Wow... again the biased MSM won't admit their bias! Simple statement:"The U.S.done more tests in 8 days than South Korea has done in 8 weeks."


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Trump claimed that the United States has "done more tests in eight days than South Korea has done in eight weeks."
And the MSM truly biased LEFT wing (If you don't believe check out this web site: PolitiFact Bias
has PROVEN him WRONG! Once again...
"The president’s statement frames the data in a way that is misleading and doesn’t accurately represent the status of the American response to COVID-19.
We rate it False."

FACTS are this according to the left wing biased (which by the way is OWNED by the Democrat controlled Poynter Institute a NON-Profit that owns the Tampa bay times which because they are non-profit FORCED
the Tampa Tribune out of business..) 'Tampa Bay Times' buys, shuts down rival 'Tampa Tribune'

"In eight days, the United States performed almost as many tests as South Korea did in eight weeks, but not necessarily more."

Yes! Trump was WRONG! Wow! by 7,000 TESTS! What a braggart! 8 days 331,000 tests vs
FACT is Its current tally of 359,000 tests per 327 million people comes out to about 1,084 tests per million.
Korea number of tests:
Between March 15 and March 24, the United States conducted about 331,000 tests, per the tracker.

Out of curiosity, we looked at the March 23 data for South Korea as well. At that point, they had run 338,036 tests.
So even if Trump was off by a day, the American figure still falls short.

AND KOREA after nearly 2 months of processing....As of March 23, about 338,036 people had been tested, and testing began in early February.

But the biased PoliticFact has to be right! 8 days 331,000 tests by USA versus 60 days 338,036 test by Koreans.


Don't you people comprehend how hateful the MSM is of Trump? YES TRUMP was wrong in specific FACTS BUT his point was VALID! The USA did in 8 days what took Korea 60 days! That is a FACT!
Trump claimed that the United States has "done more tests in eight days than South Korea has done in eight weeks."
And the MSM truly biased LEFT wing (If you don't believe check out this web site: PolitiFact Bias
has PROVEN him WRONG! Once again...
"The president’s statement frames the data in a way that is misleading and doesn’t accurately represent the status of the American response to COVID-19.
We rate it False."

FACTS are this according to the left wing biased (which by the way is OWNED by the Democrat controlled Poynter Institute a NON-Profit that owns the Tampa bay times which because they are non-profit FORCED
the Tampa Tribune out of business..) 'Tampa Bay Times' buys, shuts down rival 'Tampa Tribune'

"In eight days, the United States performed almost as many tests as South Korea did in eight weeks, but not necessarily more."

Yes! Trump was WRONG! Wow! by 7,000 TESTS! What a braggart! 8 days 331,000 tests vs
FACT is Its current tally of 359,000 tests per 327 million people comes out to about 1,084 tests per million.
Korea number of tests:
Between March 15 and March 24, the United States conducted about 331,000 tests, per the tracker.

Out of curiosity, we looked at the March 23 data for South Korea as well. At that point, they had run 338,036 tests.
So even if Trump was off by a day, the American figure still falls short.

AND KOREA after nearly 2 months of processing....As of March 23, about 338,036 people had been tested, and testing began in early February.

But the biased PoliticFact has to be right! 8 days 331,000 tests by USA versus 60 days 338,036 test by Koreans.


Don't you people comprehend how hateful the MSM is of Trump? YES TRUMP was wrong in specific FACTS BUT his point was VALID! The USA did in 8 days what took Korea 60 days! That is a FACT!
Just watch RW news and you won't have to bitch so much with all that Trump ass kissing you crave.
Trump claimed that the United States has "done more tests in eight days than South Korea has done in eight weeks."
And the MSM truly biased LEFT wing (If you don't believe check out this web site: PolitiFact Bias
has PROVEN him WRONG! Once again...
"The president’s statement frames the data in a way that is misleading and doesn’t accurately represent the status of the American response to COVID-19.
We rate it False."

FACTS are this according to the left wing biased (which by the way is OWNED by the Democrat controlled Poynter Institute a NON-Profit that owns the Tampa bay times which because they are non-profit FORCED
the Tampa Tribune out of business..) 'Tampa Bay Times' buys, shuts down rival 'Tampa Tribune'

"In eight days, the United States performed almost as many tests as South Korea did in eight weeks, but not necessarily more."

