Would you trust the United States to keep a trade agreement or a treaty?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Would you trust the United States to keep a trade agreement or a treaty?

With Donald Trump as president?
Murican politicians have ignored a shit ton of treaties over the course of more than two centuries....God Emperor wouldn't be the first nor the last to do so.

Get a grip.

Oh, forgot that nobody has a grip in Clown World.

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Would you trust the United States to keep a trade agreement or a treaty?

With Donald Trump as president?

Funny thing about Deanturd, he would trust this meat puppet faggot who whispers to russians about having to get past elections in order to undermine our security....

The same meat puppet faggot who governed us through 8 years of deliberate stagnation and malaise with record labor participation lows.

Over the World's Richest Professional Clown who he is determined to see prosecuted for something that no one can find any evidence of, that has delivered record breaking economic progress and record high employment rates.

Then Deanturd wonders why he is held in such contempt by patriots.

Here's a hint Deanturd....

You are a mindless fucking parasitic worm.

Would you have trusted Barry Hussein Obama, who kissed the ass of every two bit dictator in the world, to negotiate a trade deal that was beneficial to the U.S. especially after told America that "good factory jobs were gone forever"? His former V.P. is still trying to tell us that China is (was) a pushover in the trade wars. Why in the world would lefties promote adherence to trade agreements that hurt U.S. trade and employment? Because they hate the President? Why not re-negotiate trade agreements that hurt the U.S. economy?
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Would you trust the United States to keep a trade agreement or a treaty?

With Donald Trump as president?
Not for a long time with anybody as President. We proved as a country in 2016 that our inbreds, religious nutjobs, crooks, and trolls can install a President at any time.
Would you have trusted Barry Hussein Obama, who kissed the ass of every two bit dictator in the world, to negotiate a trade deal that was beneficial to the U.S. especially after told America that "good factory jobs were gone forever"? His former V.P. is still trying to tell us that China is (was) a pushover in the trade wars. Why in the world would lefties promote adherence to trade agreements that hurt U.S. trade and employment? Because they hate the President? Why not re-negotiate trade agreements that hurt the U.S. economy?
LOL did a Trump sheep just accuse somebody of kissing dictator ass? :lmao:
Would you have trusted Barry Hussein Obama, who kissed the ass of every two bit dictator in the world, to negotiate a trade deal that was beneficial to the U.S. especially after told America that "good factory jobs were gone forever"? His former V.P. is still trying to tell us that China is (was) a pushover in the trade wars. Why in the world would lefties promote adherence to trade agreements that hurt U.S. trade and employment? Because they hate the President? Why not re-negotiate trade agreements that hurt the U.S. economy?
LOL did a Trump sheep just accuse somebody of kissing dictator ass? :lmao:
Barry Hussein spent his first two honeymoon years with a democrat majority in a freaking apology tour for America's affluence. While Black unemployment was in the double digits his administration actually bragged about the increase of food stamp recipients while he told America that good factory jobs were gone forever. Even today the former V.P. is actually trying to tell the democrat base that China is a pussy. Hillary kissed Putin's ass in the legendary uranium deal and low information lefties still think Trump colluded with Russia. No surprises here.
Would you have trusted Barry Hussein Obama, who kissed the ass of every two bit dictator in the world, to negotiate a trade deal that was beneficial to the U.S. especially after told America that "good factory jobs were gone forever"? His former V.P. is still trying to tell us that China is (was) a pushover in the trade wars. Why in the world would lefties promote adherence to trade agreements that hurt U.S. trade and employment? Because they hate the President? Why not re-negotiate trade agreements that hurt the U.S. economy?
LOL did a Trump sheep just accuse somebody of kissing dictator ass? :lmao:
Barry Hussein spent his first two honeymoon years with a democrat majority in a freaking apology tour for America's affluence. While Black unemployment was in the double digits his administration actually bragged about the increase of food stamp recipients while he told America that good factory jobs were gone forever. Even today the former V.P. is actually trying to tell the democrat base that China is a pussy. Hillary kissed Putin's ass in the legendary uranium deal and low information lefties still think Trump colluded with Russia. No surprises here.
^ partisan horseshit

