Wow check out federal debt


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Here's the debt by year. It excludes 2021 we're going to hit 29 trillion very soon. US National Debt by Year Compared to GDP and Major Events

What a disaster, take a look at this graph, and they're just beginning, big big plans to expand government while they throw us a bone in the form of payoffs, I mean stimulus entitlements. That and if this COVID rant keeps up we're really fucked, either way 35T is coming soon. Public debt of the U.S. by month, 2020-2021 | Statista
Well it has been stated the demise of this nation would happen on our watch, so let be clear neither political party will stop the waste until we have nothing left to spend or borrow…
What ever happened to John Kennedy's request, "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for our country". If only 30% of Democrats would follow Kennedy's advice, this debt crisis would never be happening.
What would you like people to "do for their country" more than they are? They work tirelessly and barely scrape it by. To me that's much more than enough.
And have veto power.
Once a program is started, it is difficult to remove. The one removing in a nation that peaked is going to be blistered by many. We are not about visionaries and greatness anymore.
Once a program is started, it is difficult to remove. The one removing in a nation that peaked is going to be blistered by many. We are not about visionaries and greatness anymore.

I suppose that is why we have had many years of failure.
Here's the debt by year. It excludes 2021 we're going to hit 29 trillion very soon. US National Debt by Year Compared to GDP and Major Events

What a disaster, take a look at this graph, and they're just beginning, big big plans to expand government while they throw us a bone in the form of payoffs, I mean stimulus entitlements. That and if this COVID rant keeps up we're really fucked, either way 35T is coming soon. Public debt of the U.S. by month, 2020-2021 | Statista
A combination of recessions, defense budget growth, and tax cuts has raised the national debt-to-GDP ratio to record levels.
What would you like people to "do for their country" more than they are? They work tirelessly and barely scrape it by. To me that's much more than enough.

Who are these people you claim are barely scraping by? You say it all the time, yet I can never figure out who you were talking about?

During the Obama years, many of my relatives were unemployed, including yours truly. When Trump took over, exactly none are unemployed.
The debt will never be paid down or off. It will just keep growing until the end.
Bill Clinton and the Republican congress had things pretty well in control. And I'd also give credit to GHW Bush who knew the pitfall of voodoo economics, later termed "Reaganomics". It sure seemed to me that GW Bush upon taking office set about reversing the 2 biggest criticism of his dad. First by bringing back Reagonomics and second by taking out Saddam Hussein.

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