Yes! Trump was WRONG! Wow! by 7,000 TESTS! What a braggart! 8 days 331,000 tests vs
FACT is Its current tally of 359,000 tests per 327 million people comes out to about 1,084 tests per million.
Korea number of tests:
Between March 15 and March 24, the United States conducted about 331,000 tests, per the tracker.

Out of curiosity, we looked at the March 23 data for South Korea as well. At that point, they had run 338,036 tests.
So even if Trump was off by a day, the American figure still falls short.

AND KOREA after nearly 2 months of processing....As of March 23, about 338,036 people had been tested, and testing began in early February.

But the biased PoliticFact has to be right! 8 days 331,000 tests by USA versus 60 days 338,036 test by Koreans.


Don't you people comprehend how hateful the MSM is of Trump? YES TRUMP was wrong in specific FACTS BUT his point was VALID! The USA did in 8 days what took Korea 60 days! That is a FACT!
Just watch RW news and you won't have to bitch so much with all that Trump ass kissing you crave.

Another fact filled eloquent argument on your part.

Keep it up.
If the same media was praising trump all day long we would be reading this trifling crying from the trump supporters.

To them I say just shut the fuck up because we had to hear all your bullshit for 8 years during Obama and now we still hear it from you ODS suffering son of a bitches and from lying ass trump.

trump lied about this and that's the way it is. America has 330 million people, we have tested 1/10 of 1 percent of our population. 7,000 people is a lot to miss in a situation that is called a pandemic and our president should be accurate when he says shit. So just like any other president who got the numbers wrong, trump is being criticized for doing so. trump gets no special favors because his ass is a republican.
Trump claimed that the United States has "done more tests in eight days than South Korea has done in eight weeks."
And the MSM truly biased LEFT wing (If you don't believe check out this web site: PolitiFact Bias
has PROVEN him WRONG! Once again...
"The president’s statement frames the data in a way that is misleading and doesn’t accurately represent the status of the American response to COVID-19.
We rate it False."

FACTS are this according to the left wing biased (which by the way is OWNED by the Democrat controlled Poynter Institute a NON-Profit that owns the Tampa bay times which because they are non-profit FORCED
the Tampa Tribune out of business..) 'Tampa Bay Times' buys, shuts down rival 'Tampa Tribune'

"In eight days, the United States performed almost as many tests as South Korea did in eight weeks, but not necessarily more."

Yes! Trump was WRONG! Wow! by 7,000 TESTS! What a braggart! 8 days 331,000 tests vs
FACT is Its current tally of 359,000 tests per 327 million people comes out to about 1,084 tests per million.
Korea number of tests:
Between March 15 and March 24, the United States conducted about 331,000 tests, per the tracker.

Out of curiosity, we looked at the March 23 data for South Korea as well. At that point, they had run 338,036 tests.
So even if Trump was off by a day, the American figure still falls short.

AND KOREA after nearly 2 months of processing....As of March 23, about 338,036 people had been tested, and testing began in early February.

But the biased PoliticFact has to be right! 8 days 331,000 tests by USA versus 60 days 338,036 test by Koreans.


Don't you people comprehend how hateful the MSM is of Trump? YES TRUMP was wrong in specific FACTS BUT his point was VALID! The USA did in 8 days what took Korea 60 days! That is a FACT!
Just watch RW news and you won't have to bitch so much with all that Trump ass kissing you crave.

Another fact filled eloquent argument on your part.

Keep it up.
It's not an argument. It's a statement. comprende, el diablo del sol?
Trump claimed that the United States has "done more tests in eight days than South Korea has done in eight weeks."
And the MSM truly biased LEFT wing (If you don't believe check out this web site: PolitiFact Bias
has PROVEN him WRONG! Once again...
"The president’s statement frames the data in a way that is misleading and doesn’t accurately represent the status of the American response to COVID-19.
We rate it False."