Even your own fatass idiot was elected on saying how disastrous dubya was
Would you have trusted Barry Hussein Obama, who kissed the ass of every two bit dictator in the world, to negotiate a trade deal that was beneficial to the U.S. especially after told America that "good factory jobs were gone forever"? His former V.P. is still trying to tell us that China is (was) a pushover in the trade wars. Why in the world would lefties promote adherence to trade agreements that hurt U.S. trade and employment? Because they hate the President? Why not re-negotiate trade agreements that hurt the U.S. economy?
LOL did a Trump sheep just accuse somebody of kissing dictator ass? :lmao:
Barry Hussein spent his first two honeymoon years with a democrat majority in a freaking apology tour for America's affluence. While Black unemployment was in the double digits his administration actually bragged about the increase of food stamp recipients while he told America that good factory jobs were gone forever. Even today the former V.P. is actually trying to tell the democrat base that China is a pussy. Hillary kissed Putin's ass in the legendary uranium deal and low information lefties still think Trump colluded with Russia. No surprises here.
^ partisan horseshit

Even your own fatass idiot was elected on saying how disastrous dubya was
"Partisan horseshit"? Is that the best you can do? The DOW hovers around 26,000 ever day and unemployment is at a historic low while the GDP is around 4% and the U.S. is at relative peace. What's not to like about the Trump administration? The point is that the Trump administration is obviously on the side of the U.S. economy. What was the agenda of the Hussein administration when the GDP never reached 3% in eight years?
Would you have trusted Barry Hussein Obama, who kissed the ass of every two bit dictator in the world, to negotiate a trade deal that was beneficial to the U.S. especially after told America that "good factory jobs were gone forever"? His former V.P. is still trying to tell us that China is (was) a pushover in the trade wars. Why in the world would lefties promote adherence to trade agreements that hurt U.S. trade and employment? Because they hate the President? Why not re-negotiate trade agreements that hurt the U.S. economy?
LOL did a Trump sheep just accuse somebody of kissing dictator ass? :lmao:
Barry Hussein spent his first two honeymoon years with a democrat majority in a freaking apology tour for America's affluence. While Black unemployment was in the double digits his administration actually bragged about the increase of food stamp recipients while he told America that good factory jobs were gone forever. Even today the former V.P. is actually trying to tell the democrat base that China is a pussy. Hillary kissed Putin's ass in the legendary uranium deal and low information lefties still think Trump colluded with Russia. No surprises here.
^ partisan horseshit

Even your own fatass idiot was elected on saying how disastrous dubya was
"Partisan horseshit"? Is that the best you can do? The DOW hovers around 26,000 ever day and unemployment is at a historic low while the GDP is around 4% and the U.S. is at relative peace. What's not to like about the Trump administration?
Oh he’s continued decade long trends as he obliterates the character of our nation? Eat shit, trash.
Would you have trusted Barry Hussein Obama, who kissed the ass of every two bit dictator in the world, to negotiate a trade deal that was beneficial to the U.S. especially after told America that "good factory jobs were gone forever"? His former V.P. is still trying to tell us that China is (was) a pushover in the trade wars. Why in the world would lefties promote adherence to trade agreements that hurt U.S. trade and employment? Because they hate the President? Why not re-negotiate trade agreements that hurt the U.S. economy?
LOL did a Trump sheep just accuse somebody of kissing dictator ass? :lmao:
Barry Hussein spent his first two honeymoon years with a democrat majority in a freaking apology tour for America's affluence. While Black unemployment was in the double digits his administration actually bragged about the increase of food stamp recipients while he told America that good factory jobs were gone forever. Even today the former V.P. is actually trying to tell the democrat base that China is a pussy. Hillary kissed Putin's ass in the legendary uranium deal and low information lefties still think Trump colluded with Russia. No surprises here.
^ partisan horseshit

Even your own fatass idiot was elected on saying how disastrous dubya was
"Partisan horseshit"? Is that the best you can do? The DOW hovers around 26,000 ever day and unemployment is at a historic low while the GDP is around 4% and the U.S. is at relative peace. What's not to like about the Trump administration?
Oh he’s continued decade long trends as he obliterates the character of our nation? Eat shit, trash.
Would you have trusted Barry Hussein Obama, who kissed the ass of every two bit dictator in the world, to negotiate a trade deal that was beneficial to the U.S. especially after told America that "good factory jobs were gone forever"? His former V.P. is still trying to tell us that China is (was) a pushover in the trade wars. Why in the world would lefties promote adherence to trade agreements that hurt U.S. trade and employment? Because they hate the President? Why not re-negotiate trade agreements that hurt the U.S. economy?
LOL did a Trump sheep just accuse somebody of kissing dictator ass? :lmao:
Barry Hussein spent his first two honeymoon years with a democrat majority in a freaking apology tour for America's affluence. While Black unemployment was in the double digits his administration actually bragged about the increase of food stamp recipients while he told America that good factory jobs were gone forever. Even today the former V.P. is actually trying to tell the democrat base that China is a pussy. Hillary kissed Putin's ass in the legendary uranium deal and low information lefties still think Trump colluded with Russia. No surprises here.
^ partisan horseshit

