Would you still demand that others to get the vax if it didn't affect how contagious you get?


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2021
Lets pretend this is theoretical and assume that getting fully vaxxed did not affect how contagious you would get and would not affect how often you got infected. Lets assume the benefit from the vax is only making the symptoms less serious.

Would you still be so strident about others getting vaxxed?
This isn't like the black death or the plague of the 14th century. We NEVER lockdown before. Certainly NOT even the influenza of 1918! This isn't even THAT. I am deeply amused at this. I don't have covid. I won't pretend its theoretical, I DON'T HAVE NOVEL CORONA COVID 19, 20 or 21. NOPE. And the three available "vaccines" don't actually KILL the virus...either. Health care people tell me a viable working vaccine doesn't need booster either. It's entirely possible that these ineffective vaccines are just causing vaccine resistant mutations, like with antibacterials as well. I question the CDC and WHO, they seem more concerned with their power than actual human lives.
Honestly I don't care what anyone else does as long as they don't tell me what to do and mind their own business.

You may also want to consider the vaccine may be useless against new variants.

It is not. That's why we have boosters already.

Covid follows the same epidemiology as the common flu. Covid infects a person and if even a few of the virus cells are weakened either by their immune system or a vaccine and survives and is spread to someone else now carrying a defense on what almost killed it before, that's the variant of mutated version.

We can't cure covid because it mutates. It evolves.
Lets pretend this is theoretical and assume that getting fully vaxxed did not affect how contagious you would get and would not affect how often you got infected. Lets assume the benefit from the vax is only making the symptoms less serious.

Would you still be so strident about others getting vaxxed?
From the world of the Tiny Minds and
a translation into real speak for regular minded people...

"If the vaccine was a complete failure would you still want others to take it?"

No and I wouldn't have bothered waiting 3 hours total either.
Do you guys give out awards for this level of dumb?
Lets pretend this is theoretical and assume that getting fully vaxxed did not affect how contagious you would get and would not affect how often you got infected. Lets assume the benefit from the vax is only making the symptoms less serious.

Would you still be so strident about others getting vaxxed?
No. They’d have to eliminate all the horrible short term side effects, and prove there are no long term side effects.
Lets pretend this is theoretical and assume that getting fully vaxxed did not affect how contagious you would get and would not affect how often you got infected. Lets assume the benefit from the vax is only making the symptoms less serious.

Would you still be so strident about others getting vaxxed?
Your stupid asses are clogging hospitals, which endangers the rest of us. If you agree to refuse a hospital bed should you be dying from Covid, then I have no problem with you refusing the vaccine.
From the world of the Tiny Minds and
a translation into real speak for regular minded people...

"If the vaccine was a complete failure would you still want others to take it?"

No and I wouldn't have bothered waiting 3 hours total either.
Do you guys give out awards for this level of dumb?
I'm glad you understand the question. Now which part of the assumptions in the OP do you think are wrong?
Your stupid asses are clogging hospitals, which endangers the rest of us. If you agree to refuse a hospital bed should you be dying from Covid, then I have no problem with you refusing the vaccine.
The truth would have been very beneficial for us all. Mistrust was not started by the ones you hate. It was pushed on them by endless attacks by the Media/Entertainers, Prog Politicians, Corporate Interests and Elites.
Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective in Israel where the delta variant is the dominant strain, but still provides strong protection against severe illness and hospitalization, according to a new report from the country’s Health Ministry.

...“We have to be mindful that, with time, the effectiveness of these vaccines may wane,” said Dr. Isaac Bogoch, an infectious disease professor at the University of Toronto.

...Dr. Paul Offit, who advises the FDA on Covid vaccines, said while the vaccines still provide excellent protection against severe disease and death, they may not work as well against mild cases or spreading the disease to others.

And there you have it. Not only is it only 39% effective and likely to get even less effective over time, it does not protect against spreading it to others. So stop worrying about what other people are doing. It doesn't affect the spread.
Viral loads in the mouths and throats of both vaxxed and unvaxxed are the same. Contagion potential is the same.
Honestly I don't care what anyone else does as long as they don't tell me what to do and mind their own business.

It is not. That's why we have boosters already.

Covid follows the same epidemiology as the common flu. Covid infects a person and if even a few of the virus cells are weakened either by their immune system or a vaccine and survives and is spread to someone else now carrying a defense on what almost killed it before, that's the variant of mutated version.

We can't cure covid because it mutates. It evolves.

Exactly my sentiment. It doesn't bother me if you take the injection or not OR wear a mask or not. I don't care. Mind your own business and leave me out of your insanity.

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