FACTS are this according to the left wing biased (which by the way is OWNED by the Democrat controlled Poynter Institute a NON-Profit that owns the Tampa bay times which because they are non-profit FORCED
the Tampa Tribune out of business..) 'Tampa Bay Times' buys, shuts down rival 'Tampa Tribune'

"In eight days, the United States performed almost as many tests as South Korea did in eight weeks, but not necessarily more."

Yes! Trump was WRONG! Wow! by 7,000 TESTS! What a braggart! 8 days 331,000 tests vs
FACT is Its current tally of 359,000 tests per 327 million people comes out to about 1,084 tests per million.
Korea number of tests:
Between March 15 and March 24, the United States conducted about 331,000 tests, per the tracker.

Out of curiosity, we looked at the March 23 data for South Korea as well. At that point, they had run 338,036 tests.
So even if Trump was off by a day, the American figure still falls short.

AND KOREA after nearly 2 months of processing....As of March 23, about 338,036 people had been tested, and testing began in early February.

But the biased PoliticFact has to be right! 8 days 331,000 tests by USA versus 60 days 338,036 test by Koreans.


Don't you people comprehend how hateful the MSM is of Trump? YES TRUMP was wrong in specific FACTS BUT his point was VALID! The USA did in 8 days what took Korea 60 days! That is a FACT!
Just watch RW news and you won't have to bitch so much with all that Trump ass kissing you crave.

Another fact filled eloquent argument on your part.

Keep it up.
It's not an argument. It's a statement. comprende, el diablo del sol?

Can you show me where he said he craved Trump ass kissing ?
Trump claimed that the United States has "done more tests in eight days than South Korea has done in eight weeks."
And the MSM truly biased LEFT wing (If you don't believe check out this web site: PolitiFact Bias
has PROVEN him WRONG! Once again...
"The president’s statement frames the data in a way that is misleading and doesn’t accurately represent the status of the American response to COVID-19.
We rate it False."

FACTS are this according to the left wing biased (which by the way is OWNED by the Democrat controlled Poynter Institute a NON-Profit that owns the Tampa bay times which because they are non-profit FORCED
the Tampa Tribune out of business..) 'Tampa Bay Times' buys, shuts down rival 'Tampa Tribune'

"In eight days, the United States performed almost as many tests as South Korea did in eight weeks, but not necessarily more."

Yes! Trump was WRONG! Wow! by 7,000 TESTS! What a braggart! 8 days 331,000 tests vs
FACT is Its current tally of 359,000 tests per 327 million people comes out to about 1,084 tests per million.
Korea number of tests:
Between March 15 and March 24, the United States conducted about 331,000 tests, per the tracker.

Out of curiosity, we looked at the March 23 data for South Korea as well. At that point, they had run 338,036 tests.
So even if Trump was off by a day, the American figure still falls short.

AND KOREA after nearly 2 months of processing....As of March 23, about 338,036 people had been tested, and testing began in early February.

But the biased PoliticFact has to be right! 8 days 331,000 tests by USA versus 60 days 338,036 test by Koreans.


Don't you people comprehend how hateful the MSM is of Trump? YES TRUMP was wrong in specific FACTS BUT his point was VALID! The USA did in 8 days what took Korea 60 days! That is a FACT!

He was wrong... He said more but it is also highly misleading... Per Captia US is behind.

How are you trying to defend the White House... Here are the facts on present growth rates..

  • US have 259 deaths per day increasing 30%+ a day, unchecked that will be 1600 a day in Week, 10,000+ in two weeks
  • New cases are 12k yesterday.. That doubles every 3 days in a weeks time this could be 73k a day..
  • Testing is increasing rapidly but it is way behind..

Despite what you think COVID is not some Dem/Media hoax invented to stop Trump getting relected. This is very real.

Best thing now is a complete and full lockdown of New York. The harsher the better.. Surround with the infected area. Setup field hospitals to extract and isolate safely. Going to laugh but Trump has a golf course in NYC that could be very useful
He's wrong about the number of tests conducted.

Hang him.

And then call someone who cares.
He lies and misinformation should not be normalized or excused.

Trump continued on Wednesday to misrepresent just how aggressively the United States has implemented a coronavirus testing regime that will allow public health officials to identify, isolate and treat sickened individuals. That process, epidemiologists say, is the only way to halt the pandemic, which has sickened 65,000 Americans and killed more than 900.

