked in front of your house constantly blaring their horns and see how you appreciate it. The NY Post conveniently omits how much of a problem the truckers were making for people trying to live their lives.

The government is the whole problem, and honking a horn is a NECESSARY expression of political opinion that is protected by law.
The government is the whole problem, and honking a horn is a NECESSARY expression of political opinion that is protected by law.
Expression is limited when it becomes a point of public nuisance. We have to live together.
No argument from me that CHAZ wasn’t stupid. At least they didn’t blare their horns all night just to make people there lose sleep. How are these protestors any different? They’re shutting down traffic throughout the central part of a city.

Political freedom has priority.
The government has stupid policies that are killing people, so you have a right to not just make noise, but to kill in defense of stupid government policies that are not based on law, majority rule, science, or anything at all.
Expression is limited when it becomes a point of public nuisance. We have to live together.

When political expression is about saving lives, you have the authority then to kill if you have to.
The police obviously are totally wrong.
They are not defending the majority or the rights of anyone.
They are the ones killing people.
Booted lawful residents out? Can you cite a source that says CHAZ did any such thing?
Sorry, they only took over the precinct. Several residence voluntarily left as the area was very dangerous as several shootings and no law enforcement were allowed in the area. Several shooting in the month long protest.

So we are barely getting started with this Canadian protest. As long as it is peaceful, this is a small price to pay for freedom.
Expression is limited when it becomes a point of public nuisance. We have to live together.

And by the way, AzogtheDefiler is correct when he wrote, "Best way to assure you don’t catch is to catch it."
If enough healthy people would have deliberately become infected with covid 2 years ago, it could have been ended in less than a month, saving at least 700,000 lives.
The strategy the world has taken, "flattening the curve", can not possibly ever work, has not worked, and never in history has ever worked.
Instead it ensures herd immunity is not achieved, and the epidemic last FOREVER.
They gave it time to evolve into an endemic form.
Now it is never going away.
And it was all our fault for deliberately preventing it from being able to end.

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