Even your own fatass idiot was elected on saying how disastrous dubya was
"Partisan horseshit"? Is that the best you can do? The DOW hovers around 26,000 ever day and unemployment is at a historic low while the GDP is around 4% and the U.S. is at relative peace. What's not to like about the Trump administration? The point is that the Trump administration is obviously on the side of the U.S. economy. What was the agenda of the Hussein administration when the GDP never reached 3% in eight years?

You mean it never reached 6% in eight years.




I understand that facts freak out your kind. But I have made that my mission.
Would you trust the United States to keep a trade agreement or a treaty?

With Donald Trump as president?

Funny thing about Deanturd, he would trust this meat puppet faggot who whispers to russians about having to get past elections in order to undermine our security....

The same meat puppet faggot who governed us through 8 years of deliberate stagnation and malaise with record labor participation lows.

Over the World's Richest Professional Clown who he is determined to see prosecuted for something that no one can find any evidence of, that has delivered record breaking economic progress and record high employment rates.

Then Deanturd wonders why he is held in such contempt by patriots.

Here's a hint Deanturd....

You are a mindless fucking parasitic worm.



You forgot your card. It's OK. I'll let you use mine. Just this once.

Would you trust the United States to keep a trade agreement or a treaty?

With Donald Trump as president?

Funny thing about Deanturd, he would trust this meat puppet faggot who whispers to russians about having to get past elections in order to undermine our security....

The same meat puppet faggot who governed us through 8 years of deliberate stagnation and malaise with record labor participation lows.

Over the World's Richest Professional Clown who he is determined to see prosecuted for something that no one can find any evidence of, that has delivered record breaking economic progress and record high employment rates.

Then Deanturd wonders why he is held in such contempt by patriots.

Here's a hint Deanturd....

You are a mindless fucking parasitic worm.



You forgot your card. It's OK. I'll let you use mine. Just this once.


he sure as hell didnt bring this country together.....but neither did bush and trump aint doing much uniting himself....

Would you trust the United States to keep a trade agreement or a treaty?

With Donald Trump as president?

Funny thing about Deanturd, he would trust this meat puppet faggot who whispers to russians about having to get past elections in order to undermine our security....

The same meat puppet faggot who governed us through 8 years of deliberate stagnation and malaise with record labor participation lows.

Over the World's Richest Professional Clown who he is determined to see prosecuted for something that no one can find any evidence of, that has delivered record breaking economic progress and record high employment rates.

Then Deanturd wonders why he is held in such contempt by patriots.

Here's a hint Deanturd....

You are a mindless fucking parasitic worm.



You forgot your card. It's OK. I'll let you use mine. Just this once.


he sure as hell didnt bring this country together.....but neither did bush and trump aint doing much uniting himself....

Considering how large the margins were that Obama won by, he brought the country together as much as possible.

But most Republicans are racist and so they would never consider themselves unified with the Democratic Party that has so many people of color, not to mention the gays and people who believe in women’s rights.

The Aryan nation and the Nazi party and white Supremists and the alt white have grown so large within the Republican Party, there can never be unity with the rest of the country.


You can’t negotiate with people who want you dead. All you can do is defend yourself from them.
Would you trust the United States to keep a trade agreement or a treaty?

With Donald Trump as president?

You don't and that is all that matters to you...

Would you support the U.N. overthrowing our elected government to rid the world of Trump?
Would you trust the United States to keep a trade agreement or a treaty?

With Donald Trump as president?

You don't and that is all that matters to you...

Would you support the U.N. overthrowing our elected government to rid the world of Trump?
No, of course not.

But you didn’t answer my question.

If you were a foreign country would you trust any agreement signed by this country and Donald Trump? Knowing that Donald Trump stiffed hundreds of workers and has over 10,000 lies?

I don’t believe it’s a particularly difficult question.

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