The United States has, in recent days, rapidly increased the number of tests conducted daily, and the COVID Tracking Project, which compiles data from across the country, found that 433,545 people in the U.S. had been tested by Wednesday evening.

It is unclear, owing to a lack of information from China, whether that is in fact the largest number of people tested by a single country, although it appears improbable based on the figures available. Trump’s claim is also misleading, since it does not take into account the difference in population between the U.S. and smaller countries like South Korea.
Trump claimed that the United States has "done more tests in eight days than South Korea has done in eight weeks."
And the MSM truly biased LEFT wing (If you don't believe check out this web site: PolitiFact Bias
has PROVEN him WRONG! Once again...
"The president’s statement frames the data in a way that is misleading and doesn’t accurately represent the status of the American response to COVID-19.
We rate it False."

FACTS are this according to the left wing biased (which by the way is OWNED by the Democrat controlled Poynter Institute a NON-Profit that owns the Tampa bay times which because they are non-profit FORCED
the Tampa Tribune out of business..) 'Tampa Bay Times' buys, shuts down rival 'Tampa Tribune'

"In eight days, the United States performed almost as many tests as South Korea did in eight weeks, but not necessarily more."

Yes! Trump was WRONG! Wow! by 7,000 TESTS! What a braggart! 8 days 331,000 tests vs
FACT is Its current tally of 359,000 tests per 327 million people comes out to about 1,084 tests per million.
Korea number of tests:
Between March 15 and March 24, the United States conducted about 331,000 tests, per the tracker.

Out of curiosity, we looked at the March 23 data for South Korea as well. At that point, they had run 338,036 tests.
So even if Trump was off by a day, the American figure still falls short.

AND KOREA after nearly 2 months of processing....As of March 23, about 338,036 people had been tested, and testing began in early February.

But the biased PoliticFact has to be right! 8 days 331,000 tests by USA versus 60 days 338,036 test by Koreans.


Don't you people comprehend how hateful the MSM is of Trump? YES TRUMP was wrong in specific FACTS BUT his point was VALID! The USA did in 8 days what took Korea 60 days! That is a FACT!

He was wrong... He said more but it is also highly misleading... Per Captia US is behind.

How are you trying to defend the White House... Here are the facts on present growth rates..

  • US have 259 deaths per day increasing 30%+ a day, unchecked that will be 1600 a day in Week, 10,000+ in two weeks
  • New cases are 12k yesterday.. That doubles every 3 days in a weeks time this could be 73k a day..
  • Testing is increasing rapidly but it is way behind..

Despite what you think COVID is not some Dem/Media hoax invented to stop Trump getting reelected. This is very real.

Best thing now is a complete and full lockdown of New York. The harsher the better.. Surround with the infected area. Setup field hospitals to extract and isolate safely. Going to laugh but Trump has a golf course in NYC that could be very useful

1. Stop lying, Trump did not say "per capita" that's the MSM's fake news and distortion. Trump was correct.
2. Stop lying. The US does not have anything close to the exponential death rate you are projecting. In fact the peak is occurring and the rates will be dropping in the coming weeks, see the graph below.
3. Stop lying. The new cases are also peaking and will be dropping in the coming weeks, see the graph below.
4. Stop lying. Testing is way ahead, not way behind, that's another lie.
5. Stop lying. Trump never said COVID-19 was a hoax, but the MSM's lies about his successful acts to battle it.
6. Your NYC lockdown recommendation is the only honest thing in your last post.
7. The numbers for 3/30 will be crucial to see if the peak is forming and the infections will be lessening.
Trump claimed that the United States has "done more tests in eight days than South Korea has done in eight weeks."
And the MSM truly biased LEFT wing (If you don't believe check out this web site: PolitiFact Bias
has PROVEN him WRONG! Once again...
"The president’s statement frames the data in a way that is misleading and doesn’t accurately represent the status of the American response to COVID-19.
We rate it False."

FACTS are this according to the left wing biased (which by the way is OWNED by the Democrat controlled Poynter Institute a NON-Profit that owns the Tampa bay times which because they are non-profit FORCED
the Tampa Tribune out of business..) 'Tampa Bay Times' buys, shuts down rival 'Tampa Tribune'

"In eight days, the United States performed almost as many tests as South Korea did in eight weeks, but not necessarily more."

Yes! Trump was WRONG! Wow! by 7,000 TESTS! What a braggart! 8 days 331,000 tests vs
FACT is Its current tally of 359,000 tests per 327 million people comes out to about 1,084 tests per million.
Korea number of tests:
Between March 15 and March 24, the United States conducted about 331,000 tests, per the tracker.

Out of curiosity, we looked at the March 23 data for South Korea as well. At that point, they had run 338,036 tests.
So even if Trump was off by a day, the American figure still falls short.

AND KOREA after nearly 2 months of processing....As of March 23, about 338,036 people had been tested, and testing began in early February.

But the biased PoliticFact has to be right! 8 days 331,000 tests by USA versus 60 days 338,036 test by Koreans.


Don't you people comprehend how hateful the MSM is of Trump? YES TRUMP was wrong in specific FACTS BUT his point was VALID! The USA did in 8 days what took Korea 60 days! That is a FACT!

What you and the MSM miss is that we were 8 weeks behind South Korea as far as ramping up testing.

This is the real problem, but it is one that none of you will touch
Trump claimed that the United States has "done more tests in eight days than South Korea has done in eight weeks."
And the MSM truly biased LEFT wing (If you don't believe check out this web site: PolitiFact Bias
has PROVEN him WRONG! Once again...
"The president’s statement frames the data in a way that is misleading and doesn’t accurately represent the status of the American response to COVID-19.
We rate it False."

FACTS are this according to the left wing biased (which by the way is OWNED by the Democrat controlled Poynter Institute a NON-Profit that owns the Tampa bay times which because they are non-profit FORCED
the Tampa Tribune out of business..) 'Tampa Bay Times' buys, shuts down rival 'Tampa Tribune'

"In eight days, the United States performed almost as many tests as South Korea did in eight weeks, but not necessarily more."

Yes! Trump was WRONG! Wow! by 7,000 TESTS! What a braggart! 8 days 331,000 tests vs
FACT is Its current tally of 359,000 tests per 327 million people comes out to about 1,084 tests per million.
Korea number of tests:
Between March 15 and March 24, the United States conducted about 331,000 tests, per the tracker.

Out of curiosity, we looked at the March 23 data for South Korea as well. At that point, they had run 338,036 tests.
So even if Trump was off by a day, the American figure still falls short.

AND KOREA after nearly 2 months of processing....As of March 23, about 338,036 people had been tested, and testing began in early February.

But the biased PoliticFact has to be right! 8 days 331,000 tests by USA versus 60 days 338,036 test by Koreans.


Don't you people comprehend how hateful the MSM is of Trump? YES TRUMP was wrong in specific FACTS BUT his point was VALID! The USA did in 8 days what took Korea 60 days! That is a FACT!

He was wrong... He said more but it is also highly misleading... Per Captia US is behind.

How are you trying to defend the White House... Here are the facts on present growth rates..

  • US have 259 deaths per day increasing 30%+ a day, unchecked that will be 1600 a day in Week, 10,000+ in two weeks
  • New cases are 12k yesterday.. That doubles every 3 days in a weeks time this could be 73k a day..
  • Testing is increasing rapidly but it is way behind..

Despite what you think COVID is not some Dem/Media hoax invented to stop Trump getting reelected. This is very real.

Best thing now is a complete and full lockdown of New York. The harsher the better.. Surround with the infected area. Setup field hospitals to extract and isolate safely. Going to laugh but Trump has a golf course in NYC that could be very useful

1. Stop lying, Trump did not say "per capita" that's the MSM's fake news and distortion. Trump was correct.
2. Stop lying. The US does not have anything close to the exponential death rate you are projecting. In fact the peak is occurring and the rates will be dropping in the coming weeks, see the graph below.
3. Stop lying. The new cases are also peaking and will be dropping in the coming weeks, see the graph below.
4. Stop lying. Testing is way ahead, not way behind, that's another lie.
5. Stop lying. Trump never said COVID-19 was a hoax, but the MSM's lies about his successful acts to battle it.
6. Your NYC lockdown recommendation is the only honest thing in your last post.
7. The numbers for 3/30 will be crucial to see if the peak is forming and the infections will be lessening.
View attachment 315514
Stop trying to obfuscate how Trump caused the US to be among the worst industrialized nations in our response to what we knew was coming. Our testing regime was an unnecessary national disgrace thanks to Trump.
He's wrong about the number of tests conducted.

Hang him.

And then call someone who cares.
He lies and misinformation should not be normalized or excused.

Trump continued on Wednesday to misrepresent just how aggressively the United States has implemented a coronavirus testing regime that will allow public health officials to identify, isolate and treat sickened individuals. That process, epidemiologists say, is the only way to halt the pandemic, which has sickened 65,000 Americans and killed more than 900.

The United States has, in recent days, rapidly increased the number of tests conducted daily, and the COVID Tracking Project, which compiles data from across the country, found that 433,545 people in the U.S. had been tested by Wednesday evening.

It is unclear, owing to a lack of information from China, whether that is in fact the largest number of people tested by a single country, although it appears improbable based on the figures available. Trump’s claim is also misleading, since it does not take into account the difference in population between the U.S. and smaller countries like South Korea.

Here is the US testing capacity before the automated systems were up and running, about 44,000 tests per day as of 3/21. Your link to the "tracking project" shows that we're now over 100,000 tests per day, and that will be increasing as more locations come on line. So Trump's claim is NOT misleading, its accurate.

You should be more worried that Joe Biden's senility is getting worse every week, than trying to nit-pick and lie about Trump.
Trump’s Failing Coronavirus Response is Standard Issue Republicanism in 2020

“He’s got a certain talent for this,” President Donald Trump said of Vice President Mike Pence when entrusting him with the response to the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis. Pence’s perpetual grimace is the new face of the U.S. response to the coronavirus, after a chaotic week when the White House health team’s internecine squabbles and revolving-door corruption got a bit too public for Trump’s comfort. GOP operatives are likely relieved that their “adult in the room” has taken over. After all, Pence may be a fundamentalist zealot, but he is at least an actual “normal” policy-maker.

But a Pence-led response is dangerous, not in spite of, but precisely because he is a typical Republican. His coronavirus task force — which includes several Pence loyalists — is not particularly Trumpian. Its members are long-time political operatives, some of whom even have medical degrees. For the most part, their problem is not incompetence. It’s that they apply their competence and considerable resources in exactly the way a “normal” Republican administration would: protection for the powerful, callousness for the afflicted, and a special disdain for the “other.” In the Pence coronavirus task force, we have a clear window into what a Pence presidency would look like. The answer should scare you.
He's wrong about the number of tests conducted.

Hang him.

And then call someone who cares.
He lies and misinformation should not be normalized or excused.

Trump continued on Wednesday to misrepresent just how aggressively the United States has implemented a coronavirus testing regime that will allow public health officials to identify, isolate and treat sickened individuals. That process, epidemiologists say, is the only way to halt the pandemic, which has sickened 65,000 Americans and killed more than 900.

The United States has, in recent days, rapidly increased the number of tests conducted daily, and the COVID Tracking Project, which compiles data from across the country, found that 433,545 people in the U.S. had been tested by Wednesday evening.

It is unclear, owing to a lack of information from China, whether that is in fact the largest number of people tested by a single country, although it appears improbable based on the figures available. Trump’s claim is also misleading, since it does not take into account the difference in population between the U.S. and smaller countries like South Korea.

Here is the US testing capacity before the automated systems were up and running, about 44,000 tests per day as of 3/21. Your link to the "tracking project" shows that we're now over 100,000 tests per day, and that will be increasing as more locations come on line. So Trump's claim is NOT misleading, its accurate.
View attachment 315516

You should be more worried that Joe Biden's senility is getting worse every week, than trying to nit-pick and lie about Trump.
Stop trying to obfuscate how Trump caused the US to be among the worst industrialized nations in our response to what we knew was coming. Our testing regime was an unnecessary national disgrace thanks to Trump.

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